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Microphones! argh!

Posted: February 18th, 2005, 19:09
by Joose
Anyone know where i can get a microphone that i can use like a headset, but with the headphones ive already got? Cos ive got some lovely headphones, I cant bring myself to spend money on something i already have.

But i dont really want to go for one of those shitty microphones in a stand. I want a headset.

I know you can get really nice hugely expensive microophones that have a funny loop thing so you can wear them underneath other headphones, but i was wondering if anyone know where i could get similar, but cheap ones?

Ive tried searching teh interweb, but it fails me. Just keeps coming back with normal headsets.

Posted: February 18th, 2005, 19:19
by Dr. kitteny berk
that's a difficult one.

my thought would be a nice little mic like a Sennheiser - e 608 to clip to a handy spot on your clothes

i just use sennheiser hmd280s :D

edit: oooh ... rn_25.html

the Beyerdynamic - anus 54.100 looks good *considers buying and some senn HD650s*

Posted: February 18th, 2005, 19:22
by deject
I second berks opinion.

Posted: February 18th, 2005, 19:25
by Jinxx
Pro Audio Systems are good, I bought my beyerdynamic headset from them and they were a good tenner cheaper than everywhere else.

Posted: February 18th, 2005, 23:05
by TezzRexx

what you could do is not plug in the ear phone bit, and attach it to your old headphones, and bend the mic down towards you mouth.

Posted: February 19th, 2005, 3:14
by Renegatus
I think I might order a headset & mic combo. My current earphones are broken and my microphone is on a stand. Earphones give you more awareness of your in-game surroundings and who doesn't want to here me sing?

Posted: February 19th, 2005, 14:36
by TezzRexx
I want to hear some singing. now.


Posted: February 19th, 2005, 15:02
by Nickface
I love horses...

Posted: February 19th, 2005, 15:36
by Jinxx
Nickface wrote:I love horses...
...too much.

Posted: February 19th, 2005, 17:05
by TezzRexx
Nickface wrote:I love horses...
crazy ones?

Posted: February 19th, 2005, 18:28
by Nickface
TezzRexx wrote:
Nickface wrote:I love horses...
crazy ones?
All of 'em. As they are best of all the animals.

Posted: February 19th, 2005, 23:12
by Woo Elephant Yeah
Renegatus wrote:I think I might order a headset & mic combo. My current earphones are broken and my microphone is on a stand. Earphones give you more awareness of your in-game surroundings and who doesn't want to here me sing?
Get yourself one of these, everyone so far has said how clear it is, and they have brilliant sound quality.

Plantronics .Audio 70

Headsets definitely helped improve my game when using them in COD, as it helps you point out locations of footsteps etc in nearby rooms.

Posted: February 20th, 2005, 0:17
by Jinxx
Woo Elephant Yeah wrote:Get yourself one of these, everyone so far has said how clear it is, and they have brilliant sound quality.

Plantronics .Audio 70
Plantronics stink - they think that bass alone equals good sound quality. No really, they do. Every single headset I've had by them has just been plain muddy sounding. My most recent one was an Audio 90 and that underperformed so much, I think I was put at a loss in games because of it.

My new beyerdynamic headset has such good clarity of sound, you can truly pinpoint sound effects and can pick out the compression on a 192kb/s MP3. Berk's Sennheiser headset is even better (what with them being studio monitors)... which goes part of the way to explaining his utter brilliance at CS:S (the rest is down to vodka and amphetamines).

If you're thinking about a proper headset, do not even consider buying anything without the pedigree of a trusted sound studio name.

Trust me on this, it makes a hell of a difference.

Posted: February 20th, 2005, 11:16
by Sol
My pc is teh faaabulous it wont let my use microphones at all!

Getting a new sound card soon though :P

Posted: February 20th, 2005, 12:32
by Dr. kitteny berk
i'm *seriously* behind jinxx on this one

Cheap headsets are AWFUL.

I realise not everyone can afford a decent headset, mine cost £160* + the cost of recabling/modding it for my needs.

Plantronics headsets aren't all that cheap in reality - take the audio 70, that's £20*, it'll creak, block out no noise, and under any level of (ab)use last 6-8 months**. tops... then you buy a new one, perhaps the audio 90 as an upgrade, that's another £27* gone.

At which point, you've spent as much as you would on a headset like the one jinxx just bought which is a less known brand, unless you're a pilot, air traffic controller or an a/v geek.

Another way to think about it is that most of you are probably running SB lives or audigys, with all their uberpowerful gadgets, then playing them through the cheapest headset you could find.

Love your ears, treat them well, they deserve to hear stuff as it was meant to be.

Also, having to concentrate on keeping your headset on while playing... that aint good.

*price including postage

**i know this from freind's experiences, my senns have been going over a year, under *heavy* abuse with 8-24 hour/day use. every day.

Disclaimer: I am a bit of an audiophile, my headset runs through a valve amp, my headset is a pro level monitor jobby.

Posted: February 20th, 2005, 12:36
by Jinxx
Dr. Kitteny Berk wrote:Love your ears, treat them well, they deserve to hear stuff as it was meant to be.
Nothing says "I love you" like a damn good set of headphones. And frankly, Plantronics produce the audio equivalent of a rough divorce.

Posted: February 20th, 2005, 13:22
by Renegatus
I don't think I'm really prepared to spend £70+ on a headset! Looks like some £6.99 ones from GAME for me.

Posted: February 20th, 2005, 13:23
by Dr. kitteny berk
i wouldn't say £70 straight off.

i'd suggest a cheap and nasty to see if you get on with one, then £40-50 for something usable

Posted: February 20th, 2005, 16:40
by TezzRexx
I got a kickass headset from Game for 14.99, and teh pwn! :3

Posted: February 20th, 2005, 16:56
by Joose
Trouble is, ive *already* spent a lot of money on good headphones. I dont want to now spend another 70+ on a microphone when, frankly, all im going to use it for is hurling abuse at you guys.

I was looking for something along the lines of the stuff Berk suggested first off, but only costing around £10 -£20.