Shartak - Amusing Anecdotes
Posted: August 14th, 2006, 17:33
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Ray Mears kills the tiger
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Ray Mears kills the tiger spy says "5poknik ack nik pokraktamsik" (2006-08-15 12:35)
pirate spy fires at you for 4 damage. (2006-08-15 12:35)
pirate spy fires at you for 4 damage. (2006-08-15 12:35)
pirate spy fires at you for 4 damage. You die. (2006-08-15 12:35)
pirate spy says "wikbaklalmog ick nik poknik rakcoo" (2006-08-15 12:36)
# blackpussy said "Thanks for the rev' life as a zombie was getting slightly boring what with the mall siege over and all."
# blackpussy said "100% black pussy 4U"
# RomanTotale said "throw in some herbal diet pills with that black pussy and I'm sold!"
# A zombie said "Hra rrh argh brrng rh rh"
# A zombie dragged blackpussy out into the street.
# RomanTotale said "Those zombies sure do love black pussy"
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Lok Tak says "DEVOIS! He was peacful! He had done nothing to us! Why do you slaughter the innocent?" (2006-08-25 01:17)
Lok Tak helps you use a healing herb and restore 2 health. (2006-08-25 01:19)
james bond says "He killed natives. Good job Devois!" (2006-08-25 02:05)
azuma says "Thank you, Lok Tak" (2006-08-25 02:15)
Beef says "They smell bad. They smell of the sea. They smell of their dark wooden huts. They smell of their bangs and lights. They disturb the spirits. They must die."
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# 27.35 MHz: "Good evening Caiger denizens, my name is Jeshua Ama your" (7 hours and 33 minutes ago)
# 27.35 MHz: "very own D.E.M ex-pat and far right proslytizer here at the" (7 hours and 32 minutes ago)
# 27.35 MHz: "ready to take your calls..." (7 hours and 32 minutes ago)
# 27.35 MHz: "The switchboard sits silent as the needle slides into the" (7 hours and 31 minutes ago)
# 27.35 MHz: "groove of a new record; Ladies and gentlemen, tonight we" (7 hours and 30 minutes ago)
# 27.35 MHz: "have for your appreciation an audio recording of the" (7 hours and 29 minutes ago)
# 27.35 MHz: "-The record scratches as the handcranked phonograph attempts" (7 hours and 27 minutes ago)
# 27.35 MHz: "play the record- An esoteric recording for the first day of" (7 hours and 26 minutes ago)
# 27.35 MHz: "Fall, Sunday morning by Margot Guryan-Apparently, the only" (7 hours and 26 minutes ago)
# 27.35 MHz: "disquieting aspect about living in this town is the night" (7 hours and 25 minutes ago)
# 27.35 MHz: "life, or the lack thereof- The record plays at seventy eight" (7 hours and 25 minutes ago)
# 27.35 MHz: "speed, a high pitched characature of the recording dies as" (7 hours and 24 minutes ago)
# 27.35 MHz: "the broadcast fades into the impermeable white noise of the" (7 hours and 23 minutes ago)
# 27.35 MHz: "civilian channels; an autumnal chill fills the streets as" (7 hours and 23 minutes ago)
# 27.35 MHz: "the intermittenshuffle can be heard throughout the city." (7 hours and 23 minutes ago)
# 27.35 MHz: "The album Closer by Joy Division clicks into posistion;" (7 hours and 17 minutes ago)
# 27.35 MHz: "The record begins to spin." (7 hours and 17 minutes ago)
# 27.35 MHz: "Quit destroying generators you damned girly ..." *static* "...s" (6 hours and 25 minutes ago)
# 27.35 MHz: "That ..." *static* "... is just stupid. It's not funny, it's not clever." (6 hours and 24 minutes ago)
# 27.35 MHz: "It's not even a good offensive tactic. It's just annoying." (6 hours and 24 minutes ago)
# 27.35 MHz: "If all you want to do in life is annoy people..." (6 hours and 23 minutes ago)
# 27.35 MHz: "You are an idiot and you should shoot yourself in the face" (6 hours and 22 minutes ago)
# 27.35 MHz: "...that is all" (6 hours and 22 minutes ago)
# 27.35 MHz: "Anyone copy on this channel, over?" (6 hours and 11 minutes ago)
# 27.35 MHz: "You're on the Caigar Mall frequency. Glastonbury Hotel here" (5 hours and 59 minutes ago)
# 27.35 MHz: "HELLO ST. LOUIS!!! ARE YOU READY TO ROCK???" (5 hours and 17 minutes ago)
# 27.35 MHz: "I SAID, ARE YOU READY TO ROCK???" (5 hours and 17 minutes ago)
# 27.35 MHz: "YOU'RE FIIIIRRRRREEEEDDDD!!!!!" (3 hours and 29 minutes ago)
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# A zombie gestured at itself.
