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Posted: July 23rd, 2006, 17:12
by friznit
i have no mail from sector 320 begging for mercy....which means we need to hurt them some more

Posted: July 23rd, 2006, 17:30
by Hehulk
You want to edit that Ak, 323-1 is probably Berk

Posted: July 23rd, 2006, 17:43
Hehulk wrote:You want to edit that Ak
Do we Americans type alike?

Posted: July 23rd, 2006, 17:52
by Hehulk
MORDETH LESTOK wrote:Do we Americans type alike?

Posted: July 23rd, 2006, 18:21
by shot2bits
hmm, i think japi was me trying to create an account and it saying my email was in use, but it made it anyway, i will go look

just looked and yeah it was me, i just voted 5pank as senator

Posted: July 23rd, 2006, 18:30
by shot2bits
i also attacked sam_the_great and won that

report here
170 of shot2bitss spluffers attacked 72 of sam_the_greats houndss
sam_the_great lost 33 houndss

7 of sam_the_greats houndss returned fire on 170 of shot2bitss spluffers
shot2bits lost 2 spluffers

73 of shot2bitss Sub-Space Fighters attacked 39 of sam_the_greats houndss
sam_the_great lost 2 houndss

7 of sam_the_greats houndss returned fire on 73 of shot2bitss Sub-Space Fighters
shot2bits lost 2 Sub-Space Fighters

10 of sam_the_greats Sub-Space Fighters attacked 168 of shot2bitss spluffers
shot2bits lost 1 spluffers

33 of shot2bitss spluffers returned fire on 10 of sam_the_greats Sub-Space Fighters
sam_the_great lost 10 Sub-Space Fighters

37 of sam_the_greats houndss attacked 167 of shot2bitss spluffers
shot2bits lost 9 spluffers

31 of shot2bitss spluffers returned fire on 37 of sam_the_greats houndss
sam_the_great lost 6 houndss

14 Attacking ships where lost in the battle.
51 Defending ships where lost in the battle.

A: 81694
D: 28704

AL: 229
DL: -4

opt 2 B

Planets Captured

Planet Types:

Total Captured:











Posted: July 23rd, 2006, 18:46
by Vowles
Operation Twunt Hunt -

At 2030 hours(8:30 BST, Same as server time.), I request that all 5punk launch attacks upon the following people.
They are in order of imporance.

1 Shadorian 320-3 50% of your horses
2 crazy_squirrel 320-4 0% of your horses // Do not attack now.
3 sam_the_great 320-5 50% of your horses

So far, We have successfully attacked them everytime, and defending every but there first attacks.

Their continued threats against our Empire and well being are childish and damn annoying. We must end this TONIGHT! To arms my brothers.

Post your attacking horses to their target.
1 - 30 5pitfires
2 - 0
3 - 25 5wallos, 5 5pitfires.

Posted: July 23rd, 2006, 18:58
I've already sent my horses to Squirrel:
The MORD Empire has sent 87 ships to attack the crazy_squirrel Empire (320-4). 1 Hours 35 Minutes
They will be attacking at 21:30 and bringing back planets 5mins later...

Posted: July 23rd, 2006, 19:28
by shot2bits
right send 100 spluffer and 36 ssf to Shadorian

and sending 100 spluffer and 35 ssf to sam

Posted: July 23rd, 2006, 19:29
by friznit
1 - 10 5purters, 10 5purter 2's.
2 - Nil
3 - 10 5purters, 10 5purter 2's.

In defence: 10 C0nd0ms

Posted: July 23rd, 2006, 19:35
by FatherJack
shot2bits wrote:hmm, i think japi was me trying to create an account and it saying my email was in use, but it made it anyway, i will go look

just looked and yeah it was me, i just voted 5pank as senator
Cheers, 5pank is me, already "losing" to berk :)

Are you gonna use japi, or can another 5punker have it or the sector slot?

Edit: just saw the call to arms, but missed the battle tick. I haven't got many ships atm, though been colonising.

Posted: July 23rd, 2006, 19:37
i felt left I sent more to Squirrel to fill the gap...
The MORD Empire has sent 42 ships to attack the crazy_squirrel Empire (320-4). 3 Hours 54 Minutes

Posted: July 23rd, 2006, 19:39
FatherJack wrote:just saw the call to arms, but missed the battle tick. I haven't got many ships atm, though been colonising.
The tick is good for the remaining your choice if you wish to send some still or not.

Posted: July 23rd, 2006, 20:00
Fw4ppers - Les under attack from Hamer_lane of:
Sector 269
Total score: 5023390
Total planets: 597
Sector Leader: Phyrexian
1 Nitsua 269-2 277 1800327
2 Kavu 269-3 151 1711160
3 Phyrexian 269-1 153 1326779
4 Hamer_lane 269-4 16 185124
just a FYI, dont defend Les as I am trying to get him deleted plus he has 184 SSF's ready :)

Posted: July 23rd, 2006, 20:25
by FatherJack
MORDETH LESTOK wrote:The tick is good for the remaining your choice if you wish to send some still or not.
I sent 20 ssfs to each, need a bit of excitement :)

Posted: July 23rd, 2006, 20:27
by shot2bits
yeah another 5punker can use it if they want

Posted: July 23rd, 2006, 20:41
epic battle going on!!! 10mins and still no report!

