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5punk Awards 2007

Posted: December 11th, 2007, 22:32
by Dog Pants
It's that time of year again where we celebrate the great and the good in the 5punker Awards. Enter your nominees for the following categories, to be polled from the 1st to the 7th of January:

Spammer Of The Year Award
Awarded to the highest apparent number of posts made this year, relative to their time spent as a member. Please don't get all mathematical and work it out, that's no fun.

Most Potential As A Vampire Award
Awarded to the 5punker who appears to have left the house the least this year based on gaming hours clocked up. Again, don't spoil the fun by working it out.

Pimp Of The Year
Awarded to the 5punker who has whored the site the most and thus recruited the most new members.

Nazi Of The Year
Awarded to the 5punker who has done the most to promote good spelling and grammar through vigorous correction of fellow members.

Monkey-At-A-Keyboard Award
Awarded to the 5punker who is most likely have been spacking at random onto their keyboard and thus having the most incomprehensible posts. The direct opposite of the Nazi Of The year.

Bastard Of The Year
Awarded to the 5punker who is creative to the point of being hated by the rest of us for being a talented bastard and making us all look like chimps.

Liver Of The Year
Awarded to the 5punker who has publicly consumed the most alcohol. There's still time at ProfLAN guys...

And Finally...

The Sir Die Aloty Award for 5punker Of The Year
Named in honour of the inventor of these awards, this is awarded to the 5punker who has done the most to uphold the 5punkiness of 5punk in word or deed.

Thank you for another great year people. If it were up to me I'd give each and every one of you one. :wry smile: You're all bummers of the year to me.

The current title holders, defending their dubious honours, are:

Spammer: Dr.Kitteny Berk
Vampire: Hehulk
Pimp: Dres (Centeredgedesign)
Nazi: Lateralus
Liver: JockGit landslide
Monkey At keyboard: Ty
Bastard: Grimmie and Slinger tie
5punker: WEY

Posted: December 11th, 2007, 23:17
by Hehulk
I'd just like to remind everyone, I do have some resemblance of a life now. I keep trying to kill it, but friends won't let me :(
Dog Pants wrote:Liver Of The Year
There's still time at ProfLAN guys...
Huh, what Proflan?

Re: 5punk Awards 2007

Posted: December 11th, 2007, 23:21
by TezzRexx
Dog Pants wrote: Monkey At keyboard: Northwesten

Posted: December 11th, 2007, 23:22
by buzzmong
Public vote or pm's?

I wasn't here for last years.

Posted: December 11th, 2007, 23:22
by TezzRexx
Also, I don't think there is time at ProfLan this year, Doggers :P

Posted: December 11th, 2007, 23:23
by eRabbit
Can we have a "Most like Simon Pegg on Facebook" award please?

*looks at Tezz*

Posted: December 11th, 2007, 23:24
by Hehulk
If memory serves me right, nominate here, then we have a load of threads with polls in them early january.

Posted: December 11th, 2007, 23:26
by Dr. kitteny berk
Spammer: Me :)
Vampire: Grimmie
Pimp: hard one (twss) probably some eve-monkey again.
Nazi: Eion, the twat.
Liver: Me, Ty or Jockgit probably (can't decide there)
Monkey At keyboard: Ty (as the other contender's typing/english would qualify as a cat, at best)
Bastard: Grimmie
5punker: Dogpants - keeps everyone getting along as nice as possible, despite my best efforts.

Posted: December 11th, 2007, 23:44
by HereComesPete
Spammer - Berk. I'm doing well, but my daily post count is still about half his.

Vampire - Hehulk, you may well claim to do other things hehulk, but we all know you're thinking of eve when you do.

Pimp - There may well be lots of eve types joined, but unless they say hello, no one but the other spacemongs know who they are. I say gabe newell, for heading the studio that created the orange box, technically not a 5punker, but meh, it's a big box of fucking win and brought quite a few new members (hur hur) to 5punk.

Nazi - Eion, Despite his absence whilst becoming even more pedantic in a professional sense, his strong return to the fold with the pickiest of attitudes has lead to him being the grammar nazi cupcake of the year for me.

Bastard - Grimmie, continues to make my art look like a spastic child with clubbed hands holding a crayon did it, the bastard.

Monkey - Ty, not entirely his fault, even the ff dictionary can't cope with that many mind expanding chemicals.

Liver - Jockgit, because he fell asleep, poured wine down his arm and fondled himself in a room full of 5punkers, all a direct result of the alcohol he'd imbibed.

The Sir Die Aloty Award for 5punker Of The Year - I too will drop my pants for Pantsu, Plays for fun, never really hear him get the rage, always settles things down with stern words and kittens, top notch mod job.

Posted: December 11th, 2007, 23:50
by Dr. kitteny berk
HereComesPete wrote:Pimp - There may well be lots of eve types joined, but unless they say hello, no one but the other spacemongs know who they are. I say gabe newell, for heading the studio that created the orange box, technically not a 5punker, but meh, it's a big box of fucking win and brought quite a few new members (hur hur) to 5punk.
I'd go with that too, TEEF anyway.

