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New PC Specs
Posted: August 3rd, 2008, 0:39
by No1Jew
Finally I've decided and this is what i'm ordering this week, it should be a little faster than what I've got at the moment !
OS will be XP Pro SP3
Posted: August 3rd, 2008, 0:41
by Dr. kitteny berk
I'd be wary of that PSU, but otherwise, looks fine.
Posted: August 3rd, 2008, 0:53
by No1Jew
Dr. kitteny berk wrote:I'd be wary of that PSU, but otherwise, looks fine.
Is it a bit crappy? Do you recomend another one?
Posted: August 3rd, 2008, 0:59
by Dr. kitteny berk
I've not used one, but I'd consider it worryingly cheap.
What I'd do would be replace it with a
Corsair TX 650W
maybe lose the corsair memory fan thing to make up the difference a little (you won't need it unless you're really, really overclocking)
might be worth buying some fans that are in stock too

Posted: August 3rd, 2008, 1:05
by No1Jew
Ok i'll change the PSU to that one and I can get the fans from my local PC shop so not too bothered about that.
The one thing I am unsure of is how long i'm gonna have to wait for the GPU, how good are Scan and how long does the Pre-Order system take?
Posted: August 3rd, 2008, 1:08
by Dr. kitteny berk
Scan can be fine, or utter shit, I've not had any bad experiences, but a few 5punkers have.
Pre-order stuff generally just means they're waiting for delivery, but they probably won't give a time frame.
Posted: August 3rd, 2008, 1:58
by fabyak
Dr. kitteny berk wrote:Scan can be fine, or utter shit, I've not had any bad experiences, but a few 5punkers have.
Pre-order stuff generally just means they're waiting for delivery, but they probably won't give a time frame.
or the truth either, it may say it's in stock and they will tell you the day it is due to be delivered if it's in fact not in stock. Especially gaulling if you've paid extra for weekend delivery

Posted: August 3rd, 2008, 4:06
by Dr. kitteny berk
I'd say OCUK and ebuyer are probably more reliable, and cheaper.
but both have their downsides, so there.
Posted: August 3rd, 2008, 8:12
by buzzmong
I has the 620w modular corsair psu:
Currently the 2 (one 620w, and
this one) in the family are tip top and haven't broken or even come close to causing problems.
I'd personally splash the extra £20 for the modular one, just to keep the cables neat and tidy in my case, but the 520w modular one should easily run that pc no problem.
Edit: Just to mention I've never had a problem with Scan, and use them fairly frequently.
Posted: August 3rd, 2008, 10:00
by Dr. kitteny berk
Modular is nice, but it's one of those things I'll skip in budget builds, worst case you can just desolder a few lines

Posted: August 3rd, 2008, 12:12
by No1Jew
OK so the wife says to me, What about a monitor, if you're spending almost £700 it better have a fucking Monitor.
So one again i've had to down-size some of the specs and taken onboard the above coments, so, here is the final mutuall decision allong with Mrs Rabbi !
Note, the HD4870 is now a HD4850 which i'll be getting from Overclockers.
Fucking women !!
Posted: August 3rd, 2008, 12:39
by MrGreen
If I were you, I'd get a bigger monitor, 19" is sort of an odd one, go for 20" or 24".
If you push yourself up a couple quid, you can get this: ... =MO-026-OK
Which a bunch of 5punkers use and approve of.
The PSU you've got costs more (excluding P&P) than the 650W model from OCUK, It's worth checking out the place, it's mostly cheaper and I prefer the service to scan.
I'd also advise that you don't bother with the mouse mat. Get one of those big green craft cutting boards, they work fine, if not better, at the job.
Posted: August 3rd, 2008, 14:56
by HereComesPete

Thing about monitor.
Plus if you're buying one thing from ocuk (the gpu), you might as well scout every single part there too. It sounds mad given you'll be damned impatient to get the new rig, but you could shave enough monies off to get the better monitor like mrgreen suggested.
Posted: August 3rd, 2008, 14:59
by Dr. kitteny berk

good monitor, I has one.
Also, as pete said, you might do well to order more from ocuk, or splitting the order between 2 shops (you can sometimes, but not always save money even though you're paying for shipping twice)
Posted: August 3rd, 2008, 15:02
by No1Jew
Ok, you must be getting bored of this now much like I am
I have once again taken onboard the advice of Berk & Mr Green and
this is it
So it now has Better PSU, Monitor and I looked arround !!
Don't get me to change my mind again !!!! ... ecsxp4.png
Posted: August 3rd, 2008, 15:05
by Dr. kitteny berk
That'll do Jew, that'll do.
Posted: August 3rd, 2008, 15:09
by No1Jew
Dr. kitteny berk wrote:That'll do Jew, that'll do.
Thank you, as I said before I've never built a PC so wanted to get this one spot on.
Cheers for the Advice lads !!
Now I just have to get Chicken to help me build it LOL !!!
Posted: August 3rd, 2008, 15:27
by HereComesPete
The mouse is still marked pre-order.
Other than that, good gaming rig you will have jew, use wisely it you must.