Posted: June 30th, 2009, 14:06
best I've found is map > send troops (to anywhere) shows your troop movements at the bottom
ooh, handy.fabyak wrote:click on the rally point
It'll tell you how far from the attack they are, or if they're done attacking how long they have until they get back
ahh ok, i tried this and couldnt see anything, turned out i wasnt pressing ok when i was ordering my troops so nothing ever happenedfabyak wrote:click on the rally point
It'll tell you how far from the attack they are, or if they're done attacking how long they have until they get back
HTKL wrote:Account banned
The forum is not the right place to discuss a ban, please don't start a complaint topic. If you do want to appeal the ban, please use the support system. The account will only be unbanned if you open an appeal. If a punishment has been offered it is advised to just accept the punishment or the restart if it is offered as it is very unlikely that it will be changed. In those cases please only appeal if you have very good reasons. Please do read the rules again before appealing. We do not accept the excuse that the rules weren't know!
Reason for your ban: Totally inappropriate tribe name; link on tribal profile to inappropriate materials; sexual text on tribe profile
The ban is permanent. It will not be lifted until the account is deleted or it is manually done my an admin.
» Raise appeal (Only successful and therefore necessary in exceptional cases)
Your account can not be attacked while this ban lasts.
goatfister wrote:Account banned
The forum is not the right place to discuss a ban, please don't start a complaint topic. If you do want to appeal the ban, please use the support system. The account will only be unbanned if you open an appeal. If a punishment has been offered it is advised to just accept the punishment or the restart if it is offered as it is very unlikely that it will be changed. In those cases please only appeal if you have very good reasons. Please do read the rules again before appealing. We do not accept the excuse that the rules weren't know!
Reason for your ban: Ban Reason: Inappropriate account name per (§12) Please submit a ticket to request a name change.
The ban is permanent. It will not be lifted until the account is deleted or it is manually done my an admin.
» Raise appeal (Only successful and therefore necessary in exceptional cases)
Your account can not be attacked while this ban lasts.
HTKL wrote:I had nothing to do with the tribe description, as I'm sure your logs will show, However, the community has brought a lot of interesting roleplay to other web games (namely Urban Dead and Shartak) so I feel it's rather unreasonable to ban me/us (I'm unsure who you've banned at this point) based on the name of the gaming community we joined from, Frankly it stinks of profiling, which is uncool.
Abraxas wrote:Hello HTKL,
You were a duke of the tribe and therefore responsible for what was printed on the tribe profile and the link placed there. We do not accept profiles or any other publications that the Administration finds to be illegal, insulting, threatening, abusive, RL-aggressive, sexual, politically incorrect, right extreme, religiously fanatic or racist and in any way inappropriate.
Best Regards,
Ingame moderator.
Unlikely to work, so I've gone all out on the grovelling.HTKL wrote:Thanks.
I feel it'd've been considerably more reasonable to contact us and allow us to change our settings to fall in accordance with your rules, rather than permanently ban a whole community that would bring a lot to the game.
Banning us because our whole community is based on having a bit of silly fun seems unreasonable, and likely detrimental to your game.
I urge you to reconsider the banning, on the basis that we remove any sexual references (obviously, apart from, which is entirely unsexual) and comply with your rules.
I'll also arrange with the community that we elect a single duke to maintain order.
Goatfister wrote:Name change please!
Abraxas wrote:Hello goatfister,
My apologies but I must inform you that you will not be unbanned due to the other ban for your tribe profile.
Best Regards,
Ingame moderator.
Goatfister wrote:Just to clarify, I read the rules regarding naming as linked from
"§12) Language
Tribal Wars is an English game. English should be the only used language since it is the only language that is understood by everyone! All profiles, descriptions and in-game forums must be written in English. It is not allowed to create tribes exclusively for one nationality or language and/or to exclude other players because of their nationality. There will be no replies to support requests written in other languages. Repeated violations of that rule will lead to an account ban. If an in game message written in a language other than English is reported by the recipient a punishment might be given. Famous Latin quotes are allowed."
