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Sitcoms, not shitcoms.

Posted: December 31st, 2009, 0:04
by Joose
My mrs loves sitcoms. I don't have anything particularly against them, but I have now been forced to watch Friends so often that the intro music makes me flinch. I actually quite liked Scrubs to begin with, but that has been repeated to me till it hurts too.

I've tried a few alternatives, but they are nearly all utter crap. The writers seem to have forgotten the "com" part, and just tagged canned laughter to some gurning Americans. It makes me want to puke blood.

We have recently discovered a sitcom called How I Met Your Mother, which is both new and actually funny. I mean *actually* funny too; it doesn't just make me smile, most episodes have at least one moment that makes me do a proper, involuntary laugh. I honestly don't think I have seen a program for years that is as consistently lols inducing. I recommend it, even if you are usually wary of American sitcoms. Or sitcoms in general, for that matter.

The problem is, at the rate we are going through it, we are soon going to run out of episodes. Which will mean the inevitable, horrible return to Friends/Scrubs, and my eventual suicide. Anyone got any other sitcoms worth trying, so I can delay my doom?

Posted: December 31st, 2009, 0:21
by Baliame
You've only recently got HIMYM? You're slow mate :P

Okay, serious stuff. I have no clue what you watched so far but you should try:
* Big Bang Theory, it's about four extreme nerds and a hot blondie, imho it's even better than HIMYM.
* Californication, about a divorced womanizing writer who's run out of ideas, slightly titful.
* Family Guy, obviously.
* Modern Family, a very excellent mockumentary about a family, also featuring the guy who played Al Bundy

If you want some proper laughs you could also sneak in an episode of AFHV.

Now for stuff that ended, you could check out Malcolm in the Middle and Home Improvement.

Posted: December 31st, 2009, 0:25
by Mr. Johnson
As long as you're not being exposed to shite and the city you should do fine. Oh god the memories :shudder:

Anyway. my missus quite likes that 70's show, it's being put in the vegetable life state you mentioned above, but it's probably the one show that doesn't make me reach for my gun the minute I see the title screen pop up.
You could always try to get her hooked to a more substantial show, I introduced Mrs. Johnson to the X-files* which to my ultimate surprise was something she really liked, some for My name is Earl. There's a load of good shows out on DVD or the floor that you can try out. That doesn't really help with the sitcom thing though, sorry about that.
But whatever you do, don't give "According to Jim" a try, I only watched a few episodes and I already want to stab James Belushi to death with a plastic picknick fork. I actually mean that.

*Actually this is not really a surprise, women like the Mulder-Scully romance that seemingly never happens, and so they keep watching hoping something will occur. Men like it because it has science and monsters, but you already knew that.

Posted: December 31st, 2009, 0:39
by buzzmong
You could try Arrested Development, seen a number of episodes and it's certainly watchable.

Posted: December 31st, 2009, 0:40
Psych is renewed for a 5th season. Although I've only seen about 7 episodes of the 4th season I would recommend this show. I will :sweep: the entire series if I ever finish a few games...

Posted: December 31st, 2009, 0:42
by Dog Pants
Just reminded me, I read about MSN's Top 50 TV Shows of the 00s today. I've not heard of some, never seen most, but it might have some ideas for you.

Posted: December 31st, 2009, 0:44
by cashy
Pot helps.

Posted: December 31st, 2009, 1:42
by Baliame
You could also sweep Whose Line Is It Anyway (the US one). :P
cashy wrote:Pot helps.
That definitely turns anything into a sitcom.
buzzmong wrote:You could try Arrested Development, seen a number of episodes and it's certainly watchable.
:above: Oh yes, definitely that, it's pure gold.

Posted: December 31st, 2009, 6:44
by Sheriff Fatman
30 Rock is a good 'un. And, :above: if you haven't seen Californication or Arrested Development, you really should.

Posted: December 31st, 2009, 12:20
by Imperatore
Dog Pants wrote:Just reminded me, I read about MSN's Top 50 TV Shows of the 00s today. I've not heard of some, never seen most, but it might have some ideas for you.
My favourite two shows at 1 & 2 there.

Posted: December 31st, 2009, 12:36
by cheeseandham
Vote for Big Bang Theory here. New series just started. Sweep the first 2 if you've not seen it.

Posted: December 31st, 2009, 15:43
by deject
cheeseandham wrote:Vote for Big Bang Theory here. New series just started. Sweep the first 2 if you've not seen it.
Ugh, I can't stand that show. At all.

Posted: December 31st, 2009, 16:28
by HereComesPete
8 simples rules is good for a bit of tit. But don't actually watch it.

Speaking of HIMYM, I would imagine you've watched malcom in the middle, with the older brother who's the friend who's a tit in HIMYM.

It's not sitcom, but I've been randomly seeing episodes on channel 2 (I think) of some sort of slightly in the future space exploration thinger where they go to mars and there's weird energy blobs that are probably aliens. That's quite good and it's got some hot lasses in.

Posted: December 31st, 2009, 16:38
by Pnut
HereComesPete wrote: It's not sitcom, but I've been randomly seeing episodes on channel 2 (I think) of some sort of slightly in the future space exploration thinger where they go to mars and there's weird energy blobs that are probably aliens. That's quite good and it's got some hot lasses in.
Is that defiying gravity or something like that?

Posted: December 31st, 2009, 19:00
by Davius

Big bang theory,
My name is earl,
I likes!

And i dunno if you'd class it as a sitcom, but The Inbetweeners is great for a laugh out loud session.

Posted: December 31st, 2009, 19:37
by Roman Totale

That is all.

Posted: January 1st, 2010, 12:58
by spoodie
I'll throw Curb Your Enthusiasm out there. And although it's old I'll recommend Cheers as well. It's a classic and there's eleven seasons of it.

Posted: January 1st, 2010, 14:05
by Baliame
Castle is not a sitcom, although yeah, season 2 feels just like one.
HereComesPete wrote:Speaking of HIMYM, I would imagine you've watched malcom in the middle, with the older brother who's the friend who's a tit in HIMYM.
You really should double-check your facts, Christopher Masterson is not Neil Patrick Harris.

Posted: January 1st, 2010, 14:14
by Dr. kitteny berk
They're near enough to not matter.

Posted: January 1st, 2010, 15:22
by Gunslinger42
Curb Your Enthusiasm, Californication and 30 Rock are all fantastic.

As far as scrubs and family guy go, I just can't stand them. The first season of scrubs I enjoyed, then the novelty all of a sudden wore off and it was just extremely annoying. Similar deal with family guy, though it lasted a bit longer and isn't quite as annoying.