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Antendees - Proflan2 (1st-3rd december, Watford)

Posted: November 1st, 2006, 16:20
by ProfHawking

The lan is at:

Spare PCs & monitors available on demand.
Gigabit network, 10mb internet link.

There are a 6 spare mattresses, and plenty of floorspace. Bring your sleeping bag & a roll mat if you have one.

No rules really, just keep the carpets clean. No drug educed head-chair butting accidents though please.

Games will probably include CSS, HL2DM, BEEF2, COD(2?), TMN, and whatever else takes our fancy...

Cost, well I recon a good guide would be £5 each if you can afford it, but its kinda flexible depending on how much stuff i need to buy beforehand. I've spent a bit on new networking kit, the rest can go on foody things.
Bringing some spare monies for a pub run & pizza would be a good idea.



Attendees - Post in this thread

Yes! I'll be there:
Ty aka Sir Die AloTy!

I'm scared of commitment:
Peter Armstrong
Sheriff Fatman

I'm terrified of commitment:

Sorry, I'm attending a gayfest that weekend:

Guilty of being American:

Posted: November 1st, 2006, 18:52
by Fred Woogle
I'll be there, come and get some mofo's, WARGHHH!!!!! I WILL PWN YOU ALL!!!!!

Posted: November 1st, 2006, 19:20
by mrbobbins
WERD to my attendance

Posted: November 1st, 2006, 19:33
by Wiggy
WERD also. I shall be in attendation.

Posted: November 1st, 2006, 20:03
by Dog Pants
I'm 90/10 in favour of gayfest at the moment :cry:

Posted: November 1st, 2006, 22:05
by Joose

However, I have no funds. I do have a car though. If someone wants a lift from the Derby/Birmingham/Leicester type area in exchange for funding my whole weekend, then im there :)

Im presuming of course that monetary needs will be slim, and in the large part it'll be a lift in exchange for petrol funds deal. If its more than that, then im buggered, as I really will be able to put all of 20p towards getting me there/fed.

I would be able to bring booze though, as there is quite an amount left over from the party we had here the other day. Beers and Fine Wines :lol:

So, if theres people who want a lift, yes. Otherwise its gayfest tiem.

Posted: November 1st, 2006, 22:24
by northwesten
I mite come! but as my work (Army) i may not come depends whats going on in that time!

It be my first time so other than sleeping bag and mat what else i need to bring for this and how much?

Posted: November 1st, 2006, 22:24
by Anhamgrimmar
Joose wrote:POSSIBLE!

However, I have no funds. I do have a car though. If someone wants a lift from the Derby/Birmingham/Leicester type area in exchange for funding my whole weekend, then im there :)

Im presuming of course that monetary needs will be slim, and in the large part it'll be a lift in exchange for petrol funds deal. If its more than that, then im buggered, as I really will be able to put all of 20p towards getting me there/fed.

I would be able to bring booze though, as there is quite an amount left over from the party we had here the other day. Beers and Fine Wines :lol:

So, if theres people who want a lift, yes. Otherwise its gayfest tiem.
tell ya what. if i have a working car by then, and if the date doesnt change, and IF i can get leave, i shal come get you from teh Derby/Brum/Leics type area.

Posted: November 1st, 2006, 22:25
by mrbobbins
Joose wrote:POSSIBLE!

However, I have no funds. I do have a car though. If someone wants a lift from the Derby/Birmingham/Leicester type area in exchange for funding my whole weekend, then im there :)
Grimmie, Tezz, Hehulk, other Brum chums, step up to the mark!!

Edit: Oh and if anyone wants a lift from westish london then I can oblige

Posted: November 1st, 2006, 22:30
by Chickenz
Joose wrote:POSSIBLE!

However, I have no funds. I do have a car though. If someone wants a lift from the Derby/Birmingham/Leicester type area in exchange for funding my whole weekend, then im there :)

Im presuming of course that monetary needs will be slim, and in the large part it'll be a lift in exchange for petrol funds deal. If its more than that, then im buggered, as I really will be able to put all of 20p towards getting me there/fed.

I would be able to bring booze though, as there is quite an amount left over from the party we had here the other day. Beers and Fine Wines :lol:

So, if theres people who want a lift, yes. Otherwise its gayfest tiem.
Id like a lift please, RAF Lossiemouth, Moray, North East Scotland will 2 pm be ok for you sir? :) :)

Posted: November 1st, 2006, 22:33
by Dog Pants
mrbobbins wrote:
Brum chums

Posted: November 2nd, 2006, 9:32
by Hehulk
mrbobbins wrote:Grimmie, Tezz, Hehulk, other Brum chums, step up to the mark!!
I'd love to step up, however I need to rebook my two days with the army, and I've no idea yet when that'll be.

Posted: November 2nd, 2006, 12:18
by Fred Woogle

can I get a larger copy please, I wish to know what the fuck I'm doing there

Posted: November 2nd, 2006, 13:11
by mrbobbins

Posted: November 2nd, 2006, 13:52
by Grimmie
I'll see what I can do.

Posted: November 8th, 2006, 15:59
by spoodie
I'm scared of commitment:

Posted: November 15th, 2006, 15:23
by mrbobbins
Took a risk and asked for Fri 1st Dec off, got a few days holiday I need to use,

Boss said no :x she took that day already but didn't tell anyone and didn't mark it on the dept. calender :x :x

Still be there just not till later on Friday evening.

Any more takers for the wonders of ProfLAN?

Posted: November 15th, 2006, 15:59
by Grimmie
There's a birthday I may have to attend on the first, but I may be able to squeeze out of it if I try supar hard.
If I can manage to do that, is the offer of brum-brum down to Prof's house still on, Joose?

Posted: November 17th, 2006, 15:37
by Grimmie
I am not terrified of commitment you.. You.. Smelly person!.. :shakefist:
Uh, anyway. I can go, I have been excused from the Birthday Party, and the likelihood of me getting out from werk is 99%. So yes, put me down as an atendee. Joose shall be driving me down on his magical carpet.


Dont see me bringing down the masoohiveee.. Big.. 21" CRT.
So may I please borrow a monitor, sir?

Posted: November 17th, 2006, 15:41
by Joose
Grimmie wrote:Joose shall be driving me down on his magical carpet.

yes, I also am now a "yes". Yes.