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Re: Movie mini reviews

Posted: September 25th, 2011, 21:21
by Roman Totale
Green Lantern - poor

Transformers 3 - so fucking dull

Re: Movie mini reviews

Posted: September 30th, 2011, 13:09
by Mr. Johnson

I couldn't even finish watching this, it's downright abysmal. Seriously, don't bother.

Re: Movie mini reviews

Posted: September 30th, 2011, 13:45
by spoodie
I didn't think it was that bad. Good violence from what I recall. The second half was pretty boring though, with them stuck in a boring old castle the whole time.

Naturally you'd assume this is your run-of-the-mill chick flick, but it's more of an anti-chick flick. The female version of The Hangover, but slightly less brainless and funnier. I was pleasantly surprised. Chicks expecting a romantic, mushy thing will unpleasantly surprised.

Re: Movie mini reviews

Posted: September 30th, 2011, 13:56
by Mr. Johnson
spoodie wrote: Bridesmaids
Naturally you'd assume this is your run-of-the-mill chick flick, but it's more of an anti-chick flick. The female version of The Hangover, but slightly less brainless and funnier. I was pleasantly surprised. Chicks expecting a romantic, mushy thing will unpleasantly surprised.

This, with the exception that Mrs. Johnson loved it.

As for the violence in ironclad, I would've agreed with you if I could actually see some of the violence. The camerawork was so shoddy it was hard to make out what was going on. Offcourse, all films that have big battles in it do this and it's pissing me right off. Flailing your camera about does not a good battle scene make.
That said, lord of the rings did a pretty good job of it but that probably has something to do with the fact that it wasn't made by total fucking amateurs.
/rant over, sorry.

Re: Movie mini reviews

Posted: September 30th, 2011, 14:04
by spoodie
Mr. Johnson wrote:with the exception that Mrs. Johnson loved it.
I made an assumption based on some disappointed reviews from females on IMDb. They obviously were expecting pure chick-flick.

Re: Movie mini reviews

Posted: September 30th, 2011, 14:40
by fabyak
The kind of people who don't bother reading anything about the films they're going to see then?

Like the guys who walked out of the cinema when the bumming in Brokeback Mountain kicked off (it had been out for weeks by that point)

Re: Movie mini reviews

Posted: September 30th, 2011, 14:46
by spoodie
fabyak wrote:Like the guys who walked out of the cinema when the bumming in Brokeback Mountain kicked off (it had been out for weeks by that point)
I reckon they were inspired by the film and left to get some privacy.

Re: Movie mini reviews

Posted: October 18th, 2011, 1:05
by Mr. Johnson
Attack the Block (2011)

A film about space monsters that seem to come straight out of a 90's warehouse rave attacking London.
Once you get past the initial dislike of the main characters* and the dubstep in the soundtrack, it's a pretty good film.

LifeForce (1985)

A film about life-sucking space vampires attacking London.
Some good special effects, some not so good acting and a pair of really good-looking breasts (the lady they're attached to isn't too bad either) I quite liked it.

*Whilst I started to warm to them slightly towards the end of the film, I still wanted the space monsters to win.

Re: Movie mini reviews

Posted: October 18th, 2011, 2:56
by deject
Drive (2011)

Smouldering crime drama turned revenge flick featuring a nameless Driver dealing with the intricacies of a cute neighbor with a husband in prison, freelance getaway driver work, and jewish mobsters. It is a pretty slow movie so don't expect anything close to a Fast & Furious movie. Ryan Gosling plays the quiet, brooding Driver with equal parts shyness and remorseless criminal brilliantly. Drive is shockingly violent at times, but it's never gratuitous. Nicolas Refn uses the brutality with incredible economy; each attack is ruthless and shocking, impactful where other movies would have just over done it trying to imitate Tarantino. Cinematography and soundtrack are quite excellent as well. I was sad when the opening scene ended because the music and on screen action was just perfect.


Edit: don't watch the trailer, it shows pretty much all the action in the movie. it's so much more than just another action movie. just go see it.

Re: Movie mini reviews

Posted: October 18th, 2011, 7:02
by mrbobbins
Mr. Johnson wrote: LifeForce (1985)

A film about life-sucking space vampires attacking London with Captain Jean Luc Picard

Re: Movie mini reviews

Posted: November 10th, 2011, 22:38
by Mr. Johnson
buzzmong wrote:
Season of the Witch.

Nic Cage being Nic Cage with a sword. It's not bad. I'd say it's worth a rental to watch while drinking beer in the knowledge that it's simply an okay film.

