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Re: Eclipse Phase: Glory

Posted: August 21st, 2014, 15:25
by Dog Pants
Hey! I was tanking your fleshy ass. Bloody melee DPS.

Re: Eclipse Phase: Glory

Posted: August 21st, 2014, 19:07
by fabyak
I'll go get him
And he does

Re: Eclipse Phase: Glory

Posted: August 22nd, 2014, 9:11
by Joose
Alrighty then. You drag his shiny metal ass back to the shuttle without incident. I assume you are now bugging out? Anything you want to do before you head off? Also, where are you going exactly?

Fab, you can perform some repairs on DCOMs mangled synthmorph on the journey if you want. You probably won't have time to get him fully healed but you should be able to get him back on his feet at least. You need to make a Hardware: Robotics roll (As you don't have that skill I will let you take a Hardware: Electronics with a -10) as a Task Action. Due to the pretty extensive battering that task has a 32 hour timeframe, but that would be to bring him up to full health. You get a +20 for having Utilitools available, and a +30 for your Repair Spray. Im also going to be generous and give you a +10 for your electrical sense (i'm not sure that synthmorphs are really what they were thinking off when they said "+10 to repair electrical systems" but never mind.)

In case you don't know (I had to look it up to remind myself) a task action is actually fairly simple. Roll the test and if successful it takes the timeframe to complete, -10% for every 10 full points of Margin of Success. So for example if your skill was 60 and you rolled 35, that is a margin of success of 25, so it takes 20% less time than expected. You can also "rush the job", taking a -10 to your skill for an automatic -10% off the time if successful.

Re: Eclipse Phase: Glory

Posted: August 22nd, 2014, 10:54
by Dog Pants
And no touching my socket.

Re: Eclipse Phase: Glory

Posted: August 22nd, 2014, 13:40
by fabyak
Unlabelled to Usagi wrote:Let's get out of here. I'll see if I can fix him up any, the emotionless bastard. Pass me that pen would you?
If I'm reading that right...

Hardware: Electronics (50) -10 +20 +30 +10

Sooooooo anything less than 100? :lol:



While he's working Unlabelled draws a moustache, raised eyebrows and smile on DCOM's face and 'Usagi was here' on his arse when Usagi isn't around

I guess first place we aim for is the person who wanted Yu back (It was him that hired us right?)

Re: Eclipse Phase: Glory

Posted: August 22nd, 2014, 14:52
by Joose
fabyak wrote: If I'm reading that right...

Hardware: Electronics (50) -10 +20 +30 +10

Sooooooo anything less than 100? :lol:
Pretty much, although 99 is always a fail.

Nicely done! Maths time:

You knocked off 60% of the time, which takes you to approximately 14.4 hours to fully repair him. You dont have 14.4 hours though, so I'll say you have enough time to fix up all but 1 wound and 10 damage. DCOM is up and about again, and by the time you get where you are going the shock from the meat room has worn off too. Thanks to your robo-body ignoring the modifier for the one wound you are now out of negative modifier land.
I guess first place we aim for is the person who wanted Yu back (It was him that hired us right?)
I'll give you a hint in the form of a reminder from your Muse. They are digital PAs after all.

Professor Ming is your firewall contact who asked you to track down Yu and help her recover the miltech. He is based on Titan though, which is outside the range of the shuttle you have at the moment.
You borrowed the shuttle from Shoggy the octopus uplift on Kasa Arturo, who is expecting you to not only return the shuttle you borrowed but also the Keysrah as payment for the loan.
You might want to exercise discretion, as carting a big chunk of possibly illegal and dangerous military gear and a currently unconscious woman around might cause alarm.

Re: Eclipse Phase: Glory

Posted: August 23rd, 2014, 20:33
by fabyak
In that case should we get in contact with Professor Ming and see if he can meet us somewhere in range of both, otherwise isn't the Keysrah stealthy? If so I'm happy to take the kit in there to him (at a safe location) and fix up DCOM on the way, and then take the ship to Shoggy and meet Usagi there?