* Names advertising other websites even without the www are not allowed (example: or are both illegal).
* Names with any swear words, derogatory comments, racist remarks, etc. are not allowed.
* We ask players to not use names that include whole email addresses, for player safety."
Can you clarify why I was banned for this?
As far as I'm aware, the words "goat", and "fister" are english, and neither are swear words.
Abraxas wrote:I'm sure I don't have to explain the connotations of your ign to you as I'm sure you are well aware of what they were. And since this is not the only reason you are banned it is rather irrelevant since the ban won't be being lifted.
Goatfister wrote:Please do explain the connotations, If I had the username hamster collaborator, would that also be a bannable offence?
It's a compound word, that could, if I decided to read it that way, infer anything I wanted.
As such, I feel it's only reasonable that you explain to me what you feel is the issue with a nickname I got after punching a goat for biting my hand.
Tribalwhores site wrote:The request has been closed. You cannot give answers.
Abraxas wrote:Your statement "Unlikely to work, so I've gone all out on the grovelling" is very correct. The language contained in your site threads which are accessible to young readers is inappropriate and is not acceptable to be linked to the tribal wars site for people to access.
And to put things bluntly if I took the time to write every person who chose not to follow the game's rules that they had to click a box stating they understood and agreed to before they could register then I would be wasting much more than an hour of my time.
You violated rule 6 and the punishment for that is immediate and permanent.
§6) Communication
Insulting other players and the use of language in a insulting/abusive/offensive context is forbidden. Threats and blackmailing of other players are allowed only if the context is entirely in game. Political extreme, racist, pornographic or otherwise illegal statements are forbidden in the game (and any other medium offered by us). Punishments for extreme offenses may be implemented on all game aspects. Phishing or blackmailing players for passwords in any way is strongly forbidden. Spamming/Harassing other players via forwarded reports or constant In Game mails can be seen as abusive and is illegal.
* It is allowed to refer to a player as Beginner (Noob) and to criticize his way of playing using appropriate language.
* It is allowed to blackmail a player for resources in-game through threatening their loss of villages due to potential in-game attacks.
* It is expressly forbidden to blackmail a person for Premium points or items outside of the game.
* It is forbidden to insult another player or to communicate with them in an insulting, abusive, sexual nature or offensive context.
* It is forbidden to use any racist, illegal or in any way discriminating or inappropriate term when naming your account, or tribe or in your profile, or tribe description.
* It is against the rules to impersonate any moderator or administrator.
* It is forbidden to post pornographic links in the profile or on any other medium.
* Racist, illegal, discriminatory or inappropriate names will lead to an immediate game ban.
* A player insulting others in the forum or chat may be banned in-game or from any other of parts of the game service.
* Any attempt of phishing will be strongly punished. This includes phishing for account information (like passwords) and in game information (like troop counts).
* It is not allowed to advertise other games or any type of "money making" website in mail, forums, or any other context within our game.
* Using any profanity, insulting language, or being abusive towards any staff member in the support system is grounds for a complete ban of your account with no appeal.
* Certain violations, including posting pornography or the act of asking for passwords/stealing passwords/password phishing, can lead to permanent bans from the game, without warning.
HTKL wrote:Which part of rule 6 did we violate?
Abraxas wrote:You have been provided with the rules. You stated you understood them and agreed to follow them when you registered your account. Therefore an explanation by me is only redundancy. Appeal denied and closed.
That didn't please me.Webshite wrote:The request has been closed. You cannot give answers.
HTKL, In a new support ticket wrote:In european law, EULAs have been found to be non-binding in many, many cases.
As such, I'm requesting clarification as to why I was banned, as I can't see anything in your rules which applies to me.
ME! wrote:As the creator of that tribe, representing an online gaming community of around 40 to 50 people who also belong to other forums and often crosslink to the games we play, I'm very curious why our growing tribe has been banned.
