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Best game moments

Posted: September 6th, 2006, 10:11
by Grimmie
Look! A chiché gaming-forum topic!
Best snippets from games you've played, retell them in their full glory!

- Getting the crowbar from Barney in HL2 and HL2 Ep.1
- Encountering a village full of invisible people in Oblivion
- Watching as Sheogorath rains down dogs on fire in a city of cats in Oblivion
- Summoning the Baelrog for the first time in Battle for Middle-Earth
- Getting a perfectly aimed shot with the crossbow in HL2: Deathmatch
- The 'Hell' level in Painkiller with its perpetually frozen mushroom cloud
- Getting an Imperial Class Star Destroyer in Empire at War
- Testing out the AT-AT in Empire at War
- The reassuring hiss of pneumatic pistons when a seige tank goes up in Starcraft

For starters!

Posted: September 6th, 2006, 10:39
by Anhamgrimmar
HL1DM: a map called crossfire i think, tis the one thats got an airraid shelter with two towers attached, and a big red button that nukes the map. hearing the siren, charging to the shelter, doing an indian jones under the closing door, and killing the git who set off the nuke.

HL2DM: the first time i picked a toilet up out of mid air, and spanged my assailant in the face

Posted: September 6th, 2006, 10:47
by Fear
Anhamgrimmar wrote:HL1DM: a map called crossfire i think, tis the one thats got an airraid shelter with two towers attached, and a big red button that nukes the map. hearing the siren, charging to the shelter, doing an indian jones under the closing door, and killing the git who set off the nuke.
This :above: Damn that brings back memories. I can almost hear violins.

Playing Commandos (forget which one), the last level in paris, went to look out a window and instead hurled my commando 3 stories to his death. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Playing Jedi Knight and running around with the carbonite gun freezing everyone. (The map with the rope bridge, tree house, etc)

[will edit post when I think of 'em]

Posted: September 6th, 2006, 10:59
by shot2bits
Fear wrote: (The map with the rope bridge, tree house, etc)
the forest moon of endor?

Posted: September 6th, 2006, 11:07
by mrbobbins
shot2bits wrote:
the forest moon of endor?
Yoda's Adventure Playgorund?


Posted: September 6th, 2006, 11:10
by Grimmie
Ah yes, crossfire was a great map!

I also remember being a bit sad at the end of Unreal 2.
(Spoilers: Highlight to reveal) Grimmie wrote: Through the entire game, between each mission you're taken back to your spaceship, where you meet up with your crew. Sometimes they're socialising, other times they're all over the place doing their own little thing. You get used to their flaws and nuances, get to know them, hear about their history and other little surprises. They're always supportive and truely care for each other and you though the entire game.

Then there's an ironic dejavu where you have to make the same kind of decision that one of your crewmembers had to make - sacrificing the few to befefit the many. Your crew is killed, and as you escape from the flaming wreckage of the bad-guy's spaceship you patch into a 'final message' from your crew, just before their death.

It's probably one of the few moments in a game I truely felt sorry for my tea mates, even though they were just AI.

Posted: September 6th, 2006, 11:23
by Hehulk
Hmm, fighting 3V1 in Rens against ships fitted for close range (ow, that hurts) with a long range fitting ship, on their terms, and winning :)

Somehow on BEEF manging to get behind the enemy lines last night and raking up 5 kills in as many seconds. Then my team-mates shot me :cry: :lol:

Posted: September 6th, 2006, 12:07
by Joose
Only ones that come to mind at the moment is the time I managed to down a jet with a lucky tank round in Beef.

Or any of the moments in Prince of Persia when you manage to do exactly the right thing the right way first time.

Or the time I was playing Time Crisis in an arcade, with a mate, and we managed to draw a croud. True, it probably was because we were a bit drunk and kept making loud WOOP WOOP noises, but still.

Posted: September 6th, 2006, 13:06
by FatherJack
So many moments in HL1 that it's still best game ever, at least in terms of the impact it had playing it first time:
- Pressing lift call button only to have scientists plummet down the lift shaft
- Seeing the scientist peeping out of the dumpster
- Aaargh! Millions of headcrabs falling from the sky!
- Barnacles
- Driving the train
- Hearing the soldiers react to your grenades
- Getting the crossbow (splash!)
- What's that tapping noise? Gyaaah!
- Gorgon in the car park
- Getting the Egon (Gluon) Gun. Now, who to test it on...
- Splatting the monsters in the labs
- Cliffs! Abseilers! Helicopter!
- Tanks!
- Ninjas
- No weapons! The walls are moving!
- Bomb blast in the air ducts
- Picking up the Snarks
- Bullets through the air ducts

Only games that come close are the NOLF series, but I won't spoil the jokes by listing them. Fantastic locations that scream "60's Spy Movie" but with a million times the subtlety of the Austin Powers films.

Drawing a crowd at the arcade was always an ego-boost, in my youth it was Star Wars and Battlezone that I didn't suck at.

BF2: Actually killing someone. With a gun. Who was on the other team.
Oblivion: Making a magic sword. With ice power. And fire power. And electric power.
Eve: Going into warp. Then cloaking.
Quake 4: Ouch! You know the bit I mean.
Final Fantasy VII: Wah! Aeeeeerrriiiiiisssss!

I could do a whole part 2 just for MegaDrive and C64 games.

