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Big Stompy Robots Expansion

Posted: December 1st, 2007, 20:55
by Gunslinger42
Anyone else planning on getting this?

I've been enjoying it so far, even if the only thing thats really different to the original is the fact that they've added a few more units.

A new Cybran T3 unit "The Brick" and the new Cybran experimental factory that is capable of shitting them.
<a href=" ... .png"><img src=" ... ee2a_o.png" width="1024"></a>

One of the Seraphim experimentals - The Really Big Stompy Robot (it's also not painfully slow like the Aeon Big Stompy Robot)
<a href=" ... .png"><img src=" ... 44db_o.png" width="1024"></a>

There's a few other new units worth mentioning, like the experimental nuke it's waiting for you bobbins and experimental orbital death laez0rz, which are both great fun.

I haven't played enough of the campaign to properly judge it (and I didn't care for the first games campaign anyway) yet though.

Posted: December 2nd, 2007, 1:31
by mrbobbins
Plan to get it at some point, and would love to have some more 5punky Soups.

If GPGNET hasn't fucked MP in the ass again that is

Posted: December 2nd, 2007, 2:26
by Gunslinger42
GPGNet sucks, but for 5punky soup we could always resort to hamachi and lan, since that doesn't make you fart about with gpgnet

Posted: December 2nd, 2007, 9:40
by Hehulk
more 5punky soup? Yes please :)

Tis on my list of gaims to get once Hehulk Mk2 (new machine, yes I'm a sad git) has arrived

Posted: December 2nd, 2007, 12:16
by Roman Totale
GPGNet appears to be fixed now. I was unable to play it for months (DESYNC DETECTED) due to it fucking up. Ran again the other day and it seems fine now.

I'll save some nukes for you Bobbins.

Posted: December 3rd, 2007, 16:40
by Nickface
I picked up SupCom about 6 months ago and never had the change to get a really good go at it with anyone. :(

Posted: December 3rd, 2007, 16:56
by Hehulk
Perhaps we should schedule a saturday game?

Posted: December 3rd, 2007, 20:17
by Gunslinger42
Saturday game of vanilla stompy robots?

I'd play!

Assuming there isn't patch rage

Posted: December 3rd, 2007, 21:03
by Roman Totale
Gunslinger42 wrote:Saturday game of vanilla stompy robots?

I'd play!

Assuming there isn't patch rage

Posted: December 3rd, 2007, 22:17
by deject
I might join if I can finish sweeping it up by then. It's a rather large pile!

Posted: December 4th, 2007, 0:05
by Hehulk