You've stated the reason as "Totally inappropriate tribe name; link on tribal profile to inappropriate materials; sexual text on tribe profile" and I fail to see how linking to a community website which focuses on playing video games can possibly cause offense or be inappropriate in an online game, and I presume of course you've taken the time to look around our website as well to see what games we do actually play and if you've even had an indepth look, you'll have seen the varied personas and backgrounds of the people using the website (we're quite a friendly and open bunch).
The same goes for our name, we've been using it for over 5 years and this to my knowledge, is the first outright ban from using 5 and Punk together, not to mention via rather draconian measures by yourselves to not even give us the opporunity to change it to something vetted by yourselves to meet your standards. I do find that quite shocking. Even the compound word means:
"1. pluck; spirit; mettle.
2. touchwood, tinder, or punk."
(Taken from
I'd also like to know if anyone has actually complained, because if someone has complained of a singular word on an online video game I presume they must spend their days wrapped up in a duvet, in bunker, in solitude and must not look at any other sort of media; as if they watch Television I'm sure the subject matter that programmes like CSI cover and the language they use must send them into some sort of catatonic state from the shock. I'm sure venturing onto a news website would probably put them into a hospital. I also presume these people who complained must be over the age of 11, which is odd as that's the age where such vulgar words as you've implied we've used start getting shouted around schools, I certainly know very shortly after my own trip into secondary education in the UK that my vocabulary was expanded massively with a cornucopia of useful phrases to use on the schoolyards or in the classrooms. Anyone around or over that age would know those phrases, and anyone under it surely should not be playing a violent online browser game where the aim is to build up a tribe and then send soldiers off to war, to kill the soldiers and civilians of opposing tribes and pillage them as well if they're successful in the slaughter of innocents? Much like the Vikings really, nasty people really, all that raiding, raping and pillaging, although I do probably have some norse blood in me by my love of the cold, fair skin and blue eyes. Hmm, food for thought. That sort of behaviour would be correct for the rough time frame this game is set I suppose, after all, it's still happening today, the Germans did it in WWII, the Americans in Vietnam, both having high publicised examples of that behaviour as well in the world's literature. I mean, surely a child playing a game which extolls that horrible ideas of treating fellow humans would be abhorrent, I don't see how anyone could stand by and support that, it would be like giving a copy of Grand Theft Auto to minor alongside a weapon and the keys to a car.
As for the profile, a description of the community and the games we play are ban worthy? I know some people don't like the idea of the more tabletop games that some of the members play, but that's a rather extreme response, akin to using a tactical nuclear missile to get rid of an ants nest that's in your back garden, which is so far past over the top I can't think of a term to describe it. Although, I could understand the rage induced by the mention of Battlefield 2. Blimey, that game can cause people to see red at times and I sympathise if the mere mention of it causes uncontrollable within yourself or another member of the staff, but that's hardly something you can punish this community for, that's an issue to take up with Dice/EA, and an area where they might even help pay for psychologists' fees to help with the mental recovery.
Anyway, how're you?
Tracey wrote: Hello HTKL,
It has already been clearly explained to you that the link posted on your profile was totally inappropriate and broke our rules.
Sexual comments are also not allowed in anyway what so ever.
The ban is staying in place.
Best Regards,
Community Manager
HTKL wrote:Sorry, that other guy wasn't particularly clear, he didn't seem to be able to get a simple point across in english.
Thanks for the clarification.
Are we completely banned, or are we able to start over without linking to our website?
Tracey wrote:Its a perm ban
HTKL wrote:That doesn't really answer my question, I understand that a perm is out of fashion, and rightly so, but banning them is a little extreme.
Anyway, should I take that to mean that you're asking/telling us never to come back. or that just the banned accounts are banned?
So there.Tracey wrote: The banned accounts are banned, if you choose to make new accounts and follow our rules then your welcome back.
But, that means no links to your site, no rude/sexual tribe/account or village names.
The choice is yours.