Posted: September 6th, 2006, 13:54
by friznit
Leveling an entire city with artillery, air and aviation strikes followed by tactical nuclear weapons to finish the sole survivor in Op Flashpoint.

Onlining our first space station in Eve.

Onlining our second space station after the first got nicked.

Taking out 15 bad guys in one smooth, fluid combination of moves in Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy.

Posted: September 6th, 2006, 14:12
by Dog Pants
I'm sure I must have a few of these, but off the top of my head:

- First time I played Doom. I cacked myself.
- Battle On The Amerigo cutscene from Starcraft
- All of Syndicate
- Intro from Syndicate Wars
- Drug level from Max Payne
- Shooting down a jet with a tank (I was aiming at a helicopter) in BEEF
- My first (voluntary) PvP in Eve. 2v1, two cruisers vs my Rifter. Lost, but I kicked the hell out of one of the cruisers (about 40% hull IIRC).

Posted: September 6th, 2006, 14:44
by TezzRexx
In no order;

Shooting down a half dead Black Hawk full of enemies with a AK47 on one of the first times I'd ever played Beef2;

Collecting all 7 emeralds, then collecting 50 rings and doing the double jump in Sonic the Hedgehog 2 and turning Super Sonic;

Playing Half Life 2 for the first time after waiting desperately for a 1 and half years;

Beating the Ruby Weapon on Final Fantasy 7 by killing my team mates first. THAT BASTARD WAS HARD AS FOOKIN' NAILS!;

Killing the dragon at the end of Tomb Raider 2. Awesome game;

Aries dying in Final Fantasy 7. Bit of a "WOAH. WHAT!?" moment.

Capturing my first pokemon on pokemon blue. And then it finding out it wasn't such a big thing. Thank you, Tv Series. Thank you.

There's probably more but I can't remember them right now.. :C

Posted: September 6th, 2006, 14:50
by Chickenz
-Playing Halo for the first time was a big un for me. The scale of the maps blew me away!!

-HL2DM: i killed somebody with a melon!!, that got a lot of lol omg wtf happened remarks.

-Oblivion: Looking at the map, zooming in to where i was, then zooming out going Oh Dear Lord this is mahoosive.

-HL2: Seeing Dog for the first time (i like the big fighty robots).

-Eve: (Good lord it made my list some how) First hour of play anham came to see me in my little ship before saying look behind you, i shit myself he was huge.

-Postal 2: Discovering cats make A)very good rifle silencers and B) very funny when on fire.

Beef: Killing berk on POE by flying so low that i hit him with the undercarrige of my jet.

Taking out a full heli on Wake with a tank.

-Doom3: The chainsaw!!! need i say more?

-Conflict Desert Storm 1&2 COOP: Got silly far with my neighbour without killing each other

COD2: this game was awesome theres no fault in it. Looks incredible on a 26'' monitor.

Posted: September 6th, 2006, 15:06
by deject
Findind the Evil Baroness' Lair in NOLF 1
Giving Gunther Hermann his killphrase in Deus Ex
Dive bombing a guy in an AA turret from directly above in BF2
Taking out a tank and 2 jeeps with one AT mine in BF2
First Cast of horse Storm in KOTOR
The Redeemer from UT
Escaping from Castle Wolfenstein

Posted: September 6th, 2006, 15:11
by Nickface
When the baby metroid in Super Metroid comes back, saves your ass, gives you mother brain's weapon, and is then killed in a dramatic way. :ahoy:

Posted: September 6th, 2006, 15:53
by fabyak
friznit wrote: Onlining our first space station in Eve.

Onlining our second space station after the first got nicked.

Also carrying the first large tower from 0.0 space on my own in a hauler and smashing through a big RA gatecamp at about 3am... the feeling as there was a few seconds pause when I reached the gate and I just knew there were people there

and coming out the other side and diving for a safespot in a hail of missiles, scramblers and tacklers diving for other gates to try and stop me :)

HL2 - Killing people with... anything! especially sinks and toilets :)

Microprose F1 on the Amiga - going to overtake someone approaching a bend and losing control of the car only to end up powersliding around the outside of them

Need for Speed Underground - doing online races in a car with no body kit or special paintwork so it *looked* ordinary, then decimating the field

Posted: September 6th, 2006, 16:03
by Dr. kitteny berk
Any Given game - Killing gunslinger :)

Re: Best game moments

Posted: September 6th, 2006, 16:25
by Fred Woogle
Grimmie wrote:- Getting the crowbar from Barney in HL2 and HL2 Ep.1
- Encountering a village full of invisible people in Oblivion
These :above: :above:
Anhamgrimmar wrote:HL2DM: the first time i picked a toilet up out of mid air, and spanged my assailant in the face
That :above: :above:
Dr. kitteny berk wrote:Any Given game - Killing gunslinger :)
and this :above: :above:

Postal 2, Pissing on People till they throw up, and the cat on the shotgun

Re: Best game moments

Posted: September 6th, 2006, 16:29
by fabyak
Ty aka Sir Die Aloty wrote:
and this :above: :above:

Postal 2, Pissing on People till they throw up, and the cat on the shotgun
cat... on... shotgun...? *makes mental note to play demp when I arrive home*

Posted: September 6th, 2006, 16:31
by fabyak
COD:OU - Killing anyone