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Blood Bowl - 5punky Info

Posted: September 28th, 2009, 10:59
by Dog Pants
Included in this post/thread;
  • Coach names for adding to friend lists

    DogPants - Dog Pants
    MrJoose - Joose
    Elvis Duck - Roman Totale

    Custom team icons for downloading

    Pants Logos Zip includes;
    Zilla Coldbloods (Lizardmen)
    Devil's Island Detainees (Human)
    Backbiters (Goblin)
    Ded Rabbitz (Orc)
    Fighting Cephalopods (Chaos)

    Current leagues/tournaments for playing

    None yet, not enough players. However, Two Ghouls One Cup anyone?
Custom Logo Guide
Setting up a custom logo isn't difficult once it's explained. It's mostly a matter of naming the files correctly and putting them in the right place. However, both players need the files or it will be replaced by a generic race logo for whoever doesn't. It's worth downloading them for the full effect, and once teams are stable I'll probably create a zip with them in. Thanks to LordEdwin at DragonBBL for his guide, which I'm shamelessly paraphrasing here.

Creating a logo

1. Google something that looks cool, or draw it if you're a talented bastard (ooh, Vlad team logo!). The simpler the better, as detail gets lost on the smaller images.

2. Open it up in your art package of choice.

3. Create a transparent 128x128px image.

4. Copy the logo into the 128x128 image and fiddle with it until it fits.

5. Save the file as an 8 or 24 bit PNG file.

6. Create a copy of the file.

7. Rename one copy of the file to Logo_race_Logo name_Team.png and the other to Logo_race_Logo name_Team_Player.png

8. Copy both files into the folder ...\Cyanide\Blood Bowl\Data\Tools

9. In that same Tools folder, you will find the file "nvdxt.exe". Right-click and create a shortcut for this executable in the same folder. Go into the Shortcut's properties and add into the target field " -all" so that it reads:

"...\Cyanide\Blood Bowl\Data\Tools\nvdxt.exe" -all

10. Run the shortcut. It should create two similar files with a .dds extension.

11. Copy those two .dds files into the folder ...\Cyanide\Blood Bowl\Data\3d\Textures\Logos

12. The logo should appear in the list of logos for the race, and on your players in game.

Importing a logo

If you're playing someone with custom team logos you need to import them or you'll just see a generic one.

1. Download the files from the links on this page and unzip them if need be.

2. Copy the two .dds files into the folder ...\Cyanide\Blood Bowl\Data\3d\Textures\Logos

3. The custom logos should be visible on banners and players in the game, and also in your logo selections when creating a team.

Posted: September 28th, 2009, 18:05
by Roman Totale
I now possess this game, and lo it is good.

Coach name is Elvis Duck. Can you only add friends when they're online?

Posted: September 28th, 2009, 19:13
by Dog Pants
Nope, you can add people offline. I just added you.

Posted: September 28th, 2009, 21:27
by Roman Totale
Yes, after some initial confusion got it up an running. My reward? A 3-1 whupping from Dog Pants' lizard doods (I swear he covers his skinks in grease before a game).

Chaos seem a lot more solid in this version. In the Java one they spent most of their time falling over.

Posted: September 29th, 2009, 17:05
by Joose
Yes, his Skinks are bastards.