Okies people. Sorry about the cock up on my part planning proflan2 around 5th november, inevitably i am busy with firework stuffs all weekend.
I have opened a new poll for the weeks following, please vote the one that you for sure CANNOT ATTEND!!!
If i can persuade someone to accept a lift from the midlands in exchange for petrol moneis, I can make it. Ive voted the first one out, but 17-19th would be equally bad for me. I could do either, If I had to, but I would prefer not to. Any of the other dates would be fine though
cant make the weekend of the 18th as thats when we vacate the block, thus allowing contractos in to paint my room beige again and change the carpets to a shitty brown colour
M4niachicken wrote:cant make the weekend of the 18th as thats when we vacate the block, thus allowing contractos in to paint my room beige again and change the carpets to a shitty brown colour
Could be worse. I thought KV lived in your block until you let on he was a civvy. That's some bad carpet.
Woo Yeah, found out todat that im on station guard horse from the 1st to the 8th of December so count me out im afraid. (im sure you'll have lots of fun whilst im sat in a hut with a rifle listening to dido at quarter to four in the morning)