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GT 10 Most Anticipated Games of E3

Posted: June 2nd, 2010, 11:31
by Grimmie
You may have noticed I'm a bit of a fan.
Now and then they do countdown videos, and each year they look at the 10 hottest offerings of E3.


10. Bulletstorm
First-person Shooty blasty game made by "People Can Fly" of Painkiller fame.
Points awarded for creative deaths.

9. Dead Space 2
New, more varied environments set on an orbital colony

8. Crysis 2
Coming to an XBox 360 and PS3 near you, Crysis man in New Yoik.

7. Castlevania: Lord of Shadow
Big haired ponceman kills Vampires with large sword. "Ouch" says member of undead.

6. Portal 2
Possible co-op fun times, the video mentions Valve's acquisition of "Tag", an indie game that allows you to paint attributes such as velocity and orientation onto surfaces.

5. Gears of War 3
Everything is bigger and better, grand finale.

4. Metal Gear Solid: Rising
Involves a dude with a knife in his foot

3. Batman: Arkham Asylum Sequel

2. The Last Guardian
Shiny, pretty, slow paced game revolving around a young boy and a humongous Griffon.

1. The Legernd of Zelda: Wii Sequel
Uses motionplus, other than that, who knows?

Posted: June 2nd, 2010, 11:45
by friznit
They've lists nearly all Doom clones and repeats. These people need more imagination.

Posted: June 2nd, 2010, 12:20
by Joose
friznit wrote:They've lists nearly all Doom clones and repeats. These people need more imagination.

Most of the stuff ive been enjoying recently has been new things. More new things please.

That being said, im certainly not against there being more Batmans. Arkham was excellent.

Posted: June 2nd, 2010, 12:24
by deject
That Castlevania game in particular looks like a massive God of War ripoff.

Posted: June 2nd, 2010, 12:25
by Grimmie
Some sequels and remakes are great, don't discount them, Frizzles.

What are your most anticipated games of 2010, 5punkers?

Posted: June 2nd, 2010, 12:25
by buzzmong
Nothing there that interests me at all apart from Portal 2...and that might not be there judging by the post in the news section.

Posted: June 2nd, 2010, 12:46
by Stoat
The Last Guardian, along with the HD updating of its ancestors Ico and SOTC are likely to make me venture in to PS3-land.

Posted: June 2nd, 2010, 13:10
by Sheriff Fatman
buzzmong wrote:Nothing there that interests me at all apart from Portal 2...and that might not be there judging by the post in the news section.

The only game I am, actively, keeping an eye on is The Witcher 2; even then, I prepared to be disappointed. After ME2, my faith in PC gaming is pretty low.

Posted: June 2nd, 2010, 13:18
by buzzmong
Oh, I'd forgotten about The Witcher 2. Yes, hopefully some news about that would be nice.

Posted: June 2nd, 2010, 14:13
by friznit
I'm all for sequels, since they <s>often</s> sometimes improve and expand on a good theme. There's so much more to life than Doom clones though.

Civ 5
Deus Ex 3
Shogun 2 Total War
ArmA2 Op Arrowhead (annoyingly jumping on the 'standalone expansion pack' bandwagon)
Minecrack Multiplayer Survival Mode
Mount & Blade Multiplayer Steam Sale cos I'm fucked if I'm going to fork out 26 quid for it.

Posted: June 2nd, 2010, 15:14
by spoodie
Stoat wrote:along with the HD updating of its ancestors Ico and SOTC are likely to make me venture in to PS3-land.
WHAT! That would be great. I didn't get too far into SoC but I could handle another go on a current generation console. Ico was beautiful.

This is very much a console focused list and most of it doesn't get me too excited. New Portal, Gears and Batman games would be good, if they live up to the standards set by the originals. Last Guardian is very interesting but an unknown. And the Zelda series is dead to me due to the choice of control system.

What I'm really looking forward to is Fallout: New Vegas. I can't get enough new Fallout.

Posted: June 2nd, 2010, 15:53
by HereComesPete
Ico was indeed beautiful, but an absolute bitch to get a hold of.

I was looking forward to rage, but then it slipped to 2011. The next portal, max payne, deus ex and medal of honour games look good too.

Possibly maybe we'll see diablo 3, this would be a good thing.

Posted: June 2nd, 2010, 17:28
by Roman Totale
Portal 2 interests me far more than Zelda does. Was it just me that didn't like the last game they brought out on the Wii?

Posted: June 2nd, 2010, 17:38
by spoodie
Roman Totale wrote:Was it just me that didn't like the last game they brought out on the Wii?
As I mentioned up there I don't like the control system on the Wii. It's great with more active games I guess. But when I'm adventuring I just want to move my fingers and thumbs, not my arms as well. That's insane! It seemed like a fine game, I just couldn't be bothered.

Posted: June 3rd, 2010, 10:12
by Mr. Johnson
Roman Totale wrote:Was it just me that didn't like the last game they brought out on the Wii?
Actually I quite liked it, but it was my first ever Wii-game so everything was new and exciting. Zelda games are always variations on a theme though, but I'll always buy them just for the familiarity I guess.

Re: GT 10 Most Anticipated Games of E3

Posted: August 18th, 2011, 21:59
by Roman Totale
Grimmie wrote:3. Batman: Arkham Asylum Sequel

Re: GT 10 Most Anticipated Games of E3

Posted: August 18th, 2011, 22:16
by Legoshoes
*Roman casts Thread Necromancy*
*It's super effective*

Re: GT 10 Most Anticipated Games of E3

Posted: August 18th, 2011, 23:37
by buzzmong
:thrust: even if it does have GFWL again.

Re: GT 10 Most Anticipated Games of E3

Posted: August 19th, 2011, 8:37
by spoodie
ICE to see you, Batman!


Re: GT 10 Most Anticipated Games of E3

Posted: August 19th, 2011, 8:37
by Soonarmar
all my dicks for arkham city