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Black Market

Posted: August 14th, 2010, 12:14
by Dog Pants
I've been playing around with a browser game in alpha or beta (not sure which, it refers to both) which plays like a 2D version of Elite or single player Eve. It's got the right feel of a space trading game, of which there are many, and is pretty easy to play. As it's in open development it's got a lot missing and a few bugs (I found I could repeatedly hand in missions for 1000c a pop until I left the planet). It's got a few MMO elements to it, like hotkey attacks and levels with associated limits, which really are neither here nor there.

Not awe inspiring, but interesting. Maybe one to keep an eye on.

Posted: August 14th, 2010, 14:18
by buzzmong
It really does need quite a lot of work doing to it.

Posted: August 14th, 2010, 15:17
by Dog Pants
Yeah. I got stuck in the end when I lost my ship and couldn't get anywhere to buy a new one because I'd gone through a wormhole and pods can't use them. Still, the feel of it has potential.

Posted: August 14th, 2010, 16:03
by buzzmong
I agree with that, definitely potential. The combat is ok as well, I'd prefer all the loot to drop at the end of combat rather than the odd one or two during combat and a bit extra time to collect would be nice as well.

Hopefully they clear up the ships systems though, it took me a few minutes (and a quick gander at their forums) to find out that the non bay weapons fire automatically, and the manual ones go in the bay slots. It then took me a further 20 mintues to figure out there were another other 3 slots for utility bits and bobs.