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Dorfin' It Up: What to do about the giant snake?

Posted: June 15th, 2010, 15:31
by friznit
Since 31.06 is out the game is apparently a bit more stable and a lot of bugs have been fixed. I've been following a succession game on SHC and it looks like fun so wondered if anyone here would be up for it.

(Straight C&P from the SHC game, we can change to suit ourselves)

-First player generates a world and picks a starting location. We could use a pregen if it makes life a bit easier.

-You have 1 week from the last person finishing to complete 1 year of DF time and submit your saved game.

-When you are finished, you should post a summary of your exploits, preferably with screenshots. This is the entire point of this thread, so if you don't want to do it, go play by yourself!

-If you have to stop playing early, the next person in line will finish your year and then complete their year.

-Massive failures are to be recovered from if possible. Loading from a previous save is only to be done if someone can't/won't submit a working save or the fortress is completely, irrecoverably fucked up within the first 4 years.

-NO HACKS. This will be a 100% vanilla game (tilesets allowed ofc).

-If you unleash a terrible megabeast DEAR LORD I WILL END YOU unless you kill or trap it

Code: Select all




AFK Pants

PASSED (upon request you will be placed after the current turn) 
Maps can be uploaded to DF Map Archive for viewing other people's games. Also mighty handy for getting design ideas.

Saves can be uploaded to DF File Depot

Posted: June 15th, 2010, 15:40
by shot2bits
im up for this, what tileset are you using? i think the pheobus one requires you update save files before it can use them so it might be worth us all using the same one if possible, i think i downloaded the install you posted the other day bundled with a tileset

also im happy with those rules but a bit more leniency on how long you can spend on your turn might be a good idea due to cat herding and peoples werks and families. although from what i remember a year wasnt a huge amount of time, depends how much time you spend planning everything out with the game paused etc

Posted: June 15th, 2010, 15:44
by Dog Pants
I'm up for it in theory, but I'm about 240 miles AFK at the moment.

Posted: June 15th, 2010, 15:44
by friznit
Yeah that's the phoebus one. I've not used any other so no idea how they compare, but it does a good enough job of making the game playable. I've not checked to see if Dorf The rapist has been updated yet, but a recent version change suggests it might have been.

Ed.: seems the saves are under 30mb now. Whether that's cos the one I'm looking at has no tileset included I don't know though. And Pantsu we can get started and slot you in (hurr hurr) at a later date if needed.

Posted: June 15th, 2010, 15:48
by shot2bits
is there anywhere in particular we can plonk savefiles for sharing?


also im happy with the first player doing world gen and picking starting position but would it be better for collaborative teamspacking on that one?

Posted: June 15th, 2010, 15:48
by friznit
shot2bits wrote:is there anywhere in particular we can plonk savefiles for sharing?
See bottom of OP :)

Also: going to drive home and then sort out a world gen. Or dig up a pregen cos the world gen still confuses the fuck out of me.

Yes to TS. Will hop on in a couple of hours.

Posted: June 15th, 2010, 15:54
by shot2bits
friznit wrote:
See bottom of OP :)

Also: going to drive home and then sort out a world gen. Or dig up a pregen cos the world gen still confuses the fuck out of me.

Yes to TS. Will hop on in a couple of hours.
oh yeah, i think i read that part before i posted that aswell :facepalm:

Posted: June 15th, 2010, 16:04
by Dog Pants
Yeah, I'll jump in later. I've been looking for an excuse to fire up DF again, I didn't get my fill before I resumed Warcrafting.

Posted: June 16th, 2010, 8:13
by friznit
After many weeks of hard marching through rough terrain, the fledgling Horseloves Clan arrived at the site of their new home. Leaderdorf spotted a brook encircling a wooded flat area backed by a towering cliff and commented that it would make delightful location for a summer camp. Instructing the team to break down the wagon and feed the livestock, he proceeded to rattle off a list of instructions. Minerdorf, having narrowly missed dropping an anvil on his foot, set to work shaping a rudimentary cave entrance, gleefully reporting every new and wonderful stone he uncovered, as if they hadn't heard it all before. Sighing mightily, Woody wandered off to clear a trade caravan site whilst the rest of the gang started stockpiling plants, rocks and logs.

Leaderdorf is concerned that although the terrain makes the area defendable, it might also mean that trade caravans cannot easily reach the fortress. He's going to put some thought into a rudimentary bridge but the first caravan isn't expected for a few months so it's pretty low priority right now.

Posted: June 17th, 2010, 11:26
by shot2bits
do you wanna test region uploading and such later to test everything works as expected?

