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Posted: October 29th, 2008, 16:23
by Dr. kitteny berk
buzzmong wrote:FJ and Berk are weird mutants who shun the WASD method of excellence.
For the far superior method of being awesome.
Posted: October 29th, 2008, 16:30
by Mr. Johnson
buzzmong wrote:
FJ and Berk are weird mutants who shun the WASD method of excellence.
that's ZASD in my case. sounds like some sort of evil corporation from a bond film.
Posted: October 29th, 2008, 16:31
by Dr. kitteny berk
Mr. Johnson wrote:that's ZASD in my case. sounds like some sort of evil corporation from a bond film.

It does.

Posted: October 29th, 2008, 16:48
by fabyak
Personally I consider meself to be a more highly evolved creature of WADX tenancies (And that sounds like a company that would sell some kind 'pant enhancing' product)
Posted: October 29th, 2008, 16:53
by Mr. Johnson
fabyak wrote:Personally I consider meself to be a more highly evolved creature of WADX tenancies (And that sounds like a company that would sell some kind 'pant enhancing' product)
you probably just have tiny hands.

Posted: October 29th, 2008, 17:56
by Baliame
Dr. kitteny berk wrote:Bad shoulder, just get on better with them. still do ok at games

Considering you do better than me at every game, I should try switching...
Posted: October 29th, 2008, 19:11
by buzzmong
Should point out that Berk probably has big hands, ergo having to stretch isn't an issue as such.
Posted: October 29th, 2008, 19:55
by FatherJack
I typically remap ¦W, A, S, D¦ to ¦RMB, Z, S+MMB, X¦ - usually with A as whatever RMB was. I've been using it since Quake 1 and it's just what I'm used to.
If the W key was properly above the S, or the cursor keys were on the left I would have less issue with them, but lack of practice with it makes it hurty for me.
Some games just refuse to let you map RMB as forwards, or unbind it from whatever they have it set as - I don't know why given it's just an on/off button. I wonder if there's a way to hack them or some resource similar to widescreen gaming which gives instructions for each game for freaks like me.
Posted: October 29th, 2008, 20:31
by Mr. Johnson
what do you use to shoot then?
Posted: October 29th, 2008, 20:56
by FatherJack
Mr. Johnson wrote:what do you use to shoot then?
LMB, A is usually alt fire.
Posted: October 29th, 2008, 21:08
by deject
FatherJack wrote:I typically remap ¦W, A, S, D¦ to ¦RMB, Z, S+MMB, X¦ - usually with A as whatever RMB was. I've been using it since Quake 1 and it's just what I'm used to.
If the W key was properly above the S, or the cursor keys were on the left I would have less issue with them, but lack of practice with it makes it hurty for me.
Some games just refuse to let you map RMB as forwards, or unbind it from whatever they have it set as - I don't know why given it's just an on/off button. I wonder if there's a way to hack them or some resource similar to widescreen gaming which gives instructions for each game for freaks like me.
whenever people tell their bizarre control preferences, I just am puzzled at how they arrived at that conclusion. I just don't see how that's very usable. I can see ESDF or RDFG or even ZDFG because those make ergonomical sense to me, but I guess I just don't get why you'd put forward on the RMB in the first place. I like controlling the player movement entirely with my left hand and the camera with my right hand, it just makes more sense to me.
Putting forward on RMB is like remapping it to the right bumper on an Xbox 360: how is that better?
Posted: October 29th, 2008, 21:34
by spoodie
I don't see why people just don't use the default key bindings that have been on FPSs almost as long as there have been FPSs, it just makes life easier.
Posted: October 29th, 2008, 21:42
by deject
yeah besides Wolf3D and Doom, I'm having a hard time thinking of an FPS that didn't use WASD.
Posted: October 29th, 2008, 21:55
by FatherJack
deject wrote:whenever people tell their bizarre control preferences, I just am puzzled at how they arrived at that conclusion. I just don't see how that's very usable. I can see ESDF or RDFG or even ZDFG because those make ergonomical sense to me, but I guess I just don't get why you'd put forward on the RMB in the first place. I like controlling the player movement entirely with my left hand and the camera with my right hand, it just makes more sense to me.
Putting forward on RMB is like remapping it to the right bumper on an Xbox 360: how is that better?
Well the right
trigger on a 360 is accelerate in driving games, so perhaps there's an analogy there, as I was driving (real) cars before playing FPS games.
Initially I played Quake the same way I played Doom, with the arrow keys and the control key to fire. This presented rather a problem as I had to stop moving to grab the mouse and aim. Online play quickly taught me that standing still to shoot was not the best strategy, so I had to figure out a way to move, look
and shoot. So, I mapped forward to the mouse, since I figured I only really needed that to run around - the Z and X for strafe came later, and the S/MMB for backwards later still. It seems odd now, but at the time, I didn't actually
