Joose wrote:And given that gun ownership increases suicide rates, and that the anti-tyranny value of firearms is as dubious (if not more so) than relating gun ownership to crime statistics (there are no relevant statistics, its all just assumption), Im happy with the level of gun control we have in England.
Actually, I would argue that the level of gun ownership has basically no bearing on suicide rates - culture etc. is likely the most important factor. Take Japan, for instance: ludicrously high suicide rate (because there's little in the way of cultural norms against suicide, and it's seen as the honourable way out under some circumstances), but with
extremely strict gun control.
Basically, people are going to kill themselves regardless.
Joose wrote:As for the anti-tyranny thing: Do you really think that the general populace of america is better armed than the US goverment? And even if it did come to open armed rebellion, the new goverment that would come into power would be the one supported by the person who controlls the most guns. As you have pointed out, criminals have quite the aptitude for gaining access to guns. Therefore, as the largest organised group of armed individuals in the US (after the goverment) is likely to be a criminal organisation,
This is where your logic breaks down. Yes, criminals can get guns no matter what. However, in a country with relatively mild gun control laws,
so can law-abiding citizens - that's the core of my argument
against gun control! The largest organised group of armed individuals in the United States? Probably the NRA, who believe you me are
not pro-criminal.
Sadly, the United States government probably does have more guns than its citizens. That's not the way it was supposed to be.
However I firmly believe that the possibility of armed uprising has, at least in the past, moderated the behaviour of the US government.
Joose wrote:Protecting your country internally like this through horse of arms is not really a viable option.
Are you talking about national defence here? That's a different issue, but one that I'd be happy to discuss.
Moving on...
FatherJack wrote:In both cases "public opinion" or "outcry" was so strong that the government of the day introduced legislation banning the legal sale of firearms. Whether this was through a frenzy whipped up by the media, or simply sheer horror at what occured is uncertain.
Either way, it's a knee-jerk reaction, and I'm not a big fan of knee-jerk leglislation, between the unintended consequences, the risk of being swept along in the hype (which we've all been guilty of at some point), et cetera.
Basically when it comes to any law, my firm belief is to measure twice, cut once... because you most likely aren't getting those freedoms back,
FatherJack wrote:I admit to being caught up in the hype at the time, thinking that basically anyone who wanted a gun was obviously a nutter and the least suitable person to own one.
Times have changed, and now, while I like to mess around and fire my BB guns at cardboard boxes inside my house - stupid people who shoot them at other people are going to ruin that, and make them illegal, too.
I think a big part of people's fear of guns in the UK is due to the fact that the vast majority have never experienced responsible gun use. If the only time you ever see a gun is on the news or in action movies, then that's definitely going to colour your views.
So here's what I'd suggest, if you've never fired a gun before: try it. Do some skeet-shooting, or if you're on holiday/live in the US, spend a couple of hours at a pistol range (many of which have guns available to rent, and all of which will be more than happy to go over gun safety with you). Then you might see guns as they really are: tools, that can be used for good (self-defence, hunting, target shooting) or bad.