Posted: June 17th, 2010, 12:28
by friznit
Sure, will upload the map, saved game and region seed number tonight.

I spent most of last night drawing the initial layout. I'd send you a copy of the DF Designer file I planned it on, but I have nowhere to upload it to at work :( Basic layout goes something like this though:
  • Surface
  • Temp Entrance <--- longish corridor for traps, temp armoury/barracks until more permanent ones are set up
  • Junk storeroom <--- refuse, dead stuff, dumped items etc. Also Main armoury, barracks, morgue and hospital.
  • Workshops
  • Farms & Food Stores <--- seeds, fertilizer, food, booze etc.
  • Living Quarters, dining room, meeting area and dormitory
  • Posh rooms with offices and shit for nobility, statue garden and meeting area.
  • Main storerooms.
  • Mines
There's a well running through to each level and a central staircase. It's designed to be modular and expandable so there's some bits I've not 'connected' yet as they don't need digging out until later.

A future project is to wall up the temp entrance, or make it a caravan entrance on a lever, and make a complex of traps and pitfalls to entice gobbos in.

Posted: June 18th, 2010, 17:00
by friznit
First year done!

The fledgling Cleft of Cankers fort is coming along quite nicely. The dorfs deliberately didn't build any goods this year to try and limit the immigrant swarms until things had got under way properly. Even so, 20 mugginses just tipped up, one of whom immediately went into a mood and took over the craftshop. He's hankering for cloth but there isn't any and no way to make it until the end of the season, so he's gonna go emo...

The well stack works but although the water depressurises out of the river alright (diagonal blocks), I forgot to depressurise the water after it cascades from the holding tank to the underground pipe system...resulting in much fun spurting. It's shut off for now but will need to be worked on once the tunnels have dried out a bit.

I can't remember whether I told fisherdorf to stop fishing or not, so you may want to check that. There's notes (POI) everywhere so worth checking those out.

Map in the out of game viewer (anyone can view to see how how I got on)



Posted: June 19th, 2010, 10:10
by shot2bits
ive been having some trouble getting it to work. no idea where the files supposed to go for df to realise its there

Posted: June 19th, 2010, 10:42
by friznit
unrar to ../data/save

Occurs to me you'll probably be needing the Region file too:


Unrar that to the /save folder as well.

Posted: June 19th, 2010, 11:03
by shot2bits
that would be the problem, i did think it might need a region file aswell

edit: yup all works now. has therapist been updated?

Posted: June 19th, 2010, 12:07
by friznit
Yep, the rapist works fine. Only thing it mentions is if you make new fisherdorfs or woodcutters in The rapist they might not pick up their tools, so you need to set them in game.

Posted: June 19th, 2010, 12:17
by shot2bits
mainly just want it for an easier image of what everyones already got

Posted: June 19th, 2010, 12:41
by shot2bits
I arrived at the new fort today to find some 30 odd dwarfs all trying to sleep in 4 beds, most of the poor bastards ended up falling asleep on the floor while some smug shit takes his time having a nap.

Ive set up a small barracks in the left testical of the forts entrance and theres no longer dwarfs collapsing in the hallways, but then some engraver went batshit and started running around the place making strange noises, luckily he stopped in a dead end corridor so i ordered a door to be placed infront of him and locked him in so he cant hurt anyone.

im continuing the expansion of the workshop floors so i can get a seige workshop up and get a few catapults made and then i might get a look about drafting a few of these layabouts into a something that might resemble a military unit

edit: it looks like you did tell fisherdorf to stop fishing but his only job after that was fish cleaning, and i couldnt find any other use for him at the time so ive told him to go back to fishing as the stocks where getting low and theres not a huge amount of food in the stockpiles while waiting for the crops to come through

aditional edit: there is no well that i can see on the farm level, but there is above it in the workshop level, was that intentional or is it going to stop it reaching the top level?

Posted: June 19th, 2010, 13:29
by shot2bits
the leaderdorf just had a funny one and took over the craftdwarfshop, after gathering a few suplies he stopped and started screaming for logs and bodyparts, thankfully id just sent the woodcutter out to hack some trees down and there was a bunch of animals mooching about in the meeting hall that i sent to the butcher and thankfully that got him all the stuff he needed and has started his construction.

thank fuck for that

Posted: June 19th, 2010, 13:51
by friznit
Lucky one. Might be an idea to get some basic rock crafts done so you can trade at the next caravan for Random Mood goods, then forbid them so they don't get used for other things.

There's no well on the farm level because they ran out of mechanisms and were making more. It won't break anything but nice to have one for the sake of completeness (and stop anyone falling down the hole)