spoodie wrote:You should get Gears of War as well or rent it at least. It's a very special game, especially playing coop.
And a tactical shooter like GRAW1/2 or Rainbow Six Vegas is worth a look.
I think there's a Gears demo to download, so I'll grab that, I already have GRAW and Vegas on PC. Black was the last XBox FPS I played and it put me off a bit, as before that Halo 2 was a bit disappointing.
They are very much a hit-and-miss affair, while all the Timesplitters games are great fun, Far Cry on the Wii was a bit annoying.
I keep my games in "last-played" order, somewhat obsessively, so going from my back-catalogue, I'll be initially looking for: Driving games (the PGR3 demo that came on the hard disk was okay, plus probably a silly Vauxhall Nova one like NFS/Juiced/Burnout), Walking about in third person games (that'll be GTA IV, then), Sports games (the next LMA and FIFA probably) and RPGs (don't know what's coming, something like Jade Empire/KotOR would be nice)
Demo's I'll be trying include 99 Nights, Shadowrun and Crackdown.
Games I won't be getting as I've already played them to death at friends (and can borrow them if I do miss them) include Kameo, Oblivion, Saint's Row, Enchanted Arms and Dead Rising. They have Pinata, too but they might still play that a lot. I definately won't be getting Guitar Hero, either - that controller looks like it would make you
worse at playing a real guitar. Also I'll be avoiding anything that's out on PC or based on a film.