Anyone played Darkfall? It looks a bit like the sort of combat I was looking for, namely skill progression dependent on how much you actually use something rather than class restricted, and not just toe-to-toe button mashing. Full pvp and loot Eve style sounds a bit tricksy but I assume there's a fairly decent economy to cover that. Might give it a go.
ive been hoping for something of this type of style for a long while aswell and started downloading it a while ago for the trial, so far im pleased as ive been getting atleast 1.2 mb/s which is good for a 10+gb game
the melee combat is horrible and clunky, this may be as i only have a basic attack, i dont know if you get other attacks for swords. parrying seemed to be pretty much useless as it isnt fluent with the attacks. mostly it just seemed really awkward and shit