# A zombie gestured at the ceiling.
# A zombie gestured down at the ground.
# A zombie gestured at the ceiling.
# A zombie gestured down at the ground.
# A zombie said "Ah ah ah ah, zgahang ahrahz zhgahang ahrahz!"
Hehehehe, that was meRoman Totale wrote:Urban Dead goes all Saturday Night Fever:
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# A zombie gestured at itself. # A zombie gestured at the ceiling. # A zombie gestured down at the ground. # A zombie gestured at the ceiling. # A zombie gestured down at the ground. # A zombie said "Ah ah ah ah, zgahang ahrahz zhgahang ahrahz!"
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# WitchBlade said "*gets drunk and gives webclam head*" (9 minutes ago)
# WitchBlade said "*passes out*" (5 minutes ago)
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Carved on the wall is some writing. It reads “FUCK YOU (is that proprer enuf grammer?)”.
* RomanTotale said "You people disgust me!" (4 days ago)
* RomanTotale said "*also suprise sexes WitchBlade*" (4 days ago)
* RomanTotale said "I blame peer pressure!" (4 days ago)
* LordGrimmie said "*Has sloppy thirds?*" (4 days ago)
* LordGrimmie said "*Has nightmares for a week*" (4 days ago)
* Tandino said "I heard that Witchblade is really a guy, thereby rendering you all bummers, officially. /me bums" (18 hours and 38 minutes ago)
* Tandino said "Right, love you all, but i'm off to Caiger now fo ra couple of days. See you all soon!" (18 hours and 36 minutes ago)
* Stapleballs said "A hole's a goal. and you're only a bummer if you're taking it." (18 hours and 29 minutes ago)
* WitchBlade said "i love how people think im the same char as ken irons." (15 hours and 12 minutes ago)
* WitchBlade said "when im pretty much somone wayyyyy different. we live together. anyhow, i gtg. time for some happy pkings. thanks for all the sex ppl ^.^" (15 hours and 11 minutes ago)
* Draycon said "I forgot my wallet! GAH!" (11 hours and 53 minutes ago)
* webclam said "*spends all of Draycon's money*" (10 hours and 27 minutes ago)
* webclam said "half-dead zom outside the Ratcliffe" (3 days ago)
* RomanTotale said "Hmm, I'm infected. Which one of you bastards gave me crabs?!" (3 days ago)
* LordGrimmie said "Praise be HEALED brother Roman!" (3 days ago)
* RomanTotale said "I am CURED of my AFFLICTIONS! Praise the LORD!" (3 days ago)
* Oliviara said "u guyz" (3 days ago)
* shibbyxxx said "dudes i'm earning experience poits really slow, any pointers from vets?" (3 days ago)
* Stapleballs said "get necrotech employment and a dna extractor, 4xp per xombie you tag." (3 days ago)
* Draycon said "my money...NOOOOOOOOOOO" (2 days ago)
* Jackboot Pete said "Well, I'm staying here for the night. Don't let the monsters get me! Anyone hear from Ridleybank?" (2 days ago)
* Draycon said "I have just got word z's are everywhere dont know if it is true or not" (yesterday)
* Stapleballs said "very few zombies in the area, there's always low level activity here due to zombies hitting caiger (and PKers in caiger)" (yesterday)
* webclam said "rargh! I was dead. Now I'm not? Anyone for some suprise sex?" (yesterday)
* LordGrimmie said "You just missed Witchblade Webclam. She came, she blew, she left. Here, have a medkit." (yesterday)
