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Telephone Exension and ADSL Filters
Posted: October 17th, 2008, 18:21
by TheJockGit
Quick question as my brain has gone fuzzy... I am going to move my PC from my cupboard under the stairs "office" into the Conservatory, in order to do this I am planning on running an extension from the cupboard office and plugging the BT Hub and Phone into it in the Conservatory, I know I will probably lose a bit of Bandwidth but it will be less obtrusive under the carpet than an RJ45 Cable plus I have a 30m Phone cable that I can canabalize.
So... Do I put the felcher in at socket or at the end of the extension... I think I have to do it at the socket, but like I said... brain has gone fuzzy.
Thanks in advance...
Posted: October 17th, 2008, 18:25
by Dr. kitteny berk
you need a felcher wherever a phone plugs in.
ISTR they only felcher the phone side, not the ADSL side.
Posted: October 17th, 2008, 18:26
by Fear
Do it at the socket, that way the extension introduces less noise because of the absence of the bell wire.
Berk is right, the line will still carry voice, but not (usually) the bell wire.
Posted: October 17th, 2008, 18:29
by HereComesPete
Socket. Apparently it'll fuck it all up (bell wire rf badness) if you put the felcher at the other end.
Extension cable is bad for speed, potentially really bad.
Posted: October 17th, 2008, 18:35
by FatherJack
Leave the router where it is and run ethernet as the extension. Kept near the walls it isn't really noticeable, it is more expensive than phone cable, but there's a reason for that.
Posted: October 17th, 2008, 18:35
by Dr. kitteny berk
FatherJack wrote:Leave the router where it is and run ethernet as the extension.

is by far the best way
Posted: October 17th, 2008, 18:40
by HereComesPete
Even getting a wireless card would be better than running lots of flat flexible phone wire around.
Posted: October 17th, 2008, 18:50
by TheJockGit
HereComesPete wrote:Extension cable is bad for speed, potentially really bad.
I know this... but I really need the space, and I need it very soon, may run an RJ45 (CAT5) cable through but I don't have one at hand, or have the spends to get one at the moment, yes I know they ain't expensive, but times are hard at the moment, hense the need to get some space and do some extra work from home to get me some folding stuff.
Posted: October 17th, 2008, 18:54
by HereComesPete
I've got loads of the stuff knocking around the house. Some green some purple some grey, all in different lengths. I'll post you some if you want, most of it's even been crimped with the 8p8c connectors on by my own fair hand.
Re: Telephone Exension and ADSL Filters
Posted: October 17th, 2008, 19:11
by Lee
TheJockGit wrote:I am going to move my PC from my cupboard under the stairs "office" into the Conservatory
Conservatories get hot. PC's don't like that.
Re: Telephone Exension and ADSL Filters
Posted: October 17th, 2008, 19:15
by TheJockGit
Lee wrote:
Conservatories get hot. PC's don't like that.
You've not been in my
fridge conservatory
Posted: October 17th, 2008, 19:53
by fabyak
I run my machine over about 12m of extension cable and never had any problems, speed or otherwise (apart from when I unplugged one of the extensions with my foot without noticing, but as i'm nowhere near your house you can rule that one out)
Posted: October 18th, 2008, 3:17
by Dr. kitteny berk
fabyak wrote:I run my machine over about 12m of extension cable and never had any problems, speed or otherwise (apart from when I unplugged one of the extensions with my foot without noticing, but as i'm nowhere near your house you can rule that one out)
This is of course, entirely possible.
But it's by no means a given, really depends where your phone extension runs in relation to house wiring etc. It could be that you'll get no nasty side effects. or your internet might drop every 15 minutes.
YMMV and such.
Posted: October 18th, 2008, 14:48
by TheJockGit
So far so good