What do people think?

Re: Eclipse Phase: Glory

Posted: August 23rd, 2014, 22:35
by Dog Pants
Sounds good to me.

Re: Eclipse Phase: Glory

Posted: August 26th, 2014, 14:21
by Joose
One of you want to message the Prof then?

Re: Eclipse Phase: Glory

Posted: August 26th, 2014, 14:32
by fabyak
I suppose that would help get the message to him huh?
Unlabelled to the Prof wrote:We've had a successful... holiday. we're coming to you, would you be able to meet us along the way as we have something for you. Preferably somewhere discreet

Re: Eclipse Phase: Glory

Posted: September 24th, 2014, 12:19
by Joose
I reeeealy wanted to get this finished before I disappeared for a month, but that didnt happen. So close! Ok then, where were we...
Prof Ming wrote:Ah! That is good news indeed! I shall send someone to retrieve your gift, I have someone appropriate in the area. Once you are finished there, please return to me on Titan. I look forward to hearing all about it.
He sends you coordinates to meet someone for the hand-off and details for transport he has arranged back to Titan for you all.

Re: Eclipse Phase: Glory

Posted: September 24th, 2014, 12:22
by fabyak
So long as everyone ends up with what they should have and where they should be let's do that

Re: Eclipse Phase: Glory

Posted: September 24th, 2014, 15:39
by Joose
The coordinates to meet the transport guy are reasonably close, just a discrete distance from Casa Arturo, so that would be first up. As you approach the location you can see the transport ship that belongs to the guy you got a lift with; Rex. As you approach a drone comes out the back. It looks like a shiny copper ball with arms. The arms are holding a cargo crate.
Rex, over comms wrote:Howdy! Fancy seeing you boys again. I hear y'all got some combination of hardware and a morph or ego for me to pick up. What you got for me?

Re: Eclipse Phase: Glory

Posted: September 24th, 2014, 15:41
by fabyak
Unlabelled wrote:Hopefully some good news for you, what's in the box?

Re: Eclipse Phase: Glory

Posted: September 24th, 2014, 16:06
by Joose
Rex wrote:Nothin but air. Its a quarantine container, keeps everything you give me inside. Self contained air supply, water and food for several weeks if needed, blocks EM, sound and everything bigger than subatomic from getting in or out. Ya'll can call me paranoid, but I've been doin this a while now. A little paranoia aint a bad idea. Its got its own dockin arm so it can seal up nice against your airlock. Just put whatever you got in there and I'll take it off your hands.

Is the Yu gal alive? She gonna need medical attention? Not a problem, just need to know.

Re: Eclipse Phase: Glory

Posted: September 25th, 2014, 10:06
by fabyak
A man after my own heart. Yeah she's alive.

I think
Let's load up their stuff

Re: Eclipse Phase: Glory

Posted: September 25th, 2014, 12:02
by Joose
Rex wrote:Thank y'all kindly. I'll drop the Professor a line once the delivery is complete. Y'all take care now!
As soon as the stuff is loaded the drone pulls the container away back into his ship and he shoots off.

I dont want to drag things out too much, so I'll assume a few things here. You get the shuttle you borrowed and the Keysrah back to Shoggy on Casa Arturo. He is extremely thankful for its safe return. You get a shuttle from there back to Locus, where the transport back to Titan is waiting to pick you up. Anything you want to do before you head off?

Re: Eclipse Phase: Glory

Posted: September 25th, 2014, 12:46
by fabyak
Unlabelled will resume his behaviour of not speaking and just glaring at people. Other than that I don't think there's anything I want to do

Re: Eclipse Phase: Glory

Posted: September 25th, 2014, 17:13
by Dog Pants
Did I get repaired? I'll try to get repaired if I can.

Re: Eclipse Phase: Glory

Posted: September 26th, 2014, 12:33
by fabyak
I fixed you up on the journey here.
Unlabelled wrote:Apa kita rampung kene? Sampeyan lagi looking dapper