* webclam said "thnkas Grimmie! (she's already had me and said I was shit)" (yesterday)
* Stapleballs said "zombie outside, 45hp" (yesterday)
* LordGrimmie said "Mmm.. Zombola.." (yesterday)
* LordGrimmie said "Zombola eez not there" (yesterday)
* Draycon said "dun dun dun its time to strike.....right after this next beer....who round isit?" (yesterday)
* A flare was fired 6 blocks to the west and 6 blocks to the south. (22 hours and 22 minutes ago)
* A flare was fired 1 block to the east and 5 blocks to the south. (20 hours and 39 minutes ago)
* RomanTotale said "Grimmie's round" (18 hours and 39 minutes ago)
* A flare was fired 12 blocks to the west and 6 blocks to the south. (17 hours and 59 minutes ago)
* A flare was fired 3 blocks to the west and 3 blocks to the north. (17 hours and 43 minutes ago)
* LordGrimmie said "That wasn't a very nice thing to say. I'm quote trim actually." (14 hours and 7 minutes ago)
* LordGrimmie said "Quite trim, rather. Not round. You bastard." (14 hours and 7 minutes ago)
* A flare was fired 11 blocks to the west and 2 blocks to the south. (12 hours and 12 minutes ago)
* Draycon said "Hehe right then *Looks in his pocket finding Grimmie's wallet* I'll get them in that case" (5 hours and 52 minutes ago)
* webclam said "*mine's a pint of Moet then please, Draycon* in glass with a handle." (3 hours and 33 minutes ago)
* Draycon said "*Takes glass and fills it like a pro barman* here ye go" (2 hours and 46 minutes ago)
* Draycon said "rawr baseball bat" (2 hours and 45 minutes ago)
* LordGrimmie said "TANDEEEENO Has been reviveded.." (2 hours and 3 minutes ago)
* LordGrimmie said "Ps. Give me my wallet back you fuckcock." (2 hours and 3 minutes ago)
* Draycon said "Ok Ok geeze I wasn't really gonna spend anything out of it" (10 minutes ago)
* Draycon said "*Passes wallet back trying not to laugh*" (9 minutes ago)
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* 27.35 MHz: "I am the very model of a modern Major-General" (6 minutes ago)
* 27.35 MHz: "I've information vegetable, animal, and mineral" (6 minutes ago)
* 27.35 MHz: "I know the kings of Ridleyb, and I quote the fights" (6 minutes ago)
* 27.35 MHz: "historical" (6 minutes ago)
* 27.35 MHz: "From Giddins to Caoger, in order categorical" (5 minutes ago)
* 27.35 MHz: "[or Caiger for those of you paying attention]" (4 minutes ago)
* 27.35 MHz: "I'm very well acquainted, too, with matters mathematical" (4 minutes ago)
* 27.35 MHz: "I understand equations, both the simple and quadratical" (4 minutes ago)
* 27.35 MHz: "About zombah theorem I'm teeming with a lot o' news" (4 minutes ago)
* 27.35 MHz: "With many cheerful facts about the shape of the barhartenuse" (3 minutes ago)
* 27.35 MHz: "[Repeat last line 3 times]" (3 minutes ago)
* 27.35 MHz: "I'm very good at integral and differential calculus" (3 minutes ago)
* 27.35 MHz: "I know the real names of zombies named animalculous" (2 minutes ago)
* 27.35 MHz: "In short, in matters vegetable, animal, and mineral" (2 minutes ago)
* 27.35 MHz: "I am the very model of a modern Major-General" (2 minutes ago)
* 27.35 MHz: "[Repeat last two lines once]" (2 minutes ago)
