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UT2004 Uncacher

Posted: October 29th, 2004, 12:42
by newg
I was notified by Electrolaze of this handy utility for Unreal Tournament 2004.

What it does is make any levels you have downloaded automatically while playing online appear in your offline level selection list.

I have tested this, and it works perfectly!

We had a fair amount of trouble actually getting the file to me, as Electrolaze was told off by Mr Gates for trying to send an .exe. Also - the thread at Atari which contained the file is down for maintenance 'for some time'

I have taken the liberty of hosting the file for all you lovely people.

Thanks accepted in both cash and sexual favours.

Posted: October 29th, 2004, 13:04
by Woo Elephant Yeah

Thanks a lot, I had one of these for UT2003 a while back, but haven't got round to getting one for UT2004.

Posted: October 30th, 2004, 10:57
by electrolaze
I would like to that Stoat for finding the file for me in the first place. well done