I Knew He Wasn't A Real Doctor
Posted: August 21st, 2008, 7:00
I Knew He Wasn't A Real Doctor
During a bout of iPhone willy-waving down the pub recently, someone observed that there are two things that always get released for any piece of hardware that's hacked to run homebrew code, and everyone duly installs them. Then doesn't do anything with them except show them off to people in the pub. The first is [...]
Author: Alec Meer
Category: RockPaperShotgun Lucasarts Retro sam & max hit the road scummvm
Publish Date: Wed, 20 Aug 2008 15:59:33 +0000
During a bout of iPhone willy-waving down the pub recently, someone observed that there are two things that always get released for any piece of hardware that's hacked to run homebrew code, and everyone duly installs them. Then doesn't do anything with them except show them off to people in the pub. The first is Quake. It used to be Doom, but in the 3D age the big Q seems to have become the de facto way of demonstrating that a given piece of hardware has something decent under the hood. Touchscreen controls mean iPhone Quake isn't hugely playable, but it does look amazing.
The second, and the source of my point, is SCUMMvm, the esteemed emulator for the old LucasArts adventure games. I suspect everyone who installs SCUMMvm, whether it's for their PC, their PDA, their PSP or whatever, has a favourite game they install alongside it. For many it's Day of the Tentacle, and God knows there's a legion of Monkey Island die-hards, but for me it's always Sam & Max Hit The Road. Except I never play it. I only watch the intro.
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Source: Rock, Paper, Shotgun
Description: The PC Gaming site: it's a fun time.
During a bout of iPhone willy-waving down the pub recently, someone observed that there are two things that always get released for any piece of hardware that's hacked to run homebrew code, and everyone duly installs them. Then doesn't do anything with them except show them off to people in the pub. The first is [...]
Author: Alec Meer
Category: RockPaperShotgun Lucasarts Retro sam & max hit the road scummvm
Publish Date: Wed, 20 Aug 2008 15:59:33 +0000
During a bout of iPhone willy-waving down the pub recently, someone observed that there are two things that always get released for any piece of hardware that's hacked to run homebrew code, and everyone duly installs them. Then doesn't do anything with them except show them off to people in the pub. The first is Quake. It used to be Doom, but in the 3D age the big Q seems to have become the de facto way of demonstrating that a given piece of hardware has something decent under the hood. Touchscreen controls mean iPhone Quake isn't hugely playable, but it does look amazing.
The second, and the source of my point, is SCUMMvm, the esteemed emulator for the old LucasArts adventure games. I suspect everyone who installs SCUMMvm, whether it's for their PC, their PDA, their PSP or whatever, has a favourite game they install alongside it. For many it's Day of the Tentacle, and God knows there's a legion of Monkey Island die-hards, but for me it's always Sam & Max Hit The Road. Except I never play it. I only watch the intro.
... [visit site to read more]
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Source: Rock, Paper, Shotgun
Description: The PC Gaming site: it's a fun time.