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X-Files: I want to believe

Posted: August 2nd, 2008, 8:04
by fabyak
Been ten years in the making and they managed to get the main original characters back for it, and to sum up the film in one word:


There were a few good Mulder one liners and a couple of funny moments but all in all it was very disappointing. It would had made a good filler episode in one of the tv series to go in between ones that carried the main storyline but was of no real consequence in itself

I would give it maybe 5 of of 10
Also, getting a Catholic hospital to agree to allow her to do stem cell treatment on someone? No way in hell would they go for that!

Posted: August 2nd, 2008, 9:39
by spoodie
I just looked that the weekly email from Empire and they gave it 3/5. :(

Posted: August 3rd, 2008, 1:24
by Dr. kitteny berk
I enjoyed it as an xfiles double-ep type thing.

Not so great as a movie.

I must say I'm glad it was MOTW style, rather than a mytharc movie, as the xfiles was so far up its own arse by the end in that respect.

Oh, and billy connolly spoiled it a bit for me, I always liked that they usually got decent, but unknown actors who were often creepy enough to work nicely. Connolly didn't seem to manage that, wasn't too impressed.
:facepalm: Mulder/scully love crap.