some news reporter wrote: 11 years ago Spackeee The Third was supposed to become the new ruler of Spacklangia. Unfortunately 3 days before the ceremony of snortables Spackeee disappeared and after 2 months of searching was believed dead. the younger brother of Spackeee, Shotty, decided to take his place and the community agreed. now after Shotty's 11 year reign his older sibling was finally found behind a fridge in a drug den about 3 minutes down the road from his former home. the two brothers have agreed that Shotty will step down from his position of authority and Spackeee will take his place. we got to speak with our new leader earlier today and he assured us that he will be keeping the same regime and that all he wants is 14 female virgins to wait on him. Literally.
this news broadcast was paid for by drug trade and sponsored by the big green lead industry's
Spacklangia's lost leader (IC)
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