Also, should we have a 5punk GOTY award?

Posted: December 11th, 2007, 23:56
by HereComesPete

But what to choose from the frenzy of caek that was portal, the weeks of lolz that were teef, or the persistent enjoyment and high numbers that a rather win COD:Modern Cod has presented us?!

I can't even think of m/any extra special games from earlier in the year. Bioshock gets a mention, 'would you kindly'.

Posted: December 11th, 2007, 23:58
by Dr. kitteny berk
HereComesPete wrote:Yes.

But what to choose from the frenzy of caek that was portal, the weeks of lolz that were teef, or the persistent enjoyment and high numbers that a rather win COD:Modern Cod has presented us?!

I can't even think of m/any extra special games from earlier in the year. Bioshock gets a mention, 'would you kindly'.

That's kinda the point, it'd be a very close run thing.

also. cod4 is now only 6 hours behind TEEF in time played by 5punkers.

Posted: December 11th, 2007, 23:59
by buzzmong
Spammer Of The Year Award
Berk wins on physical post count, but Pete seems to actually spam the most, especially on Trev's threads.

Most Potential As A Vampire Award

Pimp Of The Year
Whoever just brought in about 2/3 brummies in the last month or so.

Nazi Of The Year

Monkey-At-A-Keyboard Award
As a certain member threw his toys out of the pram with the constant arguments with Berk, I'll vote Ty instead.

Bastard Of The Year
Stoat for the coding of the quick reply on the discoboard and various other things he's done.

Liver Of The Year
Jockgit for the reasons Pete mentioned. Hehulk would come second. Bostin!

The Sir Die Aloty Award for 5punker Of The Year

Posted: December 12th, 2007, 0:02
by HereComesPete
I don't spam the new posts, I don't just write 1irst!eleventy! yoo ares low! f4gs, or simliar. I respond if it's interesting, knowing full well that if berk notices he'll join in too. :P

Posted: December 12th, 2007, 0:36
by FatherJack
Dr. kitteny berk wrote:Also, should we have a 5punk GOTY award?
I thought yes, but then thought it might be a foregone CoD-clusion, we've been super-spoiled this year, perhaps we can devise a way to award multiple medals to a few games in different categories. Let's get those nomination threads started.

Posted: December 12th, 2007, 1:33
by Hehulk
buzzmong wrote: Liver Of The Year
Jockgit for the reasons Pete mentioned. Hehulk would come second. Bostin!
What have I done that I don't remeber :?

Posted: December 12th, 2007, 1:38
by fabyak
Can I nominate a category of Horsing of the year?

Nothing at all to do with wanting a category I can get nominated in :P

Posted: December 12th, 2007, 1:47
by fabyak
Oh, and if we are doing prizes this year, I have one I can donate

Posted: December 12th, 2007, 9:50
by Dog Pants
Hehulk wrote:Huh, what Proflan?
Oops, copy and pasting last year's spiel FTL.
buzzmong wrote:Public vote or pm's?

I wasn't here for last years.
Nominations go in this thread, then after new year there'll be a public vote thread for each category based on names mentioned here.

My votes are:

Spammer: Pete. Berk wins on quantity I'm sure, but Pete seems to flood the forum all at once at least once a day.
Vampire: I'm going to vote for Berk here instead. The man doesn't even sleep for Christ's sake.
Pimp: I'm not sure on this as most of our new regulars arrived while I was interspacking. Seems as a result of TEEF though, which if true would make my nomination Berk for providing the server.
Nazi: Eion. No contest, despite Pete making a sprint for the line this week.
Liver: based on what I've seen this year it's Berk again for being so hammered when I arrived at Grim Bash that we had to convince the bouncer in the pub that he was an insomniac and so it was best to let him sleep wherever he could.
Monkey At keyboard: Despite several very legible posts this year, I suspect they were translated by Shot2Bits before posting, so it has to be Ty :)
Bastard: Grimmie. We have other talented bastards, but Grimmie makes me more consistently jealous than anyone else.
5punker: The gaffer, FatherJack, for stepping in and taking the site over when crisis loomed.

Re: 5punk Awards 2007

Posted: December 12th, 2007, 10:02
by Fred Woogle
I think that this should be added to the Wiki, with the winners from each year

Spammer Of The Year Award
Berk or Pete

Most Potential As A Vampire Award
Hmmm, Hehulks lack of eve, this makes this hard, *thinks*

Pimp Of The Year
Proberly Bukkake/Tukkake?

Nazi Of The Year

Monkey-At-A-Keyboard Award
*looks for a spelling/gammar mistake by Berk*

Bastard Of The Year

Liver Of The Year

And Finally...

The Sir Die Aloty Award for 5punker Of The Year
Pants or FJ for his new fondled responsibilites