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RF Online
Posted: January 19th, 2006, 20:47
by FatherJack
RF Online are accepting applications for the closed beta of their upcoming MMONG:
It appears to be a mix of fantasy and sci-fi with manga-styled characters and battle robots.
Posted: January 19th, 2006, 20:53
by Dog Pants
Battle robots? Oooooh...
*Goes all manga big-eyed with glee*
Unfortunately I only have time for one MMONG at a time and I'm playing two already
Posted: January 19th, 2006, 21:21
by Grimmie
*Wince* From what I've seen.. It doesn't look very.. Spectacular
Posted: January 19th, 2006, 22:16
by Dr. kitteny berk
bah, i can't see a signup linky on their site.
Posted: January 19th, 2006, 22:21
by FatherJack
It seems to be the last thing to load, but on the right under the community panel and above the little video I get: ... 6a520a0f09
is probably the correct link
Posted: January 20th, 2006, 3:58
by Hehulk
Bah, someone beat me to it. I've gota say, this game has me slobbering all over my keyboard, simply because of three little words.
Big. Fucking. Androids.
With uber big cannons of death.
And the graphical goodies in the screenshots don't hurt, even if they might well be based on a machine with insance specs.
ALso, for anyone interested, there's a huge RF Online resource site
Posted: February 27th, 2006, 0:14
by FatherJack
It appears to be out now, on account of that fact that I saw it for sale in GameStation.
Posted: February 27th, 2006, 2:03
by Hehulk
That might have been a pre-order box, but I could be wrong.
Nope, full. Amazon have it for sale
Posted: February 27th, 2006, 17:42
by pixie pie
I've heard not so great things about this game. Nothing new etc. Very much a grindy MMONG. Depends what you like, although HeHulk's point about Big fucking androids.. is a valid one.
Posted: February 27th, 2006, 23:43
by Hehulk
pixie pie wrote:I've heard not so great things about this game. Nothing new etc. Very much a grindy MMONG. Depends what you like, although HeHulk's point about Big fucking androids.. is a valid one.
Also, in all fairness, it is a korian MMO exported over here, and those things usually arte overly grindy. What
might sell it, is the PVP, but I don't know enough about that part to be entirly sure
Posted: February 27th, 2006, 23:50
by Joose
Ive heard *nothing* but bad things about this. Looks kinda pretty, but thats nowt new nowadays.
Posted: February 28th, 2006, 10:59
by spoodie
Are there any reviews out there? Other than the ones on Amazon.
Posted: November 1st, 2007, 0:18
by Hehulk
They slashed off it's subscription fees about 2 weeks ago and added in a new system so people spent their money on items instead of set play time. Long and short of it is it's free, so I'm gona give it a second crack
Anyone else fancy giving it a go?
Posted: November 1st, 2007, 6:09
by deject
Hehulk wrote:*mega-thread-revieve*
They slashed off it's subscription fees about 2 weeks ago and added in a new system so people spent their money on items instead of set play time. Long and short of it is it's free, so I'm gona give it a second crack
Anyone else fancy giving it a go?
I'd sooner fuck 3 goats. I'd sooner have Courtney Love shit in my mouth. I'd sooner play EVE.
Posted: November 1st, 2007, 6:09
by Dr. kitteny berk
Posted: November 1st, 2007, 6:10
by HereComesPete
Don't be disgusting deject! Eve?!
Wash your mouth out!
Posted: November 1st, 2007, 12:03
by MIkkyo
deject wrote:
I'd sooner fuck 3 goats. I'd sooner have Courtney Love shit in my mouth. I'd sooner play EVE.
I think I've done all 3 of those now, oh wait no it was only 2 goats.
Posted: November 1st, 2007, 12:05
by Hehulk
Pfff, did I post that on an of moment Deject?
Posted: November 1st, 2007, 12:07
by spoodie
I tried it, but got stuck. I'm not very good as MMOs. If I did want to play one I'd rather pay and get more polish and new user support.
Posted: November 1st, 2007, 14:18
by deject
Hehulk wrote:Pfff, did I post that on an of moment Deject?
no I just wanted to express my deep hate for korean games. I can't think of one game from Korea that hasn't been complete shit in my opinion.