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Ghostbusters II Isn't So Good Really [Night Note]

Posted: November 13th, 2007, 17:00
by News Reader
Image Ghostbusters II Isn't So Good Really [Night Note]
To: Ian

From: Bashcraft

RE: Airport, Credit, Treacle

Whew. Been going through the contest, and I started sending out emails to those who were finalists. These contests really kill me!

Watched Ghostbusters II today. Saw it when I was a kid in the theater, and I remember liking it. But like some things you have fond childhood memories, the film doesn't hold up. (Wonder how the cartoon holds up... Speaking of which, Matt Alt has neat post up on Shinji Aramaki.) Man, they really dropped the ball — too much slime. Also, why is Janine dating Louis? That makes no sense. She should be with Egon. And where's that Pecker guy? The first one is so so so great. Why, why? I'm just going to pretend the second one doesn't exist. And they want to make a third? Please no.

What you missed last night

Fall update

Portal sign warns Tokyo residents

Rock Band announced bonus tracks



Image Image

Author: Brian Ashcraft
Category: night note Note
Publish Date: Tue, 13 Nov 2007 09:40:52 EST

Source: Kotaku

Posted: November 13th, 2007, 17:06
by buzzmong
Pfft, It's not as good as the first, true, but it's still an alright film with a great cast.

Posted: November 13th, 2007, 17:19
by Dog Pants
This guy knows nothing. Of course it isn't as good as the first, but it has Ghostbusters in it so it's good. End of story.

Statue of Liberty
Slime that dances to Jackie Wilson
Winston in the tunnels

Also, why should Janine end up with Egon? Because she fancies him in the first film? Because of the cartoons? Egon was obviously too far involved with his science to even notice her. Plus he did things with the slime.

Also also, Dan Akroyd has had the script for Ghostbusters 3 for years and the others weren't interested. Unless some new information has emerged I can't see it being made.

Also also also, fact fans; Slimer was supposed to be the ghost of John Belushi, who was earmarked to play Pete Venkman but died before casting.

Posted: November 13th, 2007, 21:27
by TezzRexx
FUCK OFF! Ghostbusters 2 is as good as Ghostbusters 1 IMO.

I heart those films :)

Posted: November 13th, 2007, 21:31
by Mr. Johnson
he can fuck off and die in a fire. HARD. ghostbusters has a river of slime! how many movies have that?!

Posted: November 14th, 2007, 6:22
by HereComesPete
:above: All of it, it's a great film.

Posted: November 17th, 2007, 12:36
by eRabbit
Ghostbusters II rocks my socks, boxers and frilly weekend lingerie.