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Posted: March 16th, 2006, 14:14
by friznit

I fail to understand why computer games are a male dominated obsession. Perhaps you can shed some light on this? :?

Also, it appears the fruity fantasy fire breathing beastie has been nomited as our girl (although recent evidence has come to light to suggest otherwise but you may still have to fight him for the position).

Hope you enjoy the new English speaking new channel :P

Posted: March 16th, 2006, 14:26
by Joose
friznit wrote:I fail to understand why computer games are a male dominated obsession. Perhaps you can shed some light on this? :?
The reasons are manyfold, and rather interesting. Also the cause of considerable debate. I may be inclined to elucidate further on return from teh shops.

Or i might not. I am quite lazy.
Hope you enjoy the new English speaking new channel :P
new English? this some kind of l33t speak?

Posted: March 16th, 2006, 15:36
by amblin

Posted: March 16th, 2006, 16:41
by friznit
They fall out over AH prices or something? Meybe they should try Eve :?

Posted: March 16th, 2006, 17:56
by Joose
friznit wrote:Meybe they should try Eve :?
yeah, cos *that* would take less time away from the relationship :?

Posted: March 16th, 2006, 17:59
by pixie pie
friznit wrote: I fail to understand why computer games are a male dominated obsession. Perhaps you can shed some light on this? :?
I've found that WoW has quite a few female players, my ex tried it for a bit.. and she's a girly girl. So.. I dunno, something about those cute and cuddly trolls?.. :?

Hello by the way.

Posted: March 16th, 2006, 18:28
by Joose
Right, Ive been quite interested in this for a while, to the point of actually reading game design articles about it.

The general consensus is this: Women think differently to men :faint:

1)Men look at games as a series of challenges to be overcome, be that beating levels in an RTS, winning rounds of CS:S or whatever. Women see games as a much more "experience" based things; they want to have fun, not necassarily be challenged.

2)Men like to build, expand, improve things, all for a practical purpose. Women like to organise things, and make things....well, nicer. They also like to build and expand, but for more artistic than practical reasons.

3)Women are more social creatures than men.

4)Women physically see things differently. I dont mean in some vague emotional way here, but rather their eyes and visual centers of the brain are built different. Men, due to the evolutional role of being the hunter, have very centralised vision; they concentrate almost entirely on what they are directly looking at. Women, on the other hand, were gatherers, and have a more "dispersed" vision; they are much more aware of things on the periphery of thier vision. As a result, basically, women are more likely to notice the backgrounds in games, while men see more of the central characters, be that the player model or the thing the player is shooting at.

Basically, games are, by and large, made by men. So they cater for men. They involve lots of building things, improving things, shooting things dead. Practical issues take precidence, whilst aesthetic issues either take a back seat or are utterly missing. Social sides of games (mmo's notwithstanding, but i'll get to that in a minuite) tend also to be either a bit rubbish or totally non existant. And graphics concentrate on characters, rather than the settings. If the characters are great, the landscape they are in tends to be merely good. If the characters are rubbish, the landscape will more than likely look like its constructed from lego.

The trouble is, games are made mostly by men, and therefore appeal mostly to men. So the people who want to go into the games industry are mostly men. Viscious Cycle Tiem!

I think the reason MMO's seem to have more women playing them than other types of games is because there is a heavy emphasis on a)interacting socially and b)the aesthetic side of things. Take CoV for example: theres a hell of a lot more options for makeing yourself look cool than there are for actually customising what you can do.

Finally, to pre-empt the inevitable daft resonse that always crops up when you are discussing the differences between two groups of people: All the above is a generalisation. When I say "Women are like this" I actually mean: "Most women are like this", and vise versa. Hell, my girlfriend is a fine example of how women are not all the same: Shes a massive RPG fan. The same goes for games; they are not all like i discussed, but they are *mostly* like this.


Posted: March 16th, 2006, 18:49
by Dog Pants
Well put. I've read about this too and everything I've read pretty much falls into that line of argument. Maybe MMONGs would also be more popular with women if most of the (male) players online weren't so obsessed by the fact that female gamers are female. <a href="" target="_blank">This</a> outlines it pretty well I think.