use those other keys much - I didn't learn circle-strafing until Quake 2, and didn't like going backwards as I couldn't see where I was going.
I was really clumsy with it at first - couldn't even get through a door, but just grew used to it. Perhaps I'm set up so that my right side is predominant - I have much finer control with my right hand, so it seemed the logical choice for the major actions, kind of like 'pointing and going' in the same action, like my right arm is 'in' the game and pulling the scenery towards me. (I'm told I actually
do this action in my sleep when I'm dreaming about driving or flying or something)
The left hand became like a modifier, kind of like typing with the right hand, while the left just controls the shift key. See, I never heard of WASD until much later, probably around HL1 time - so I wasn't that I
rejected it as a control method and invented my own in place of it, WASD just never occured to me. Quake 1 probably had it as the default, but I don't remember noticing as I had already selected the arrow keys - if Quake hadn't let you remap the keys or had a "use Doom control method" option, things would have been very different.
Posted: October 31st, 2008, 4:53
by deject
Right. I'm completely sold. It's not quite as good as Mass Effect PC, but I am totally engrossed by it now.
My biggest complaint so far is easily that the enemies seem to be from the Von Braun because they can shoot at you all fucking day but once you kill them they only have like 5 bullets left on them. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. had this to an extent but it wasn't anywhere near as bad because almost all the dead bodies had about half of a magazine of ammo on them, but like in SS2, you're lucky to get more than 3 bullets off a dead guy.
Still, I love the game world, the random enemies strewn around the wastes, even the actual caravans traveling around. I hope I can finish before Left 4 Dead is released, because I would like to have it all finished without leaving it for a long time.
Posted: October 31st, 2008, 6:16
by deject
not me, but someone must have really boosted his unarmed skill or something:
Posted: November 1st, 2008, 9:46
by Sheriff Fatman
Constant bloody CTD's and freezing. The first time in years I have ever had this many dramas with a game (even Beef!). I'm working my way through the suggested fixes.
On the whole the game seems ok. I'm not really feeling the whole 1940/50's tech thing. I realise it has something to do with the sense of humour the Fall Outs (apparently) have, but it just seems a little out of place, somehow. As usual, the console-esque interface annoys me, and I hate the way the inventory/character/etc screens are accessed via the "one button to rule them all" method.
It is quite pretty though, when you first exit 101 and look out on the shattered landscape, it's a genuine stop and admire gaming moment. Haven't had a chance to try the quests yet (grrrr) but I did manage a good wander between leaving 101 and entering Megaton (where it all seem to go tits-up for my system) and there seems to be good scope for exploring.
On the whole, 55% (accounting for the bugs). I'll keep trying, but it hasn't convinced me yet. I dare say if I had anything else to play, I probably would.
Posted: November 1st, 2008, 9:50
by Dr. kitteny berk
Sheriff Fatman wrote:Hrmmmmpfff
TWSS, Is it a system thing? tried drivers, memtest etc? or just one of those weird game go broke things.
Sheriff Fatman wrote:I'll keep trying, but it hasn't convinced me yet. I dare say if I had anything else to play, I probably would.
got Swat4?
I was about to ask how other people are finding this, especially the people who didn't cream themselves over oblivion (I'm gonna finish FC2 before really getting into FO3)
Posted: November 1st, 2008, 10:09
by Sheriff Fatman
Just this second done the driver thing.. Having read the Bethesda bug forum though, it seems the problem is fairly common, something to do with handling the drawing of inner cells badly :dunno:
Apparently Oblivion suffered from something similar. Some suggest running it in windowed mode, so I'll try that and the new drivers and see what happens.
Posted: November 1st, 2008, 10:29
by Lateralus
I creamed myself over Oblivion, all the way up until it came out, but somehow I felt that it didn't quite do it for me. However, having said that, I still have it installed, still play it sometimes, and xfire reckons that I've racked up 84 hours on it which is miles more than any other single player games, by at least double. Therefore, I dare say that on reflection I must like it.
I'm hoping that Fallout 3 will be good, but I haven't played any of the earlier games and am not steeped in the back story and mindset of the fallout world. Therefore, for all intents and purposes this is going to be a game without particular expectations in my mind with regard to what it has to live up to, so I'm curious as to how I'll find it.
However, like Berk I'm going to finish Far Cry 2 before I try it because I know what I'm like and if I don't finish the first game now then I never will, and that would vex me. This is probably made worse by CoD5 coming out, plus the constant lure of Fifa 09, not to mention all the Uni work that I'm meant to be doing these days...