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Kings Field: The Ancient City

Posted: February 11th, 2008, 14:07
by centerededgedesign
Has anyone else played this game? I got a copy this weekend, used, and I'm lacking the manual! Have looked online some, but no luck as of yet.

The game is mildly slow, but the graphics and sound are quite good compared to the previous PS1 versions of the game. The first half-hour's worth at least, didn't have much time to play this weekend. Not a fast-paced FPS type game, but more about exploring and talking and the story.

Anyway, if anyone has a copy of the manual and could scan it for me, I'd really appreciate it!

Posted: February 11th, 2008, 15:47
by HereComesPete
I had a lot of ps1 games, and I do d/l a lot of crappy pc ones too, but I don't think I've ever heard of this.


Posted: February 11th, 2008, 15:52
by FatherJack
I don't think they were very widely released in Europe, it sounds very much like something I would have bought if I'd seen it, but I've never seen a copy.

Posted: February 11th, 2008, 17:41
by centerededgedesign
Oy, my bad, I did read one site that mentioned that it wasn't released by the same name in Europe. I believe the site was, can't access it at work though, sorry.

Also, this is the PS2 version of a game that started on the PS1, as Kings Field and Kings Field 2 in the US. It's by From Software.

Posted: February 11th, 2008, 19:17
by FatherJack
Found it on Amazon as King's Field IV, claiming to be UK PAL version, released 2003. That was before I got a PS2, so I never saw it in the shops new and haven't seen it second-hand since.

I'm a bit of a collector of console RPGs, so I'm pretty sure I'd have noticed it.

This ... print/true has the controls.

Posted: February 12th, 2008, 13:34
by centerededgedesign
Thanks FJ, appreciate the link! I also found out last night that the weapons themselves can cast spells, once they've been leveled up. So far, the game is amazingly detailed, I love the visual candy it serves. Nothing more spectacular than most high end FPS's, but ALOT better than the dungeon RPG's I'm used to playing. Kinda a nice change!

Posted: February 12th, 2008, 14:05
by Dog Pants
Levelling your weapons? Interesting idea.

Posted: February 12th, 2008, 14:39
by FatherJack
Dog Pants wrote:Levelling your weapons? Interesting idea.
Not that uncommon in console RPGs, like the materia you add to weapons in FFVIII and to a lesser degree when you gain weapon abilities, which has been part of Zelda since the very first games.

I think the oddest example I can think of is Disgaea:Hour of Darkness, where you could level up all items in your inventory by "going inside them" and beating monsters in up to 100 randomly-generated levels.

Posted: February 12th, 2008, 15:14
by Dog Pants
In a MMONG I could see that as a good incentive to keep hold of your favourite weapon, rather than ditching one every time something slightly better came along.

Posted: February 12th, 2008, 17:06
by FatherJack
Dog Pants wrote:In a MMONG I could see that as a good incentive to keep hold of your favourite weapon, rather than ditching one every time something slightly better came along.
Yes, although I do like to able to craft my own weapon sometimes, like WoW and KotOR. I've been harvesting a veritable cesspool of bio-organic sludge in Mass Effect as I convert everything I pick up which isn't better in every respect into some sort of magic goo which I never seem to use as I am teh leet haxxor.