My biggest issue with it is that it could have been so much more, with more commentry on peoples perceptions, bias and their predispositions in light of the medieval setting with all the god fearing religious nature of the time. It could also have gone the other way and ramped it up into a good action film. Or it could have gone into action horror territory. The problem lies with it doing neither and just kinda coasting along in the middle. Truth be told, it's a little boring but watchable.
I actually found this a very enjoyable b-movie. I'd even go as far as to say ol' Nic is perfectly watchable in this and didn't make me cringe.

Re: Movie mini reviews

Posted: November 15th, 2011, 10:31
by Dr. kitteny berk
Stuff i've watched recently: unformated due to phone

Rise of the planet of the apes

entertaining enough, pretty CG, nothing special.


Good film, nicely believable, pleasing to see an epidemic movie that doesn't have zombies.

Some fucking twilight movie.

20 minutes of discomfort before getting the fear and asking to watch something good instead, impressively, shitter than you expect.

Cowboys and Aliens

Posted: November 24th, 2011, 23:00
by TheJockGit
i started to watch this thinking .. Cheese... gorgonzola and cheddar on an epic scale

but shit.. it isn't cheesey at all

In fact it is a damn decent film, i thoroughly enjoyed this flick, Harrison Ford plays a brilliant character with a lot of depth, Daniel Craig is superb, Olivia Wilde is hot (as usual), and the whole film was not a Wild Wild West pastiche as i thought it was going to be but actually a damn good western... albeit with a few aliens in it.

If you get the chance, please watch it, I think you will be pleasanly surprised.

5 out of 5 if your going to rate it

Re: Movie mini reviews

Posted: November 24th, 2011, 23:17
by Joose
Funnily enough, I watched that yesterday. It's not bad, not complicated but nicely done and avoids too many cliches.

Today I watched Attack the Block. It was really rather enjoyable, and is an excellent example of how you can make a likeable film without having any likeable main characters :lol: It did leave me with a mild urge to call everyone blud, ya get me? Other than that, well worth watching.

Re: Movie mini reviews

Posted: December 7th, 2011, 0:06
by Mr. Johnson
Fright Night (2011)

As I mentioned here before, the original Fright Night is pretty much my all time favourite vampire film, and I was pretty sure a remake wasn't going to change my mind.
And... It doesn't, but it tries very hard and almost succeeds. It's a nice update on the original and it's always good to see an olde time vampire film is this age of sparkly tweens.
Some of the special effects could've been better and there is sadly no wolf transformation scene but I'm still loving it. Great old fashioned Gothic score, too.

Re: Movie mini reviews

Posted: December 17th, 2011, 20:33
by Roman Totale
Sherlock Holmes: Game of Shadows

A bit disappointing to be honest. I really enjoyed the first one but this film seemed to lose its way. It doesn't seem to flow very well and jumps from location to location, and there are too many themes recycled from the first (i.e. the "tiffs" between Holmes and Watson become irksome after a while and really seem to dominate the film rather than just be a feature. The slow mo also gets boring quite quickly).

Moriarty is excellent (he's always been one of my favourite literary villains), but he is criminally (lol) underused. After I saw the first one I remember thinking "I'm definitely going to watch that again", but Game of Shadows I can take or leave. Not a bad film per se, just unimpressive.

Edit: Equally the frequent deus ex machina in the form of "disguises" also speaks of a lack of new ideas.

Re: Movie mini reviews

Posted: December 24th, 2011, 3:11
by Mr. Johnson
deject wrote:Drive (2011)
Just saw this, and your description is pretty spot on Deej. I loved it, and I was oddly reminded of the first mad max film and a history of violence.

Re: Movie mini reviews

Posted: January 7th, 2012, 20:39
by Roman Totale
The Artist

First off, this is a black and white, silent and arty film. Admittedly that won't appeal to a huge number of people, but I really, really enjoyed this film. It tells the story (silent) of a silent film star who is the big A-list star of his day. As the age of "talkies" dawns he loses his relevance and fades into obscurity, only to rise again thanks to the help of a former co-star. Very good, and the little dog is superb.

Re: Movie mini reviews

Posted: February 26th, 2012, 0:00
by Anery
The Muppets

What? It's the fucking Muppets, what else is there to say?

Re: Movie mini reviews

Posted: February 28th, 2012, 0:07
by buzzmong
Starship Troopers 3.

Yeah, it's probably worse than the second one. However, it does at least attempt to capture the overtly fascist nature of the Federation, something the original ST book was rather hot about and was missing from the first film.