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Is Crysis actually good?!

Posted: December 12th, 2007, 22:36
by spoodie
So I bought Edge today and it got 9/10 ... is it actually good?
The same issue gave Mass Effect 7/10, which is obviously an error and I'm thinking this same error could have been made with the Crysis review as well.

Posted: December 12th, 2007, 22:38
by HereComesPete
:above: Mass effect is rather win, I spent 7.30-8.00 testing a 360 again, even in that half hour I was very impressed with both graphics and storyline. I really hope this appears on the pc, or I will cave in and buy it on 360.

Posted: December 12th, 2007, 22:50
by spoodie
HereComesPete wrote:I really hope this appears on the pc

It should be even better on the PC and do away with the texture lag issues because of the extra power of your average PC. If you haven't seen it, it looks like this. This is a very bad example. For me it's been from less than 1 second to 2 or 3 and not all textures are effected.

Posted: December 12th, 2007, 23:02
by HereComesPete
I've seen it a couple of times, I mostly missed the cutscenes and subsequent level starts due to the phone ringing, or a customer needing an item*. I remember halo 2 and it's entire map lag in the cutscenes, watching a ring world planet pop up in space because it hasn't quite loaded it yet was a little strange and annoying, but I got used to it. But yes, it would be even more win on the pc.

*running the stockroom on my own after a month working there is a little daunting, but if I fuck up, it's not my fault :P

Posted: December 12th, 2007, 23:21
by FatherJack
Crysis SP is quite dull in my view, and canes even the best PC you can throw at it. I haven't tried MP beyond the beta, but fail to see how it could get a score that high on its own merits.

It has some interesting ideas with your magic suit, which are unneccesarily clumsy to use, and some cut scenes all-too reminiscent of those in Halo3, but then ages of boredom fighting grunts who wear you down with tedium. I put the cheats on and still couldn't be arsed with it.

Posted: December 12th, 2007, 23:26
by Dr. kitteny berk
FatherJack wrote:Crysis SP is quite dull in my view, and canes even the best PC you can throw at it. I haven't tried MP beyond the beta, but fail to see how it could get a score that high on it's own merits.

It has some interesting ideas with your magic suit, which are unneccesarily clumsy to use, and some cut scenes all-too reminiscent of those in Halo3, but then ages of boredom fighting grunts who wear you down with tedium. I put the cheats on and still couldn't be arsed with it.
:above: all of that.

It runs like shit on the best machines money can buy, and slightly worse on ones reasonable amounts of money can buy.

Also, FPS on an island with some other weird shit? been there, done that.

I can't comment on the whole crysis story etc. but from what I've played (the demo once, and just past the demo once) it just didn't have enough there to get me interested, also the amount of cutscenes and really forced, crap voice acting just ruined it for me.

Posted: December 12th, 2007, 23:46
by Shada
Well, I love Crysis. It's ace fun. Grabbing Koreans, throwing them into the air and then filling them with AK rounds while they're up there never gets old.

Also throwing koreans into vending machines.

Also throwing koreans into other koreans.


Posted: December 12th, 2007, 23:54
by MIkkyo
Shada wrote:Well, I love Crysis. It's ace fun. Grabbing Koreans, throwing them into the air and then filling them with AK rounds while they're up there never gets old.

Also throwing koreans into vending machines.

Also throwing koreans into other koreans.

Hmmm now you mention it, it does sound more fun

Re: Is Crysis actually good?!

Posted: December 13th, 2007, 12:21
by tandino
spoodie wrote:So I bought Edge today and it got 9/10 ... is it actually good?
The same issue gave Mass Effect 7/10, which is obviously an error and I'm thinking this same error could have been made with the Crysis review as well.
I'll be honest with you Spoodster, I'm loosing, nay, haemorrhaging faith in Edge at the moment. I cannae remember if you're playing through The Witcher at the moment, but Edge gave it a 5. Now I know it's not perfect but as my review stated, I feel it's a 7.5 - 8. It's immersive, good looking, runs beautifully and has a solid storyline (eventually) - Definitely one for the Neverwinter fold.

