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Posted: May 21st, 2011, 22:22
by Dr. kitteny berk
I remember experimenting with parmesan a while back in the dough, that worked well, you can replace some flour with cornmeal too (though, no more than like 15% I'd guess) for a little texture.

Posted: May 26th, 2011, 18:42
by Dr. kitteny berk
Right, Italian pizza attempt 2: The winninging.

Photos to follow soon, for now have a wall of text.

I do this in a lovely stand mixer because I'm a lazy bastard. you can do it by hand, it'll just take a while and you'll end up with formidable forearms.

Makes two 10" pizzas.

2tsp active dried yeast
150ml hot-ish water
1/2tsp sugar
1tbl Olive oil
1tsp salt
Enough bread flour, the harder the better (00 pasta flour works well)

Pizza Stone (buy one, they're really good)
Stand mixer (if you have one)

Put the pizza stone in the oven, and set oven to as high as it'll go 230-250 is good, preheat for as long as you can, you want the thing to be like a blast furnace.

Mix the yeast, water and and sugar together, and whisk it all up a bit, wait for 10-15 minutes for the yeast to wake up.

Add the salt and olive oil.

Add flour a bit at a time until you have a light, soft, but not too sticky dough, knead like a bastard, too. for about 10 minutes.

Maybe 15 if you want manly arms.

Form the dough into a nice ball.

Oil a bowl, put the dough in toss in the oil and cover with a clean teatowel and leave somewhere for an hour.

After an hour, punch the dough down (just get all the air out of it), split it into 2, knead a little and leave on a counter for another 20-30 minutes to raise a bit more.

Punch down again, roll out with a fair bit of flour into a 10" or so disc 3-4mm thick, should be able to see light through it.

Apply to the pizza stone, top with whatever you like, throw into oven for 10 minutes.

Pull it from the oven once it's brown and delicious (takes exactly 10m in my oven)

Wait a minute or 2, then slice into 8.

Stuff face.

Posted: May 26th, 2011, 18:48
by HereComesPete
Slice in to 8? If I think that's too filling can I slice it into 4 so there's less to eat?

Posted: May 26th, 2011, 18:49
by Dr. kitteny berk

Posted: May 26th, 2011, 18:59
by HereComesPete

Posted: May 26th, 2011, 20:44
by FatherJack
I usually slice into 6, will this recipe still work, or should I divide by 1.33333 ?

Posted: May 26th, 2011, 21:50
by friznit
Try slicing it into 1

Posted: May 27th, 2011, 8:47
by mrbobbins
But don't divide it by zero.

Posted: June 5th, 2011, 19:57
by Dr. kitteny berk
I cooked.

Rabbit wellington, bunny mustard fritters, sweet potato mash and some asparagus. oh, and some port, red wine and bunny stock sauce.

Shit is good.

<a href="" title="IMG_7891 by Kitteny Berk, on Flickr"><img src=" ... 8dec_z.jpg" width="640" height="427" alt="IMG_7891"></a>

Re: Geekfood Mk2.

Posted: June 28th, 2011, 18:42
by Dr. kitteny berk
Squid thing!


Re: Geekfood Mk2.

Posted: June 29th, 2011, 6:28
by Mr. Johnson
Ooh, squids. omnomnom.

Re: Geekfood Mk2.

Posted: July 7th, 2011, 17:17
by Dr. kitteny berk
Just did the pizza recipe with a bit of ghetto sourdough - water, sugar, yeast, bit of flour, left in fridge overnight.

Seems to improve matters a little.

Re: Geekfood Mk2.

Posted: August 31st, 2011, 13:52
by Dr. kitteny berk
I bought this, it is good.

Re: Geekfood Mk2.

Posted: August 31st, 2011, 16:59
by Dog Pants
Admit it, you were attracted by the front cover.

Re: Geekfood Mk2.

Posted: August 31st, 2011, 17:02
by Dr. kitteny berk
It was actually


Had to buy the book, immediately.

Re: Geekfood Mk2.

Posted: August 31st, 2011, 17:12
by Dog Pants
Thank god that anti-hotlink didn't have Goatse on it. That could have been embarrassing.

Re: Geekfood Mk2.

Posted: August 31st, 2011, 17:16
by Dr. kitteny berk
:lol: fix'd

Re: Geekfood Mk2.

Posted: August 31st, 2011, 17:23
by Dog Pants
Oh, that's much better than my previous proposal. Nom.

Re: Geekfood Mk2.

Posted: August 31st, 2011, 18:55
by Dr. kitteny berk
Just tried the rib recipe from ad hoc at home.

There's a reason the guy has a million michelin stars, technically the recipe needs a BBQ, but fuck that.

2 racks of ribs.

1 cup light brown sugar
2 tbl kosher salt (I use maldon salt, ground up a bit)
2 tsp sweet smoked paprika
2 tsp cayenne
2 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp red pepper flakes.

Mix all the rub ingredients together.

Cut ribs into 3 bone sections.

Cover with rub for 2-6 hours.

Sear on griddle or under grill for a few minutes.

Stick on tray.

Cook for ~2hrs at 120c.

Stuff face.

IMG_7955 by Kitteny Berk, on Flickr

Re: Geekfood Mk2.

Posted: September 4th, 2011, 21:15
by ProfHawking
Interdesting... That looks like a good cookbook. Never bought one before, but might splash out on that.

I enjoy cooking, but i never seem to have the time or ingredients to do it properly. My meals tend to be random mix of what is in the fridge or freezer. Unless I have a specific meal to prepare in advance and plan for it when shopping. I know you are a foodie Berk, do you keep all of the little bits and bobs to hand or do you still have to go and get them once you know what meal you are preparing?