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Lost - Season 4

Posted: June 2nd, 2008, 12:21
by Lateralus
I watched the finalé to season 4 of Lost last night and thought it was worth a post. Has anyone else been watching this season? I know a few people were watching the show but lost interest at various stages in the past.

By the end of this series, I felt that it was far more satisfactory than some of the previous ones, notably 3 I think. It's still very slow in answering the millions of questions it raises, but now it actually feels like the story is going somewhere rather than just around and around in circles. Some of the things from the past have now been addressed, and events beyond the Island (future and past) are now being explained. However many events are still utterly unaccounted for:
Ben can control the black smoke to some respect, but what the fuck is it? Also: moving the island. As for the time-travel/distortion...
Clearly there are still a large number of issues to be addressed, but you now feel like at some point answers will come. This series differs from previous ones in that it uses flash-forwards to show glimpses of the lives of some of the people who left the island. I seem to recall that season 3 ended with one of these featuring
Jack and Kate
. They start in season 4 at the furthest point from the "present" on the island, and with each episode the flash-forwards go less and less into the future, with them neatly meeting the present in the finalé. This certainly serves to reduce the frustration of feeling that there is no direction to the show, and while it still raises as many questions as are answered, the result is a show that is far more satisfying to watch.

Posted: June 2nd, 2008, 12:29
by HereComesPete
Lost? Still going is it?

I thought it was great, then realised that nothing really happens in most episodes.

The black cloud is a sentient swarm of nanites isn't it? as for the time travel etc, localised distortion in the time-space continuum ala the bermuda triangle.

You seen the picture of a liberty ship taken from a light aircraft flying through the triangle? It's taken many years after all the liberty ships were destroyed.

Posted: June 15th, 2008, 14:26
by The Incredible...
i've always quite liekd lost.

i thought series 2 wasn't as good as the first, then series 3 was really great for the first 6 epsiodes or so, fell off in the middle and got great again at the end

series 4 ist he best so far in myopinion, just a shame that its not longer

Posted: June 15th, 2008, 14:28
by Dr. kitteny berk
The Incredible... wrote:just a shame that its not longer