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Porn Gets Its Own Home Set-Top Box

Posted: January 10th, 2008, 17:00
by News Reader
Image Porn Gets Its Own Home Set-Top Box
First there was VHS. Next came adult video channels on cable. Now they have a set-top box exclusively for porn. What will they think of next? Don’t answer that.

Miami-based entrepreneur Estefano Isaias is using the adult expo to debut Fyre, which he is billing as the first set-top box to deliver DVD-quality adult movies on demand to home televisions. The Fyre simply has to be plugged into an Ethernet port in a broadband connection. Another plug goes into the TV, and voila.


Publish Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2008 10:01:00 CST

Source: [H]ardOCP News/Article Feed
Description: News/Article Feed for [H]ardOCP

Posted: January 10th, 2008, 23:06
by MIkkyo
I forgot people looked at porn outside of the internet

Posted: January 11th, 2008, 3:26
by FatherJack
I feel porn, while the original "killer app" which sold the internet, has been rather left behind with current techinical advances.

"DVD-quality" and greater "definitions" are all well and good, but with porn there comes a point where too much detail is not such a good thing: you start to see the wrinkles, blemishes and carpet burns behind the vaseline-smeared lens and it all gets a bit..gynaecological. How much detail do you need to depict a cock or fanny? Personally, I start to feel uncomfortable when I can see details that the participants themselves wouldn't be able to.

Surely the next proper revolution in telly will - as most of the others have - be led by the porn industry, things like tailored content on-demand, instant access and interactive content - this HD business sometimes seems like rather a dead-end, considering the only other thing I watch a lot is animation, which equally benefits little from higher resolutions.

Posted: January 11th, 2008, 7:35
by Joose
FatherJack wrote: Surely the next proper revolution in telly will - as most of the others have - be led by the porn industry, things like tailored content on-demand, instant access and interactive content - this HD business sometimes seems like rather a dead-end, considering the only other thing I watch a lot is animation, which equally benefits little from higher resolutions.
:above: The only reason I am upgrading my telly to a HD one is so that I can play 360 gaems without the text giving me a headache. The idea of HD porn excites me not at all.

Posted: January 11th, 2008, 11:05
by cheeseandham
FatherJack wrote:Surely the next proper revolution in telly will - as most of the others have - be led by the porn industry, things like...
holographic 3D TV + horse feedback bodysuits and of course tele-dildonics :) :lol:

Posted: January 11th, 2008, 15:02
by spoodie
cheeseandham wrote: holographic 3D TV + horse feedback bodysuits and of course tele-dildonics :) :lol:
The Time frontpage headline from the future wrote:Man Raped Online by Hackers

Posted: January 11th, 2008, 15:47
by Fear
:lol: You make me laugh FJ.

Posted: January 11th, 2008, 17:00
by HereComesPete
FatherJack start to see the wrinkles, blemishes and carpet burns behind the vaseline-smeared lens and it all gets a bit..gynaecological. How much detail do you need to depict a cock or fanny?...

:lol: This. Super high def fanny sounds like a great idea, but in practice when I get a close up on my monitor it's about 12" and I don't want to see it that big, they really aren't that great to look at in quite so much detail. :lol:

Posted: January 11th, 2008, 17:13
by Dog Pants
spoodie wrote:
The Time frontpage headline from the future wrote:Man Raped Online by Hackers

I love the idea of on demand instant access porn, but interactive would make it seem too much like actual sex and ruin the illusion I got from the on demand instant access bit.

How about interactive porn that you can only watch after you've got it a bit drunk and spent all day treating it nicely?

Posted: January 11th, 2008, 17:23
by cashy
Dog Pants wrote:

I love the idea of on demand instant access porn, but interactive would make it seem too much like actual sex and ruin the illusion I got from the on demand instant access bit.

How about interactive porn that you can only watch after you've got it a bit drunk and spent all day treating it nicely?
I'd have to wait for the rophynol extension pack for that one.

Posted: January 12th, 2008, 22:29
by MrGreen
cheeseandham wrote: holographic 3D TV + horse feedback bodysuits and of course tele-dildonics :) :lol:

hotlinked, because I'm cool