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Posted: February 6th, 2010, 1:39
by Mr. Johnson
Just finished the endgame.
MASSIVE spoiler ahead, you are warned.
Posted: February 6th, 2010, 2:22
by FatherJack
I'm just building up to going to the last bits. I've done every assignment and quest save the obvious game-progressing one, bought everything I can and have spent a slightly boring amount amount of time scanning every planetoid in the universe.
I'm still a way from unlocking all the upgrades and have only recently bothered with the ship upgrades, noticing rather too late that some of them would have assisted my scanning.
I also thought I had a doggy, but he wouldn't come off-world with me.
Posted: February 6th, 2010, 8:23
by Mr. Johnson
FatherJack wrote:I'm just building up to going to the last bits. I've done every assignment and quest save the obvious game-progressing one, bought everything I can and have spent a slightly boring amount amount of time scanning every planetoid in the universe.
I'm still a way from unlocking all the upgrades and have only recently bothered with the ship upgrades, noticing rather too late that some of them would have assisted my scanning.
I also thought I had a doggy, but he wouldn't come off-world with me.
That's what I should've done, but couldn't really be arsed doing more of the mining bit. I've kept a save from before the endgame though, so I still could.
I'm also wondering if there are pieces of armour I missed, and weapons and stuff. I never found a dog either.
Posted: February 6th, 2010, 10:28
by Dog Pants
Has anyone stood and listened to the batchelor party on Ilium? A human taking a Salarian and a Turian to see a stripper. Very funny.
Posted: February 6th, 2010, 11:25
by Mr. Johnson
Dog Pants wrote:Has anyone stood and listened to the batchelor party on Ilium? A human taking a Salarian and a Turian to see a stripper. Very funny.
I did, hilarious stuff!
Posted: February 6th, 2010, 11:54
by Roman Totale
Dog Pants wrote:Has anyone stood and listened to the batchelor party on Ilium? A human taking a Salarian and a Turian to see a stripper. Very funny.
It's ace!
Just to the other side of the lounge there is a Quarian female discussing boyfriend problems with a male Turian - it's absolutely priceless.
Posted: February 6th, 2010, 12:02
by Baliame
If you take Garrus and Tali, he tries to hit on her quite a few times as well.
Also, Mr. J, be sure everyone's loyal, when I finished the game, it might be a coincidence but
Posted: February 6th, 2010, 12:20
by Dog Pants
Baliame wrote:If you take Garrus and Tali, he tries to hit on her quite a few times as well.
Glad you mentioned it. The first time I had Garrus and Miranda, but I've come back to tie up the Conrad thing and I have Garrus and Tali, just because I fancied showing Tali around.
Posted: February 6th, 2010, 12:36
by Baliame
Right, I think it happened on
once and on
once, I'm pretty sure the latter wasn't simply random.
Posted: February 6th, 2010, 12:50
by Mr. Johnson
I did have a conversation where Garrus reminisced about the elevators, and how much he liked it. He stopped after Tali mentioned she carried a shotgun.
Posted: February 6th, 2010, 16:48
by Shada
Baliame wrote:Also, Mr. J, be sure everyone's loyal, when I finished the game, it might be a coincidence but
No coincidence
[final mission spoilers / pretty exact guide on how to win]
Posted: February 6th, 2010, 17:16
by Baliame
Question to Professor Shada:
Spoiler about ME2 ending + facts slash speculation about ME3:
Unrelated to the previous one, light spoiler question.
Posted: February 6th, 2010, 18:46
by Roman Totale
I still haven't been through the Omega Relay - I seemed to have developed some sort of OCD over surveying every single planet in the galaxy and gathering minerals. I don't even need them - fairly sure I have every upgrade there is to get.
Probe away!
Posted: February 6th, 2010, 18:57
by Dog Pants
Roman Totale wrote:I still haven't been through the Omega Relay - I seemed to have developed some sort of OCD over surveying every single planet in the galaxy and gathering minerals. I don't even need them - fairly sure I have every upgrade there is to get.
Probe away!
It's like prodding a sore tooth isn't it? Scanning planets is soul destroyingly tedious, but I find I have to strip every system I visit bare.
Also, I do like the Garrus/Tali combo. Having a conversation with an Asari cop where I tell her to turn down a suicide mission, and those two funny cunts take the piss out of me.
Posted: February 6th, 2010, 19:00
by spoodie
Roman Totale wrote:Probe away!
I love launching probes!
Posted: February 6th, 2010, 19:03
by Shada
Baliame wrote:Question to Professor Shada:
Unrelated to the previous one, light spoiler question.
[all this spoilered stuff relates to bali's spoilered stuff]
spoodie wrote:
I love launching probes!
Launching a probe at Uranus is a good easter egg
Posted: February 6th, 2010, 19:35
by Baliame
I also just rewatched a certain ending in which Shepard said:
I guess it's true.
I wonder, what's the deal with that planet/star behind the Illusive Man?
I've also concluded from the last 3 seconds of the ending that
Posted: February 6th, 2010, 19:39
by Dog Pants
Baliame wrote:I wonder, what's that planet/star behind the Illusive Man?
My current theory on that is it's the star that Tali was investigating, with the Geth planet where you had to stay in the shadows. Something about it having dark matter in it or something. I've heard dark matter mentioned elsewhere too. It's not a great theory, but in videogame plot terms I reckon it's as good as any other. Wibbly star = dark matter and strange effects.
Posted: February 6th, 2010, 19:51
by Baliame

You can't handle it solely as a video game now, there's books and stuff out there already, but yeah it's pretty mediocre. It's how Star Wars started, except it was a movie trilogy instead of a game trilogy.
Anyone else stayed and listened to the Newton thing? ... o_response
Not spoilery, but if you want to listen to it yourself, it's in the Citadel where the Normandy drops you off.
Posted: February 6th, 2010, 19:54
by Mr. Johnson
Something that also bothers me is that my romantic subplot with Tali might eventually kill her in Mass effect 3, what with the Quarian immune system and whatnot. Or that Liara will find out and kick me in the nuts or something.