* 27.35 MHz: "I know our mythic history, King Arthur's and Sir Caradoc's" (2 minutes ago)
* 27.35 MHz: "I answer hard acrostics, I've a pretty taste for paradox" (2 minutes ago)
* 27.35 MHz: "I quote in elegiacs all the crimes of Heliogabalus" (1 minute ago)
* 27.35 MHz: "In conics I can floor peculiarities parabolous" (1 minute ago)
* 27.35 MHz: "I can tell undoubted Raphaels from Gerard Dows and Zoffanie" (1 minute ago)
* 27.35 MHz: "I know the groaning chorus from the Zombies of Barrvilles" (51 seconds ago)
* 27.35 MHz: "Then I can hum a fugue of which I've heard the music's din a" (44 seconds ago)
* 27.35 MHz: "And whistle all the airs from that infernal nonsense Pinafor" (21 seconds ago)
* 27.35 MHz: "[repeat 3 times]" (11 seconds ago)
* 27.35 MHz: "Then I can write a washing bill in Death Rattle cuneiform" (2 seconds ago)
* 27.35 MHz: "And tell you ev'ry detail of Ludwig's uniform" (1 minute ago)
* 27.35 MHz: "In short, in matters vegetable, animal, and mineral" (53 seconds ago)
* 27.35 MHz: "I am the very model of a modern Major-General" (49 seconds ago)
* 27.35 MHz: "[repeat twice]" (38 seconds ago)
* 27.35 MHz: "In fact, when I know what is meant by mamelon and ..." (14 seconds ago)
* 27.35 MHz: "ravelin" (8 seconds ago)
* 27.35 MHz: "When I can tell at sight a Malton shotgun from a javelin" (22 seconds ago)
* 27.35 MHz: "When such affairs as sorties and surprises I'm more wary at" (17 seconds ago)
* 27.35 MHz: "And when I know precisely what is meant by commissariat" (1 second ago)
* 27.35 MHz: "When I have learnt what progress has been made in modern..." (38 seconds ago)
* 27.35 MHz: "gunnery" (32 seconds ago)
* 27.35 MHz: "When I know more of tactics than a novice in a nunnery" (26 seconds ago)
* 27.35 MHz: "In short, when I've a smattering of elemental strategy" (20 seconds ago)
* 27.35 MHz: "You'll say a better Major-General had never sat a gee" (15 seconds ago)
* 27.35 MHz: "[Repeat 3 times]" (2 seconds ago)
* 27.35 MHz: "For my military knowledge, though I'm plucky and adventury" (35 seconds ago)
* 27.35 MHz: "velkrin you insane bastard go kill somit" (33 seconds ago)
* 27.35 MHz: "Has only been brought down to the six times this century" (10 seconds ago)
* 27.35 MHz: "But still, in matters vegetable, animal, and mineral" (50 seconds ago)
* 27.35 MHz: "I am the very model of a modern Major-General" (45 seconds ago)
* 27.35 MHz: "[Repeat twice]" (36 seconds ago)
* 27.35 MHz: "Now you have learned why you don't set up a bloody radio." (14 seconds ago)
* 27.35 MHz: "Tune in next week. Same Survivor time." (26 seconds ago)
* 27.35 MHz: "Same Survivor channel. Or maybe not." (13 seconds ago)
Was that from Shartak? I think I was responsible for the writing that provoked that message, I corrected someneRoman Totale wrote:Code: Select all
Carved on the wall is some writing. It reads “FUCK YOU (is that proprer enuf grammer?)”.
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Carved on the wall is some writing. It reads “This is a place of peace”.
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Carved on the wall is some writing. It reads “This is a place of peace? Tell that to the ****ing spirits”.