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AV Cables
Posted: July 28th, 2007, 15:39
by The Incredible...
What would be the best way, in terms of getting the best picture quality to hook my consoles up to my TV?
I have a PS2 and Wii currently hooked up to the scart with the standard component cables that come with them, but the quality isn't that great. My TV also has VGA HDMI and S Video inputs, so I'm wondering if one of those would be better, or even just getting a proper scart cable
Re: AV Cables
Posted: July 28th, 2007, 15:53
by eion
The Incredible... wrote:What would be the best way, in terms of getting the best picture quality to hook my consoles up to my TV?
I have a PS2 and Wii currently hooked up to the scart with the standard component cables that come with them, but the quality isn't that great. My TV also has VGA HDMI and S Video inputs, so I'm wondering if one of those would be better, or even just getting a proper scart cable
HDMI will be best, but that's not an option for the PS2 or the Wii.
VGA is the next best. Don't think anything is available for PS2, and definitely nothing for the Wii (except for a magic box like the Viewsonic N6 and the component hi-def cables, but that's hassle and expense).
If your TV has component hi-def inputs (
YPbPr), then you can get the Wii component hi-def cables for 480p (
terribly impressive given that the original almost-six-year-old xbox can do 720p).
Scart is the next best, and is probably your best option if your TV lacks YPbPr inputs.
S-Video and the default cables are the worst options - but to be honest, you're talking about PS2 and Wii, so the picture quality is never going to be all that.

Posted: July 28th, 2007, 17:10
by Stoat
I have a third-party YPbPr cable for the Wii. I can confirm that the picture is loads better than Scart. Less muddy, much sharper.
However, I get a little sound distortion. Not sure if it's just this cable or all cables of this type- apparently the volume is a little high coming from the Wii. I assume they can fix that with a firmware update if it's a global problem.
Posted: July 30th, 2007, 19:17
by The Incredible...
CAN and WILL are 2 different things though.
Thank you both for the info though