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I need to find something better to do in UD.

Posted: October 9th, 2007, 11:30
by Dr. kitteny berk
<a href="" title="Photo Sharing"><img src=" ... 4e6a08.jpg" width="500" height="401" alt="ud"></a>

Posted: October 9th, 2007, 13:17
by Grimmie
I think you should revive Kirkules.

Posted: October 9th, 2007, 13:23
by Dr. kitteny berk
I tried that.

Apparently alive people can't be revived. :cry:

Please help me, im dead outside waugh.

Posted: October 10th, 2007, 22:00
by FoOLisH91
Keeping the base...
I did set a transmiter in there, but it needs a generator...

Revive please...

Posted: October 20th, 2007, 3:28
by Dr. kitteny berk

rev sticks gone.

Posted: December 20th, 2007, 1:37
by razi
come to Caiger before the rats get in. There's some good early bird specials right now.
You are inside Caiger Mall. Trails of looted debris litter the floors and escalators. The building has been extremely heavily barricaded. Also here are *content edit*.

A portable generator has been set up here. It is running. Green Christmas lights decorate the room.

Posted: December 20th, 2007, 10:53
by Dog Pants
Hehe, it's always seasonal in Malton :)

Coincidentally I dreampt that UD had gone all live and 3D last night. It made for a fucking scary game trying to apply medikits and barricade myself in with PKers and zombies monging about outside. I had a skill that let me hide under the bed and my name was removed from the tile. Was a fucking brilliant game.

Posted: December 20th, 2007, 13:24
by Hehulk