Posted: March 16th, 2006, 18:59
by halus
Salutations,new person!
interesting stuff, Joose.
personally I think I don't play much lately due to there being only 1 puter in the house. my accent makes me not so keen on teamspeak.
another thing worth pointing out is that a lot of females are fiercely competitive and take defeat very personally and in such a conspicuous setting it is less than optimal.
i should also point out that i am by no means typical. :)

Posted: March 16th, 2006, 19:01
by Roman Totale

And also hello.


Posted: March 16th, 2006, 19:12
by Joose
halus wrote:my accent makes me not so keen on teamspeak. aren't welsh?

Posted: March 16th, 2006, 19:38
by mrbobbins
Dog Pants wrote:Maybe MMONGs would also be more popular with women...


Posted: March 16th, 2006, 20:22
by FatherJack
I find a lot more ladies are playing games than used to, particualrly ones that know me - some have told me it's a good way of interacting socially with their male friends, almost without them realising it.

There certainly seems more to interest women in RPGs, platformers and world-building games, leaving shooters and fighters mainly to the boys - but I've seen a big popularity increase in driving games, particularly in recent titles which have more customisation options, or are at least more realistic.

Football games are still pretty much universally hated, of course - although that's probably true of most of the males on this board, too.

Posted: March 16th, 2006, 22:49
by Strawberry Dragon
I agree with everything Joose says, although there is one important thing he missed out, and that's gender stereotyping.

People often assume that because I have a pink website about cute dragons, that I am female. But there's no reason a man can't like things that are pink and cute, it's just that most men learnt from an early age that liking things like that tends to get the crap beaten out of them, so they steer well away from anything that isn't brutishly male and heterosexual.

The same goes for women. A girl who likes cars, guns and fiddling with computers is going to have to put up with being called a lezzer and having cruel rumours spread around about her at school. So often women don't give "male" things a chance.

I'm fairly girly, and I generally prefer buildy, rpg and social games over shooty, fighty ones. I never really enjoyed FPS games to begin with, but because I hung around with a lot of men who constantly roped me into playing, I have come to quite enjoy them. It's a way to be social and have a laugh, and gaming not necessarily any more male or female than going to the pub or watching a film. But if I had been around more women growing up, it's unlikely I would be the gamer I am.

Although there are general differences between men and women, they are made much more pronounced by the social pigeonholing that is tortured into us by playground bullies...and usually it's those in the geek community that suffer from these the most :)

Posted: March 16th, 2006, 22:58
by Grimmie
Here here.

Posted: March 16th, 2006, 23:15
by TezzRexx
Very interesting stuff lads.

On a lighter note, I encouraged a (lady) friend of mine to buy UT2k4 and maybe CSS.

Posted: March 16th, 2006, 23:22
by FatherJack
Agreed, although there's a world of difference being roped into playing an FPS and the way we play them here. Even though we currently have a tournament going, the emphasis is firmly on fun, rather than ultra-competetiveness.

When our CSS server was down a few Wednesday's back a few of us joined someone else's - it was populated by blokes greeting each other with "Alwight there Big Boy!" and constantly shouting orders and bossing 'their' teams around. I personally found it utterly horrible and was reminded why I had all-but given up FPS games before joining 5punk.

Posted: March 16th, 2006, 23:51
by Tylorva
I'm not a girly girl at all, and have been playing computer games for years and years.

I do prefer RPGs and strategy games (RTS) over everything else really.

I think this has more do with with being a very objective minded person, than being a girl though. I dislike FPS's and world-building games because they lack definable objectives to me. I enjoy playing shooters in single-person storyline mode, but I get bored very quickly if it's just about going round fragging everyone else.

I found the Sims to be the dullest game on the planet - no objectives at all. *shudder*

I think in EVE, I'll probably stick to running missions and so on for this kind of reason.

Interesting discussion. :-)

*waves hi to everyone who has said hello*

Posted: March 16th, 2006, 23:55
by Grimmie
Tylorva wrote:I do prefer RPGs and strategy games (RTS) over everything else really.
Hop on over to the RTS section!
Joose and I are always looking for new people.
People unaffected by the C&C Generals Tournament fiasco.

Posted: March 17th, 2006, 0:06
by TezzRexx
Grimmie wrote:
Tylorva wrote:I do prefer RPGs and strategy games (RTS) over everything else really.
Hop on over to the RTS section!
Joose and I are always looking for new people.
People unaffected by the C&C Generals Tournament fiasco.
I've never be the same.... ever....