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Re: Heroes of the Storm

Posted: June 5th, 2015, 14:32
by Anery
WTF is going on?!
I played three games today as Anub'arak to complete a warrior daily. The first one was a pretty standard Spider Queen which turned into a complete walkover (for us) but the two the, it was just fucking bizarre.

Garden of terror where the opposition decides it doesn't really need to bother with mercs or terrors but never mind because one of our guys is just going to use the terror to wail on the enemy heroes - they lost. Second game was haunted mines with an enemy team hell bent on kills - really fucking greedy with it too - and not giving a fuck about the skulls or the mercs - they lost too.

I had to spend one of the games babysitting an opposing Azmodan because you can't leave the fucker alone in a lane too long because he'll push all the way to your core - it was just fucking boring! The sooner that fat fuck comes off free rotation the better.

Re: Heroes of the Storm

Posted: June 5th, 2015, 14:41
by Joose
Yeah, I do occasionally end up in games where I seem to have been either teamed up with or pitched against windowlickers united.

The players who really get on my tits are the ping maniacs. They are just not happy unless they are pinging really obvious instructions on the map over and over and over. Bonus points if they are telling the team to do things when the entire fucking team is dead.

Re: Heroes of the Storm

Posted: June 6th, 2015, 2:12
by Anery

If you want to get that, pretty awesome I must admit, mechanospider you need to complete the stupid facebook thing. It's on the heroes website under news.

Re: Heroes of the Storm

Posted: June 6th, 2015, 9:55
by Dog Pants
And henceforth the robobeetle shall be known as the Facebook mount.

EDIT: That's actually okay. It doesn't post anything to Facebook or horse you to spam your friends, you just pick four other people and assign them traits then it pops out a hero for each of them. Arbitrary and pointless, but unintrusive. And you get the robot beetle. Roman, you'll be pleased to hear you picked up the Fancy Wardrobe and Fabulous Dancer traits.

Re: Heroes of the Storm

Posted: June 11th, 2015, 19:56
by Grimmie
Just watched a GT Review of HOTS.


Go on then, I'll give it a try. But I'm being a Starcraft person.

Re: Heroes of the Storm

Posted: June 11th, 2015, 20:48
by Dog Pants
Yay! I do hope you like it. It's very non-hostile.

Re: Heroes of the Storm

Posted: June 18th, 2015, 22:45
by Baliame
Appears out of nowhere.

I've been playing this all week, this is very fun, much less WHAT DO I BUY WHAT DO I SKILL than DotA. I'd love to friday/saturday this sometime.

Re: Heroes of the Storm

Posted: June 19th, 2015, 6:52
by Joose
Baliame wrote:Appears out of nowhere.

I've been playing this all week, this is very fun, much less WHAT DO I BUY WHAT DO I SKILL than DotA. I'd love to friday/saturday this sometime.

I do lke that HotS needs less book learnin' than DotA. I could never get properly into DotA because I had this constant nagging feeling that I had no idea what I was doing and couldn't rectify that with anything other than a shitload of reading.

Re: Heroes of the Storm

Posted: June 19th, 2015, 12:12
by Dog Pants
There's a very good chance we'll be playing later tonight.

Re: Heroes of the Storm

Posted: July 3rd, 2015, 14:47
by Anery
Battlefield of Eternity is great stuff, I really like the new map and the mechanics. 100g extra every day is also pretty nice. Not seen much of the new hero, I think most people blew their wad on KT or Johanna and havn't gathered enough gold to buy the new hotness yet - I've developed something of a pokemon like obsession with owning them all - I recently bought ETC and Night Elf Lady just because I had the gold available to do so (rather than save 1k more gold and buy one of the more expensive heroes - even though I really want a brightwing)

Re: Heroes of the Storm

Posted: July 3rd, 2015, 15:03
by Joose
I've seen him in a few game now. Seems good: Effective enough to work well in the hands of a decent player, not so OP that he steamrollers over entire teams by himself.

Strangely I don't seem to have been bit by the collection obsession that normally hits me (I'm the kind of person who will scour open world games for collectable bollocks just to get that number up to 100%). I've got over 10k gold at the moment, which is enough to buy nearly any character, and I can't pick one that I particularly want.

Re: Heroes of the Storm

Posted: July 4th, 2015, 9:14
by Dog Pants
We got a game in on BoE last night and I enjoyed it. I like how it focuses the teams into 5v5 brawls while the immortals do their anime thing. In fact, it's just made me realise that I very rarely see team fights in HotS. Maybe that's just because we suck, but I think it has at least a little to do with level design.

Who was it last night who said (to paraphrase) "They're both immortal so what's the point in them fighting? Don't they know they'll be doing it forever?", to which Grimmie replied "Well it is called Battleground of Eternity..." I don't know if the opening comment was intended to lead to that, but it broke me.

Re: Heroes of the Storm

Posted: July 4th, 2015, 11:13
by Mr. Johnson
Yeah, that was my elegant as always observation. Great game though, more tonight?

Re: Heroes of the Storm

Posted: July 4th, 2015, 12:34
by Dog Pants
I'm up for more. I've also remembered Fab's gem from last night (paraphrased again).

Fab: "I won't be playing, I can't stand the game."
Pants: "Didn't you play loads of Dota with us though?"
Fab: "Yeah but I just didn't like this one... Wait, I don't think I've actually played it. I'm thinking of something else."

Fab has been refusing to play for weeks on that basis. :lol:

Re: Heroes of the Storm

Posted: July 10th, 2015, 14:43
by Anery
Didn't take long but I'm surprised at just how damn effective knowledge of a persons whereabouts can be. Reminds me to be more map aware.


Anyone actually surprised it was a Nova?

Re: Heroes of the Storm

Posted: November 18th, 2015, 5:18
by Baliame
In case you've missed it: Cho'gall is out. It's a two player hero, only one of the players need to own it. Cho is a tanky warrior type of thing who controls the hero, while Gall is a pretty fucking robust damage dealer that cannot move the hero. Each head has two individual abilities, one ability that works best if you work together and two heroics which are pants down bend over no lube kind of devastating if coordinated. In other words, it's pretty OP in the hands of two people on teamspeak. Oh, and it has the health of two heroes combined.

Anyway, I happen to have the hero.

Re: Heroes of the Storm

Posted: November 18th, 2015, 8:51
by Dog Pants
In the hands of two people who aren't 5punkers. Use the TV missiles Gall!

Re: Heroes of the Storm

Posted: November 18th, 2015, 9:49
by Joose
The HotS Pantomime Horse! Im sure with practice he kicks ass. I am equally sure without practice he is near useless. I like that Blizz are going to these weird places with their hero design though.

Re: Heroes of the Storm

Posted: November 18th, 2015, 13:26
by Anery
I also happen to have the hero. If anyone fanices getting him real quick I don't mind running through several bot games, get the hero for others (also helps me get 4 wins with partners who don't own him - 2.2k gold reward)

Oh god, they've fucked the score screen. I much prefer seeing kills I was involved in, instead of the standard K/D/A it stops people epeening over kills and last hits. cupcake move.

Re: Heroes of the Storm

Posted: November 18th, 2015, 16:54
by Dog Pants
Joose wrote:I like that Blizz are going to these weird places with their hero design though.
Anery wrote:I much prefer seeing kills I was involved in, instead of the standard K/D/A it stops people epeening over kills and last hits. cupcake move.
Agreed on both counts.