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Full Throttle Remembered

Posted: August 27th, 2008, 16:04
by News Reader
Image Full Throttle Remembered
I would like to publically declare my love for Full Throttle. Something very strange happened with history and opinion on that game - it was well received by critics, it was completely fantastic, it was Tim Schafer's most mature writing (three years before Grim Fandango). And then somehow it became the black sheep of LucasArts' [...]

Author: John Walker
Category: RockPaperShotgun bill tiller full throttle Lucasarts
Publish Date: Wed, 27 Aug 2008 12:43:54 +0000


I would like to publically declare my love for Full Throttle. Something very strange happened with history and opinion on that game - it was well received by critics, it was completely fantastic, it was Tim Schafer's most mature writing (three years before Grim Fandango). And then somehow it became the black sheep of LucasArts' output, condemned by false memories of being too short, and having awful arcade sequences throughout. Which just isn't true! Certainly it was a shorter adventure compared to others in their catalogue, but it was such an astonishingly fine one. And the arcade bits? Pieces of piss, apart from one crappy section with the demo derby. Get over it! Restore Full Throttle to its rightful glory! And then check out this excellent piece from Adventure Classic Gaming, discussing the fate of the two aborted sequels with former LucasArts artist, Bill Tiller.

... [visit site to read more]

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Source: Rock, Paper, Shotgun
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Re: Full Throttle Remembered

Posted: August 27th, 2008, 17:06
News Reader wrote:And then somehow it became the black sheep of LucasArts' output, condemned by false memories of being too short, and having awful arcade sequences throughout. Which just isn't true!
F That...thats EXACTLY what it was...too short! A 2 1/2 hour game at full f'n price? And 1/2 of that was cutscenes...

Its remembered exactly like it was...bastards! :x

Re: Full Throttle Remembered

Posted: August 27th, 2008, 17:39
by Mr. Johnson
MORDETH LESTOK wrote: F That...thats EXACTLY what it was...too short! A 2 1/2 hour game at full f'n price? And 1/2 of that was cutscenes...

Its remembered exactly like it was...bastards! :x
Is it me or do you only have negative comments about pretty much everything? Not that it bothers me or anything, just an observation.

Re: Full Throttle Remembered

Posted: August 27th, 2008, 17:53
by HereComesPete
Mr. Johnson wrote:
Is it me or do you only have negative comments about pretty much everything? Not that it bothers me or anything, just an observation.
Possibly getting old (er). :P

Re: Full Throttle Remembered

Posted: August 27th, 2008, 17:54
Mr. Johnson wrote:Is it me or do you only have negative comments about pretty much everything? Not that it bothers me or anything, just an observation.
I was happy for a little bit when I wasn't around the beginning of this year...but that was short lived and I'm back to being angry/depressed...memories of things I hate/hated just set me off these days...

Feel free to tell me to STFU though...

Re: Full Throttle Remembered

Posted: August 27th, 2008, 17:56
HereComesPete wrote:Possibly getting old (er). :P
Thats quite a bit of it actually...turned 40 back in 2006 and lifes been a bit of shit since and the realization that my life is more than 1/2 over cuz I know I'll never make 80...

Re: Full Throttle Remembered

Posted: August 27th, 2008, 20:20
by Dog Pants
MORDETH LESTOK wrote: I was happy for a little bit when I wasn't around the beginning of this year...
Hope it's not because of us :P

Sorry you're having a rough time though. At least now we know that you might be grumpy sometimes. People are always a lot more tolerant if they know there's a reason.

/starts thinking of a reason for my grumpiness

Re: Full Throttle Remembered

Posted: August 27th, 2008, 20:28
Dog Pants wrote:Hope it's not because of us :P
ty and's good to be back :)

Posted: August 27th, 2008, 20:45
by friznit

Now stfu and be happy you miserable old bugger :P

Posted: August 28th, 2008, 4:42
by Nickface
I loved Full Throttle.

Re: Full Throttle Remembered

Posted: August 28th, 2008, 7:05
by Baliame
Oh well, we need a Yathzee-type person bashing stuff, it makes arguments a little more interesting.