Posted: July 23rd, 2006, 20:57
bah...20mins and I lost somehow...looks like i did more damage/value but says i lost :(
117 of crazy_squirrels Sub-Space Fighters attacked 40 of MORDs Dfylrs
MORD lost 2 Dfylrs

7 of MORDs Dfylrs returned fire on 117 of crazy_squirrels Sub-Space Fighters
crazy_squirrel lost 1 Sub-Space Fighters

30 of crazy_squirrels subspacebiters attacked 38 of MORDs Dfylrs
MORD lost 2 Dfylrs

7 of MORDs Dfylrs returned fire on 30 of crazy_squirrels subspacebiters
crazy_squirrel lost 2 subspacebiters

46 of crazy_squirrels OMGs attacked 36 of MORDs Dfylrs
MORD lost 3 Dfylrs

6 of MORDs Dfylrs returned fire on 46 of crazy_squirrels OMGs
crazy_squirrel lost 2 OMGs

7 of crazy_squirrels zitbombs attacked 33 of MORDs Dfylrs
MORD lost 1 Dfylrs

6 of MORDs Dfylrs returned fire on 7 of crazy_squirrels zitbombs
crazy_squirrel lost 1 zitbombs

3 of crazy_squirrels bumcakes attacked 32 of MORDs Dfylrs
MORD lost 1 Dfylrs

6 of MORDs Dfylrs returned fire on 3 of crazy_squirrels bumcakes
crazy_squirrel lost 2 bumcakes

7 of crazy_squirrels zars attacked 31 of MORDs Dfylrs
MORD lost 1 Dfylrs

6 of MORDs Dfylrs returned fire on 7 of crazy_squirrels zars
crazy_squirrel lost 1 zars

3 of crazy_squirrels tubbys attacked 30 of MORDs Dfylrs
MORD lost 1 Dfylrs

5 of MORDs Dfylrs returned fire on 3 of crazy_squirrels tubbys
crazy_squirrel lost 1 tubbys

14 of crazy_squirrels regardlesss attacked 30 of MORDs Smytrs
MORD lost 3 Smytrs

5 of MORDs Smytrs returned fire on 14 of crazy_squirrels regardlesss
crazy_squirrel lost 4 regardlesss

5 of crazy_squirrels bbqs attacked 29 of MORDs Dfylrs
MORD lost 1 Dfylrs

5 of MORDs Dfylrs returned fire on 5 of crazy_squirrels bbqs
crazy_squirrel lost 1 bbqs

28 of MORDs Dfylrs attacked 116 of crazy_squirrels Sub-Space Fighters
crazy_squirrel lost 4 Sub-Space Fighters

22 of crazy_squirrels Sub-Space Fighters returned fire on 28 of MORDs Dfylrs
MORD lost 1 Dfylrs

27 of MORDs Smytrs attacked 112 of crazy_squirrels Sub-Space Fighters
crazy_squirrel lost 10 Sub-Space Fighters

20 of crazy_squirrels Sub-Space Fighters returned fire on 27 of MORDs Smytrs
MORD lost 1 Smytrs

10 of MORDs ADs attacked 102 of crazy_squirrels Sub-Space Fighters
crazy_squirrel lost 3 Sub-Space Fighters

19 of crazy_squirrels Sub-Space Fighters returned fire on 10 of MORDs ADs
MORD lost 1 ADs

7 of MORDs A1s attacked 99 of crazy_squirrels Sub-Space Fighters
crazy_squirrel lost 4 Sub-Space Fighters

19 of crazy_squirrels Sub-Space Fighters returned fire on 7 of MORDs A1s
MORD lost 1 A1s

19 Attacking ships where lost in the battle.
36 Defending ships where lost in the battle.

A: 31494
D: 36252

AL: 53
DL: 196

Opt 1 A

Posted: July 23rd, 2006, 20:58
recalled my 2nd attack until i figure out what went wrong...

Posted: July 23rd, 2006, 22:22
well...the reason i lost was cuz the defender did more Value Damage to me than i did to him...
A: 31494 (Defenders $$ Loss)
D: 36252 (Attackers $$ Loss)
<strike>I learned that your Primary Ship(highest qty) gets 2 attacks and your remaining fleet only get 1 attack. This works both way...attackers and defenders. Primary should have decent armor to defend the Attacks like 4 armor which gives you 9lasers for the return fire and 2x attack on offense.

I'm making this up as I go take it as fluff until its proven heh

This is my plan atm:

1-100 (9L-4A)
2-50 (11-3)
3-25 (13-2)
4-25 (15-1)
5-10 (7-5)
6-10 (5-6)
7-10 (3-7)
8-10 (1-8 )
9-10 (err..deleted my SSF)</strike>

maybe i should have just went to the bar...