Hello all, long time no see. Sorry to trouble you all was just wondering does the hdmi cable work on an old 360?? ive had contradictory answers on the web to this!just bought a bush idlcd26tv05hd and cant seem to get the bugger going in HD!
Thanking you in advance!
stroudy1 wrote:But there is a port on the HD cable I have for it!
There's a port on the cable?
Either :-
i) English fail.
ii) You smoke some good shit and I want some.
iii) You have access to some hitherto unknown technology and I'd really like to see a photo of it.
I must be smoking some good shit....just looked to double check and I was lying without even knowing it!shit what a nugget I am!thanks berk thought you mite know!
deject wrote:I don't know about over there, but 360 Premiums here are now equipped with HDMI ports. Still only have the 20GB drives though.
Mine doesn't, and it's only a few months old. Just the normal port with a cable with a switch on it for normal/HDTV, outlets are all phono plugs.
I might get a VGA cable and connect it to my PC monitor, depending where everything ends up in my current redesign of my house - I feel a bit disconnected playing console games at the moment - which is where I've been in the evenings for the last few weeks.
Word is, the hdmi port is going to turn up for all except a run of core systems with the older compomnent/scart setup. But of course, that could be crap, I've not seen anything official.