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Play Time Kiddies!

Posted: October 16th, 2004, 19:13
by Joose
Now theres a handfull of us here, how about some attempt at getting us all on line at the same time at some point, for some group bum-sex.

erm, i mean games. Yes, games. Of the computer variety. Yes.

I, personally, am available for fo the time actually. Except when im busy, which could be at any moment.

Which really doesnt help in attempting to organise a time, does it. Weekends are often bad though. Weeknights, anyone?

Posted: October 16th, 2004, 20:29
by Stoat
Sounds like a plan.
I'm around most of the time...


Posted: October 17th, 2004, 15:15
by Woo Elephant Yeah
Shame, I was up for a good bumming :cry: :lol:

You're right, I think we ought to give this a proper go soon, but obviously it's easier the more of us there are.

Sorry to sound like Mr Spammy, but I really do need you guys to try and push this site on the b3ta and 4rthur boards, otherwise it wont be a success.

Personally, the games I play on are Call Of Duty, UT2004 & Halo.

As long as everyone remembers to use xfire whenever they're online, it should help things out a lot.

I'm still trying to think of other stuff that will get people more involved in here, and if anyone has any more suggestions let me know. :wink:

Posted: October 18th, 2004, 14:19
by newg
the only game i've got that we play is UT2004
I'll make a point of going on xfire every time i'm on.

I'm mainly into the Assault mode there, but i'll give others a bash if need be.

we should organise a time for us all to be on. I'm pretty much free tonight.
but tomorrow, stargate is on

/scifi geek