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Posted: February 18th, 2009, 19:02
by friznit
While the 5punky Games™ list is thin on the gound at the moment, I thought I might try some limited addition revivals, limited to a week or so each and minimal costs. For example, we could have a Spandex Week, where everyone jumps in and tries CoH/CoV, ably assisted by means of past players with trial codes and in game help.
A big post at the top of the forum with a nice shiny banner and some simple instructions and links how to get started, coupled with the promise of serious 5punky larking about might encourage people to join.
Not sure which would be the best games to go for, but I'd like to see a good spectrum. Thoughts?
Thinking of the following to options begin with maybe:
WOL/LotR/CONAIDS or some equivalent
Posted: February 18th, 2009, 19:06
by Dr. kitteny berk
Could be fun, but might not be super viable with some MMOs due to limited bandwidth and stuff. 4+gb download for a week of fun isn't doable for some people.
Posted: February 18th, 2009, 19:24
by HereComesPete
It's good. We do need more games and the chance to push out onto random servers across as many games as possible would help with recruiting/numbers.
I think any game that is relatively easy to have fun in. And games that offer free trials or guest passes would be a good place to start so not much if any money is spent whilst new things are tried.
Thing is, there's a lot of division in 5punk atm. I was going to post my thoughts here but it detracts from the main idea so I'll start a new thread.
Posted: February 18th, 2009, 19:51
by Dog Pants
It'd also be a great way to see how games that flopped a bit initially have got on after a few patches. Berk's got a good point about the massive downloads though. Everything's fun with a few 5punkers (apart from gang rape).
Posted: February 18th, 2009, 20:06
by FatherJack
Yeah, downloads will be a problem unless we give people loads of notice and then it becomes hard getting everyone on at the same time. Some get the game straight away and either burn out on them or become super experts, whereas others (often me) seem to turn up late to the party and wonder where everyone went.
MMOs kind of exacerbate this, as trials typically last only a week and some people have loads more time to level, or have preexisting characters.
It's kind of more fun if everyone's zero-level and doesn't know what they're doing, but we'd probably need one person to get the game first and post a brief guide, along the lines of "How to make a Spartacus", with a 5cheduled date for everyone to turn up at once, including instructions on how to get the trial and get it going in time.
It's a pity so few games offer such extensive character customisation, a few of the new ones on the horizon, like the Star Trek/Wars ones look like they might be fun from this perspective, and even if some people want to take it seriously they can always roll an extra "silly" character.
Still, it's no fun if we don't try.
Posted: February 18th, 2009, 21:11
by Grimmie
Don't most MMOs charge by the month, anyway?
Posted: February 18th, 2009, 21:29
by friznit
They do, but most also have a free trial week or two which could be fun. Although there is often hefty download which could be off putting. Not sure if there's anything we could do to help that.
Posted: February 19th, 2009, 8:07
by Lateralus
I've been thinking for a while that I'd like to start playing CoH/CoV again, but I'm not sure that it would be a good idea for me to revive my subscription at the same time as my Uni work is building up again. That said, if there are a few more people interested, then I'll definitely do it. I can resist everything except peer pressure and temptation. If I resubscribe, will I still have all my old characters?
I've had very limited forays into MMOs, being limited to CoH and Conan, but CoH has always struck me as a very 5punky games for a variety of reasons, not least that it's easy to jump into the game and play with most people of whatever level, and given the numbers of characters people have, differences in level are almost never a problem.
In short: CoH/CoV.
Posted: February 19th, 2009, 17:38
by Dog Pants
Your characters should still be there, and if there's renewed interest I can afford to subscribe for a bit again. Maybe I'll even level.
Posted: February 19th, 2009, 18:52
by Roman Totale
Dog Pants wrote:Maybe I'll even level.

Posted: February 19th, 2009, 20:46
by HereComesPete
Posted: February 19th, 2009, 20:57
by Lateralus
Posted: February 19th, 2009, 21:01
by HereComesPete
I had a quick scan of this months pc zone and it's got quite a thorough run through of the biggest mmongs.
War updates have fixed stuff, but wow has taken the best ideas. The pvp is still top in war, but it doesn't have the content. It does have smacking gobbos off keeps with shields though.
Eve is recommended to any long term mmonger who wants deeper strategy. Lots of content, ownership and accountability and updates galore.
AOC has big free add-ons, but is still a bit barren in the mid levels and a bit serious business in terms of characters and such. Not many pink dresses and snogging men quests. Still, it has arses and a cock handler. A lot of the ctd/freezing/mem leak issues have been resolved and the end game runs smooth apparently. I may re-sub for a month and get an idea.
Wow is still the daddy, they can't see it losing ground because people don't compare it's graphics to other mmongs too much. New stuff, so much content it's silly. If I start this game I will never stop so I decided long ago that the cartoon graphics didn't do it for me.
COH/COV - updates, silly characters. Good fun, cheap price. Different to swords and sorcery stuff, easier to pick up and put down.
Other stuff I didn't read.
Posted: February 19th, 2009, 21:28
by friznit
Can we move this whole thread to the general forum? Would make more sense there.
Posted: February 19th, 2009, 21:53
by Dog Pants
Possibly unsurprisingly, PCG did a similar article on where all the big MMONGs that aren't Warcraft are now. CoH wasn't in there, but Pirates of the Bumming Sea was.
Posted: February 19th, 2009, 22:02
by Lateralus
Personally, I've gone down the Pimp My (city of) Heroes route because I know I like the game, it's easy to pick up and play for as long or as little as you have time for, and it's easy to play with other 5punkers pretty much regardless. However, if there's something else that suits people better and is also cheap, then I'm all for giving it a go. I'm approaching CoH very much from the point of view of a casual game to play whenever the whim takes me, rather than something that requires me to grind away through the levels.
Posted: February 19th, 2009, 22:16
by Chickenz
Lateralus wrote:I'm approaching CoH very much from the point of view of a casual game to play whenever the whim takes me, rather than something that requires me to grind away through the levels.
May I suggest a WoW trial then chap? I honestly never had my self down as somebody who could enjoy a mmong having tried Eve briefly and found the tutorial so serious business I had to give up.
However, after reading the WoW posts and lolling at the screen shots I thought I'd give it a go and with the help of the regular fairy bummers I got quite taken by the game. I had a week off when I first started playing and Berk the big fluffy cupcake even started a new toon to help me along for the first few levels before leaving me to get on with it, after that period I stopped playing it for more than a few hours a week as RL took priority but soon picked it up when RL stopped being so serious.
That's my 2 cents but then I only played CoH for a few hours as you chaps were on a massive xp drive that week.
Posted: February 20th, 2009, 14:43
by Dog Pants
I don't like pimping Warcraft much because most people already have their opinions on it, but I agree with Chickenz here. It's very easy to pick up and put down, you can dedicate as much or little time to it as you want, and you can choose who you want to play with to a great extent. It is compelling though.
Posted: February 20th, 2009, 14:53
by Dr. kitteny berk
Dog Pants wrote:I don't like pimping Warcraft much because most people already have their opinions on it, but I agree with Chickenz here. It's very easy to pick up and put down, you can dedicate as much or little time to it as you want, and you can choose who you want to play with to a great extent. It is compelling though.

There's a reason it has a billion subscribers, any fuck can play it and get something out of it with little effort.
Posted: February 20th, 2009, 15:06
by Mr. Johnson