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Posted: May 24th, 2009, 3:29
HereComesPete wrote:So I signed up to xbox live as HereComesPete!
Sounds a bit faaabulous...but I'm okay with that

Posted: May 24th, 2009, 10:53
by HereComesPete
Sounds a bit faaabulous...but I'm okay with that

That sounds rather faaabulous too!
A a a are you trying to seduce me mr lestok?
Posted: May 24th, 2009, 16:31
HereComesPete wrote:A a a are you trying to seduce me mr lestok?
Got whiskey?
Posted: May 28th, 2009, 2:51
by centerededgedesign
Back during the early to mid part of the first ice age, I was in school for architectural design....
Our instructor, who was always looking for ways to get us motivated and creative, assigned us each with making up a 'design company' so that we wouldn't just have our names on our drawings, as the title blocks were a little 'blah' with only names on them.
So, naturally being only slightly like a sane person, I tried to come up with a name and a logo that were somewhat 'off'.
So I tinkered, I doodled, I sketched, spending roughly 1000 times more energy than the instructor had intended on this little exercise. I finally settled on a triangle balanced on a circle resting on a square for my 'logo', but what to name such an impossibility?
centered edge design was born, as centering an edge is quite 'odd' sounding, and there's alot of e's and d's there to make it easy to mess up.
It's also one of those free email addresses that's so long as to avoid some low level spam. So I made up business cards with logo, email, and address, letterhead for all my non-drawing assignments. Twas something I continued through the rest of school, despite none of my other instructors having a clue about the 'fake company'.
Posted: May 28th, 2009, 12:49
by amblin
Re: What's the story behind your username?
Posted: April 29th, 2014, 8:21
by FatherJack
I think I still know the spell:
cast R-E-S-U-R-R-E-C-T
Ha! It still works!
Some people asked at beardbash, and some people haven't said. Post here and it shall be enscribed for all eternity.
Re: What's the story behind your username?
Posted: April 29th, 2014, 13:25
by Joose
Holy shit FJ. This thread has come back to life more times than the average comic book character.
My xbawks name is HaphazardJoose because some cockbag had already taken Joose. It suggested random words I could add to it and HaphazardJoose seemed the least shit. I regret this decision.
Re: What's the story behind your username?
Posted: April 29th, 2014, 16:25
by Dog Pants
For some reason Dog Pants was taken in Ragnarok (or Trickster, they both blend into one), so I went with a probably inaccurate Japanese translation instead, Inu Pantsu. Even though I think RO is Korean. That's generally my second choice, but I have been known to use other bad translations - Hund Hosen, Pantalons du Chien, Pantalones de Perro. And so on. In MMONGs I prefer a bit of variety. In Rift I took the names of large botnets.