Edge gave Halo 3 a 10 too. I disagree with this because there's nothing revolutionary AT ALL about Halo 3 (Or 2 for that matter). Also Twilight Princess got a 9, but it's really an outstanding, never been done before game.

Still a dutiful subscriber all the same, but I'd put more trust in the Videogaiden/Consolevania boys' reviews.

Re: Is Crysis actually good?!

Posted: December 13th, 2007, 12:38
by spoodie
tandino wrote:Edge gave Halo 3 a 10 too. I disagree with this because there's nothing revolutionary AT ALL about Halo 3 (Or 2 for that matter).
Yeah that didn't really make sense. The SP was okay and while the MP is the best implementation of Halo MP ever it's still just Halo, including the annoyances.

I'm not sure I trust CV/VG boys reviews too much either. They made me buy Pathologicand it's arses.

My Edge subscription expired and based on this issue I certainly not tempted to re-subscribe.

Posted: December 13th, 2007, 12:54
by Dog Pants
PCG gave The Witcher something fairly low (60-70% IIRC), but based on 5punky reviews I'm still tempted to have a go.

Posted: December 13th, 2007, 13:04
by HereComesPete
What tandino said about the witcher. + It does have a few annoyances, but mostly they very quickly become trivial and mostly un-noticed. A few quests, whilst not being broken, need you to leave them until you advance the main plot further, took me fucking ages of wandering around in act 3 (possibly 4) to find this out. It's definitely not a 5 though, even for the graphics alone I'd say 7, it's like oblivion but not as shiny pretty, got a bit more grime slapped on, and the gameplay and choice making is what I've been missing from a rpg for a long time.*

*mainly because I just couldn't get into nwn2, dunno why.

Re: Is Crysis actually good?!

Posted: December 13th, 2007, 13:25
by Fred Woogle
spoodie wrote:is it actually good?

Posted: December 13th, 2007, 13:58
by Lateralus
I very rarely read other reviews of games, and would trust a 5punky review over anything said in any publication or large gaming-review site.

Posted: December 13th, 2007, 14:02
by Dr. kitteny berk
Lateralus wrote:I very rarely read other reviews of games, and would trust a 5punky review over anything said in any publication or large gaming-review site.
:above: Kinda.

I'll trust a few hardware review sites (like bit-tech) as they're usually pretty spot on.

Problem with sites like 5punk, is that having had just paid for a game, you'll be expecting to get a good game, and having has paid for a game it's likely that it's the sort of game you like, so you'll be slightly biased.

But yeah, I do trust 5punk reviews mostly.

Posted: December 13th, 2007, 14:34
by HereComesPete
:above: Eh? :? Eion, is that grammatically correct? It confuddles!

Ah, I see what's going on, Berk is northwestarden his grammerz to help Eion! Boo! Burnm them all!

Posted: December 13th, 2007, 14:43
by eion
HereComesPete wrote:Ah, I see what's going on; Berk is northwestarden his grammerz to help Eion!
If so, he's not the only one...
HereComesPete wrote:I remember halo 2 and its entire map lag in the cutscenes
Fix'd - or at least better.

You asked for that.

Posted: December 13th, 2007, 14:47
by HereComesPete
Zomg, I normally fuck that up t'other way round, ah well.

Posted: December 13th, 2007, 14:56
by Fred Woogle
HereComesPete wrote: Ah, I see what's going on, Berk is SauthYeistardan his grammerz to help Eion! Boo! Burnm them all!

Posted: December 14th, 2007, 12:19
by GoatMasterUK
Well.. It's got nice multi and sp :P I've just upgraded my machine (Got an extra 20fps from a 3.21 and another 2gb of ram) and I can actaully play it without fps lag so I can honestly say it's pewpew :3
Although the multiplayer maps are limited you can put up with them ;)