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Taking it to the next level
Posted: August 1st, 2007, 12:53
by friznit
You may or may not be aware that in a 2 or 3 weeks time we'll be running a major op in Providence. It will last between 5 to 10 days and involves a huge amount of allies with all the associated logistics, politics, organization and administration. I can't go into too many details yet, but as things become clearer I will do my best to keep you all up to date.
Most importantly for us though, I need to know who will
definitely be available over the weekend of 24th August, and what ships you will be flying so we can work out corp logistics and have a stock of replacements on hand. Work off what you've already posted in the
Fleet Roles post but keep it simple and specific. Leave discussion in the other threads.
Friznit Rokh, Rook
Rydis: Tempest
Fear Not: Crow, Flycatcher, Rook
Fear Reticle: Helios and covops cloak
Jimmy: Carrier/Dread
Jin: Megathron
eRabbit: Megathron, Heretic
Miro: Dread, Domi, (T1 Megathron)
Lee: Megathron
Not Available:
Posted: August 1st, 2007, 12:55
by fabyak
If that is the bank holiday weekend I am in France
Posted: August 1st, 2007, 13:28
by Fear
Fear Not: Crow / Flycatcher / Rook or Falcon
Fear Reticle: Covops (the French one, can't remember the name of it) <-- I'll keep her out of NR for this.
Will aim to make all the opening and important battles.
Posted: August 1st, 2007, 13:31
by Anhamgrimmar
Bank holiday is around the 27th i think.
Sadly i wont be available, going away for a 3 week exercise around then.

Posted: August 1st, 2007, 14:03
by Dolly Parton
i have my fantasy football draft then so won't be there and last semester of school is going on the too. when i am on and there are things going on i'll send red in by AF or Inti and tackle fools i guess.
Posted: August 1st, 2007, 15:58
by Jin
I will be around for at least part of this weekend and luckily enough Jin will have finished T2 Large Rails (& Blasters) in time for this so put me down for a T2 Sniping Megathron.
Posted: August 1st, 2007, 16:34
by northwesten
mmm maybe i get my 3rd account on basic tackler = Rifter scam and web with MWD. I hope that helps alot?
If i win the lottery then all 3 be there
sound very interesting and i book that as a piss up event

Posted: August 1st, 2007, 17:23
by eRabbit
Megathron or Heretic
Posted: August 1st, 2007, 20:28
by Miro Mishu
I will be dusting off Miro and he will be available with:
Moros // T1 Mega // other less important ships.
I am finishing up the damn support skills for the DN and it'll take me the month to be able to use a Siege Module + sentry drones.
Posted: August 1st, 2007, 21:05
by friznit
Miro Mishu wrote:I will be dusting off Miro and he will be available with:
Moros // T1 Mega // other less important ships.
I am finishing up the damn support skills for the DN and it'll take me the month to be able to use a Siege Module + sentry drones.
Moros without siege and a mega without T2 guns will both be out of place in this op. If you can use neither within 3 weeks, might be best to stick to tackling and fighter bombing - can you use interceptors/dictors, covops or EW ships?
Posted: August 1st, 2007, 21:25
by Miro Mishu
I'll have the DN skills by the OP

I was just saying I can't race to T2 sniping in that time because i'll be finishing up the other stuff.
As for other ships, I can fly the basic Gallente stuff (no ceptors or dictors), so i'm kind of a one-trick pony atm.. Racing to Capital ships within the first year of the toon has been taking up all my time. *Shrug*
Posted: August 1st, 2007, 23:59
by friznit
Thing is, if you can't hit out to 180km with rails, you'll not be much use in the sniper gang and only the Rokh can do that with T1 guns afaik. You could ofc bring a Myrm or dominix for the close in support, though can't guarantee survivability

Posted: August 2nd, 2007, 10:06
by Anhamgrimmar
IF i'm available (i might be available for the w/e 24th, but not for the major op itself, I will be mostly flying Destroyers, Heavy Tacklers, or friggie fighterbombers.
Ships i would need (t2 is not required, but could be nice):
T2: minnie inties (CLAW/STILLETTO),
T1: Thrasher (destroyer)
T1: Rifter/Slasher (T1 Tacklers)
T1: Stabber/Bellicose (T1 Heavy Tacklers)
20k scrams(T1),
7.5k scrams (T1),
Small arty (T2 is nice, T1 does the job),
Small AC (again, T2 is nice, but T1 will do the job),
Medium ACs (T1 only, T2 is too expensive for the job),
Webs (T1 only),
1 and 10mn MWDs (T1 only, T2 is expensive for the benefit)
Target Painter (Bog standard T1, be interesting what effect if any it has on fleets)
Miscellaneous T1 ECM mods (RSDs for preference)
Miscellaneous T1 Armour mods (Plates, reps, passive hardners)
T1 Nos (medium and small).
T2 Sensor boosters.
T2 gyros (for the gankthrasher)
I will try to get some cookie cutter setups together, and donate them to the corp. That way, even if i dont turn up, i've helped out.
Posted: August 8th, 2007, 22:45
by Miro Mishu
friznit wrote: You could ofc bring a Myrm or dominix for the close in support, though can't guarantee survivability

I'll deck out a Domi for the big op, and i'll still have my T1 Mega on standby if it's needed (if we do blaster BS etc). As for survivability? A point defense Domi riding along with the sniper fleet should live just as well as any other member, yes? And having a remote rep/tanking vessel should help increase the overall survival rate imo.
Nothing like a med/heavy neut. for anti-tackling.
And, for the capital ops, i'll have my baby on standby as well.
I'm looking forward to the fun
Posted: August 8th, 2007, 23:03
by friznit
Anhamgrimmar wrote:T2: minnie inties (CLAW/STILLETTO)
Which one - claw or stiletto?
Posted: August 8th, 2007, 23:38
by Anhamgrimmar
bah. its looking more unlikely that i'll be there. ho hum.
Stilletto would have been the better choice, purely for the 4 midslots=lottsa tackleage
Posted: August 9th, 2007, 15:56
by friznit
Only 6 definites out of a corp of 45

Posted: August 9th, 2007, 16:03
by amblin
Posted: August 9th, 2007, 16:06
by Lee
I'll be there in a T2 sniper megathron, I do already have the ship though, it's just stuck in unity with expired insurance...
Posted: August 9th, 2007, 16:42
by Dolly Parton
friznit wrote:Only 6 definites out of a corp of 45

how many alts in 5punk. I normally have 3 char in 5punk only 2 now since NR but that could be an issue.
got my new bike so riding as much as possible when i can and if its like last night i'm on but 90% afk doing other things. undocked 2x i think thats all.