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Paging Berk: I have a tech problem
Posted: September 19th, 2007, 17:05
by Hehulk
So, Since i got my my internets are being all weird. I can go for hours and hours of the internet working fine, thenf or no apparent reason, I lose connect to all sorts of stuff (Xfire, Ham and cheese, eve, etc) at the same time. Now, time was I'd put this down to program x or y just being spacky and doing such things, but now it's all happening in sync, which makes me think it's more than just the programs. Until this afternoon, I'd seemingly traced the problem to the obscene amounts of sweeping my sister does, but when her programs started losing connections at the same times mine did, and neither of us were sweeping, this horses me to look further afield.
I figure it could be a whole host of things, but you guys are usually far better informed at this stuff than I, so, what's you opinions on tracking down and solving this problem?
Posted: September 19th, 2007, 17:20
by Roman Totale
How old is your sister?
Posted: September 19th, 2007, 17:26
by MrGreen
Roman Totale wrote:How old is your sister?

Posted: September 19th, 2007, 17:30
by Hehulk
No, it's not porn, she's a big social acceptable type movie fan (14)
Posted: September 19th, 2007, 17:30
by deject
stop playing EVE That sounds like either a firewall or router is fucking up after a certain amount of time. I would check to see if there is any new firmware for your router, and also disable any software firewall you have temporarily to see if it goes away.
Also, it could be torments not playing nice with your router if you had torments open that is.
Posted: September 19th, 2007, 17:41
by FatherJack
I'd suggest faulty/misconfigured router or modem, or possibly the ISP dropping the connection.
To check the latter, somewhere in the modem settings there should be an indicator of whether you are connected, and the timeout before reconnecting. Check it's not showing "disconnected" at the times you lose connection, increasing the timeout temporarily to give you time to check.
To check the former, try different kit.
Posted: September 19th, 2007, 17:47
by Akiakaiu
Same thing was happening to me and my girlfriend. Swapped routers out and have not had the problem since.
Posted: September 19th, 2007, 18:56
by friznit
Using wireless perchance? Wireless does that. It's crap. Get wired.
Posted: September 19th, 2007, 19:01
by tandino
friznit wrote:Using wireless perchance? Wireless does that. It's crap. Get wired.
Get fucked!
/harsh reply
My Wireless has never been a problem. Occasionally my wireless connection would drop from 54 Mbps down to 30 odd or very rarely 1 Mbps, but I moved my router a couple of cm away from the wall and it shot back up in no time. My dad's, brother's and my own computers all access t'interwebs through it with no probs.
Posted: September 19th, 2007, 21:04
by FatherJack
tandino wrote:My Wireless has never been a problem. Occasionally my wireless connection would drop from 54 Mbps down to 30 odd or very rarely 1 Mbps, but I moved my router a couple of cm away from the wall and it shot back up in no time. My dad's, brother's and my own computers all access t'interwebs through it with no probs.
Depends how fast your internet is, and how much you transfer internally between computers. If the answer to both is high, wireless can be a problem.
Wireless bandwidth is always
shared - like using a hub
(cough, spit) instead of a switch. One computer can hog the entire amount of bandwidth, and if 3 or more computers are using it, it's possible you'll be saturating your internal network before actually maxing out your external connection.
Posted: September 19th, 2007, 21:04
by Dr. kitteny berk
IME wireless can be fucking awful for gaming, on the other hand, it can be totally fine.
It comes down to the hardware, there's many shit or badly configured wireless routers out there, so it can be much easier to tell people to try plugging a cable in.
Not to mention wireless is very open to interference and leeching if you're unlucky.
FatherJack wrote:
Depends how fast your internet is, and how much you transfer internally between computers. If the answer to both is high, wireless can be a problem.
Wireless bandwidth is always shared - like using a hub (cough, spit) instead of a switch. One computer can hog the entire amount of bandwidth, and if 3 or more computers are using it, it's possible you'll be saturating your internal network before actually maxing out your external connection.
That too
Posted: September 19th, 2007, 21:10
by buzzmong
I'd suggest new router-switch.
I like my d-link one, it works fine. Most of the time. Other times I blame ntl.
Posted: September 19th, 2007, 23:12
by Hehulk
I use wired, and having just got back from the pub/movie+beer I kicked my switch a bit to see if it helped. So far, nothings disconnected, but if it's on it's way out I'll be replacing it asap.
Posted: September 19th, 2007, 23:23
by HereComesPete
My new setup took a considerable amount of time to get working. I went for some buffalo 125mbps stuff, after changing a lot of settings, such as giving myself a static lan ip/making the dhcp server options non-automatic etc, I now have super speed, and it hasn't shat itself once yet, all doing a nominal transfer rate of 125, except when the gf fires up her laptop, then the network slows to 54, but even then all I have to do is turn down my sweeping speeds so my game doesn't get laggy.

Posted: September 19th, 2007, 23:23
by cheeseandham
Hehulk wrote:No, it's not porn, she's a big social acceptable type movie fan (14)
Maybe just me, but somehow I didn't think they were asking how old she was in relation to the question in hand..

Posted: September 19th, 2007, 23:30
by FatherJack
cheeseandham wrote:
Maybe just me, but somehow I didn't think they were asking how old she was in relation to the question in hand..

Not just you. I'd guess checking for legal reasons before asking for nekkid pics for er...verification.
HCP you need to sort the capitalisation out, mpbs are a million times slower than kbps. I just couldn't do the maths based solely on your message.
Posted: September 19th, 2007, 23:38
by HereComesPete
I kinda got that impression too. However, albania's age of consent is handily 14. Also, if you want, this saturday, flying from heathrow to tirana 9.50-14.30 it's around £150 per 'adult', 14 may still count as a child seat though!

Posted: May 14th, 2008, 20:13
by Anhamgrimmar
HereComesPete wrote:I kinda got that impression too. However, albania's age of consent is handily 14. Also, if you want, this saturday, flying from heathrow to tirana 9.50-14.30 it's around £150 per 'adult', 14 may still count as a child seat though!

S'ok, she can sit on my lap, thereby negating the need to pay for an extra seat...
(also: NECROBAMP!)
Posted: May 14th, 2008, 20:50
by Grimmie
Posted: May 14th, 2008, 21:38
by buzzmong
Excellent Grimmie.