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Timesplitters 4 In Development!!! [News]

Posted: August 9th, 2007, 11:00
by News Reader
Image Timesplitters 4 In Development!!! [News]
Although the game is a free agent as publishers are yet to sign it up...

Category: News
Publish Date: Thu, 09 Aug 2007 11:45:00 +0100

Source: Total Video Games News Feed
Description: Total Video Games news feed

Posted: August 9th, 2007, 12:01
by FatherJack
Here's hoping this great series will finally see a PC release. Much multiplayer lols have been had with the previous incarnations.

Posted: August 9th, 2007, 12:20
by Lateralus
I think some games only work on the basis of their multiplayer lols when al the players are sat around together drinking beer and punching each-other. Monkey Balls and Fifa are probably the two I've spent most time playing with mates on consoles, and neither would work nearly as well over t'interweb in my opinion. Timesplitters is probably different in that it's slightly less of a "party game", and so I'm not really sure what point I'm trying to make. Maybe that I liked playing monkeyballs on the Gamecube and want to get it when I get a Wii next month. I need a lie-down I think.

Posted: August 9th, 2007, 12:23
by FatherJack
Lateralus wrote:I think some games only work on the basis of their multiplayer lols when al the players are sat around together drinking booze and swearing at each-other.

5punk, then.

Posted: August 9th, 2007, 12:27
by Lateralus
Hehe, yeah, that's why I like 5punk really, but I can't imagine us playing 5 hours of monkeyball target and races. There was a point in my first reply, I just lost it. Does anyone know WTFIBOA?

Posted: August 9th, 2007, 12:28
by buzzmong
Well, I had Timesplitters 2 for the xbox.

Thought it was complete tosh really, I couldn't make sense why pretty much every mag had given it 90+% ratings.

Even the multiplayer wasn't that fun, it was only fun because you're playing it with people in the same room, much less lols than Halo 1/2 multiplayer.

I avoided TS3 but I suppose if a pc version commeth, I might sweep.

Posted: August 9th, 2007, 12:50
by eion
Lateralus wrote:I think some games only work on the basis of their multiplayer lols when all the players are sat around together drinking beer and punching or swearing at each other.
Really fix'd. And I agree with the sentiment.

Personally I've never played a RimTimesplitters game (on the Xbox or anything else), but then again I don't really do FPS games.

Posted: August 9th, 2007, 13:40
by spoodie
I played a couple of them and never really got what people found so great about them.

Posted: August 9th, 2007, 15:09
by cashy

Can't wait

Posted: August 9th, 2007, 19:46
by Duke of Ted
spoodie wrote:I played a couple of them and never really got what people found so great about them.
:above: they were fairly 'meh' IMO

Posted: August 9th, 2007, 20:27
by deject
spoodie wrote:I played a couple of them and never really got what people found so great about them.
:above: HARD.

Posted: August 9th, 2007, 20:53
by HereComesPete
Duke of Ted wrote::above: they were fairly 'meh' IMO
:above: qft. 3 parts meh, 1 part lol with the mates. Halo FTW.

Posted: August 9th, 2007, 20:53
by FatherJack
For me, it's few things that I've enjoyed.

The ridiculous cartoony feel, the bizarre time-hopping premise with guns to match the era and the stupidness and variety of the multiplayer modes.

Alien space landings with 50s SF Ray Guns, Wild West levels with Colt Revolvers, Monkeys running around trying to steal briefcases, burning Monkeys chasing people like Zombie mod and Remote-Controlled Cat Racing.

I even had laughs playing TS2 on the PS2 online with randoms - it's the one and only time the voice chat on a console game has just been people laughing themselves silly, instead of "pwned", "noob" etc. TS3 didn't add much, other than a nice time-loop twist to the SP, marginally better aiming and the RC Cats.

The series has historically taken the piss out of stereotypical movie genres - the general humour being another thing I like in a game. This one apparently aims for lols by mocking other video games, and I can't wait to see what they have planned.