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7900Gt Vs. X800 Pro

Posted: March 28th, 2006, 12:16
by Dr. kitteny berk
Right, this is _not_ meant to be a good, balanced or sensible review, the cards are different generations and such.

7900 OC is the 7900 Overclocked from 450core/660mem to 550core/784mem

3dmark 2006. (Graphics tests only, not 3dmark scores (which were 1442 (x800), and 3910 (7900))

Code: Select all


X800        721 Points
7900        1788 Points
7900 OC     2153 Points 


X800        N/A (SM2.0 card)
7900        1761 Points
7900 OC     2091 Points 
CS:S Video Stress Test (1440x900, 2x aa, some filtering, no HDR, all stuff high)

Code: Select all

X800        102FPS
7900        164FPS
7900 OC     N/A (didn't check)

So far i've played with BF2, CS:S, COD2 and Oblivion.

All the games apart from oblivion allow me to use Highest settings across the board at 1680x1080 with no real slowdown and a good framerate.

Oblivion doesn't detect the card properly, but allows highest settings in the pre-game startup bit (runs fine like this) and of course, there's all the ingame options, which allowed me to make it run about about 20fps (This is pointless, but pretty)

In short, if you have £240 you can afford to waste, and want shinyness in games, this is better than an x800pro.

Posted: March 28th, 2006, 12:21
by Woo Elephant Yeah
£240 is now burning a hole in my pocket :x :lol:

*wishes he hadn't seen this post* :ignore:

Posted: March 28th, 2006, 12:44
by Dr. kitteny berk

it's not the _best_ for cod2, it runs a bit slow with everything highest (and textures at extra) (30-40fps)

however, i expect this is as much CoD2 as it is the card.

Personally i see the card as a good mid-priced card. by no means the best available, but damn good for the money.

wait for real reviews before buying stuff.

Posted: March 28th, 2006, 15:03
by Chickenz
pfft SLI FTW!!!!!!!1

Posted: March 28th, 2006, 15:04
by Dr. kitteny berk
M4niachicken wrote:pfft SLI FTW!!!!!!!1

I won't be doing sli for a long while though :(

Posted: March 28th, 2006, 15:47
by Chickenz
role on friday (payday) oomphing the comp to sli Px7800 GTX tdh's and 2 gigs more ram, if my plan to get a bike falls through

Posted: March 28th, 2006, 18:04
by Jinxx
SLI is my next planned upgrade, maybe in a few weeks if there's enough left in my pay packet.

Posted: March 31st, 2006, 3:22
by Dr. kitteny berk
yay for yet more overclockings.

now at

core: 560mhz
memory: 800mhz (1.6ghz ddr :))

sm2 2185
sm3 2129

notes: this is a pretty stable overclock, using stock cooling, at stock voltages, on a totally stock reference board.

the only reason the memory is only at 800 is that's as high as coolbts lets me go.

to *not* overclock a 7900GT is a sin.