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Games I Own: Baldur's Gate 1
Posted: February 2nd, 2009, 12:00
by News Reader
Games I Own: Baldur's Gate 1
There are four stacks I have in my assortment of computer games at home - two piles of DVD jewel cases, one stack of games in smaller CD cases and three or four small wallets of individual CDs.
Badlur's Gate 1 is in the stack of CD cases and is one of only two games I own that have cardboard cases.
Before we go any further though, a clarification is in order; I don't actually own
Baldur's Gate 1 (and its packaged expansion
Tales of the Sword Coast) - they belong to my brother. I nabbed them from him when he stopped playing games as much as I did.
In fact, let's move from clarification to confession: I never really liked
Baldur's Gate.
Category: Blog
Publish Date: Mon, 02 Feb 2009 10:38:37 +0000
Source: Feed
Description: Computer hardware, games and technology reviews and news
Posted: February 2nd, 2009, 16:29
by HereComesPete
Playing them backwards wouldn't help much. the second one was highly polished and with the fan add-ons and patches it's exceedingly good.
I liked how the first one dumped you into the wilds without much of a clue as to what the fuck was going on. I don't like games guiding me by the hand and removing the need to think.
And his complaint about it being real time is crap as well. You could set auto pause to stop it after every round or even every swing of a sword. It was as controllable as you wanted it to be. Plus pre-made scripts allowed you to keep your healer on buffing and healing your tank and dps without any threat.
I didn't know there was a tool to let you play it in shinier modes. I think I'll investigate.
Posted: February 2nd, 2009, 16:36
by FatherJack
Sounds like he didn't have the manual. I think I tried to play these a few years back, but couldn't get on with their graphical horribleness. I'm actually allergic to massive pixels these days, and 640x480 could kill me if I didn't get to an antialiaser in time.
Posted: February 2nd, 2009, 16:41
by Baliame
I liked BG1 much more than BG2, I though now this makes me want to replay both. Online anyone?
Posted: February 2nd, 2009, 18:14
by Dog Pants
I also own BG. Well done.
I got to a point when every gribbly seemed to wipe my entire party, so I gave up.
Posted: February 2nd, 2009, 18:36
by Baliame
It's a matter of being at the right place on the right level. I mean yeah it's frustrating that a monster 10 levels higher kills you off
Makes me remember the first time I played Fallout though, I wandered off into the nothing, having no clue where to explore. My first random encounter consisted of four supermutants minigunning my face off.
Posted: February 2nd, 2009, 18:44
by deject
My first Fallout encounter was 4 radscorpions stinging me to death.
Posted: February 2nd, 2009, 19:24
by buzzmong
Sorry, but that's a shit review.
You can't compare the original to a sequel, you need to take the first game on it's own, due to the fact that 90% of the time the sequel improves upon many aspects (granted, some games are the exceptions, like DX2).
Moaning that character interactions arn't as good...what do you expect? It's the predecessor to the game you've been playing, not to mention it was one of the first iterations of that engine.
I'm currently replaying BG1, yes, it's hard (doubly so if you start as a Mage with 4hp for your first 2500xp, which takes ages), but it's fun, and the bit at the start is great, properly drops you in the shit with vague directions and you've got to find your way on your own.