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Dog Pants
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Post by Dog Pants »

Imperatore wrote:Father Jack, I seem to be having issues with you ingame:

http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3083/283 ... e60e_b.jpg
Hehe, docilely watched by one of my Mucows.
Grimmie wrote:Pants, your Carriens are nasty agressive :(
Hopefully all this OMG TOO MUCH SHIT IS KILLING US will be fixed in a patch.

I just want to piss around an terraform planets, but I cant afford anything.
Cant get more money cause I have about 3 people shooting me wherever I go.
Indeed, it would be nice to have a bit more sandbox.

It's surprising how nice it is meeting other peoples' creations though. It's got that multiplayer vibe but without having human players to lose to.

As for my Carriens, throughout their entire evolution they've killed and eaten everything they've encountered. Even as a microbe they were spiking the massive ones to death. I expected them to be pretty mean.
Throbbing Cupcake
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Post by HereComesPete »

I dragged an epic monkey thing back to my nest to have a go at it with a full complement of critters, it smashed them all. :(

I found it in 'I've got a city' mode and shot the fuck out of it with my uber tanks. :w00t:

I enjoyed the swimming around in the water sucking up other tiny spiky things with my proboscis, and the fear you get when you get bigger to find a hueg thing with eyes and arses all over it is bearing don on you.

Found the tribal stage to be a bit dull, mainly because I rolled over the other tribes in about fifteen minutes.

Think I'll buy this to fight everyone else's creations. Mine is mostly teeth, blades, poison and anger, with little fairy wings on. :)
Dr Zoidberg
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Post by Lateralus »

I've found mostly Grimmie's stuff so far, but have set it to Buddies Only so will hopefully see the results soon. Anyone found any of my Quinns or Flids yet? The Flids are a rather insectoid race who have eaten and stomped their way through everything so far, and have just made themselves their first stompy stompy tank with massive guns.

My next creature will be a herbivore, possible without any legs as I'm curious as to how it would work.
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Post by Imperatore »

Thought the UFO bit was cool even if it is just for show, believe it was a creation of Grimmie.
http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3148/283 ... be3b_b.jpg
Throbbing Cupcake
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Post by HereComesPete »

:above: That.

I was engaging in a bit of hut burning and child killing and some huge battlestar galactica type thing hovered overhead and watched me slaughter the village, I thought at the time 'wonder what's going through the minds of the creatures piloting that ship as they watch my angry locust scorpion things raze the village'.

Which shows I was immersed because the creatures in that ship have no mind, in fact there isn't creatures in that ship, it's just the AI.
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Post by Joose »

HereComesPete wrote:Which shows I was immersed because the creatures in that ship have no mind, in fact there isn't creatures in that ship, it's just the AI.
True, but I have had a UFO abduct the poor creature I was trying to charm once. The bastards.
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Post by Killavodka »

OK second venture went much better, Grimmie's Grimbolas took a bit of persuading to ally and the other race took about 2 minutes to ally. So I have lots of trade routes (although I haven't worked out how to make more than 3 routes yet) and the money is flowing in the right direction. In terms of combat I have found the best method is to do quick circles using your proton missiles, then if they try to flee, gun them down with the laser.
Tremors Worm
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Post by Baliame »

Space Age is EvE online really, with less travel times...
Joose wrote:True, but I have had a UFO abduct the poor creature I was trying to charm once. The bastards.
I've once had my whole tribe save the chieftain kidnapped by one of those bastard lost UFOs.
Dr. kitteny berk
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Post by Dr. kitteny berk »

Fuck. this game really, really needs autosave.

/just crashed out after wiping out ex allies, getting a few goodies and close to very spoilers. :x
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Post by FatherJack »

shot2bits wrote:im pretty sure this only pops up the first time you click on a creature after that you have the either remember its stats and creator or maybe find it in sporepedia, i could be wrong though
If you click the Spore icon and select inspect mode (the magnifying glass) you can click on everything and see who made it, its stats and (I think) edit them into you own version.
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Post by FatherJack »

Dr. kitteny berk wrote:Fuck. this game really, really needs autosave.
It is a little counter-intuitive. It saves your creatures and uploads them everytime you redesign them, and it remembers which modes you have unlocked so you can start from there again, but doesn't save your game state unless you manually click save.

I got to the end of the creature stage and rather than do the tutorial for the tribal stage, wanted to take a break. There's not save option at all while you're mid-tutorial, so when I quit out and came back, I was back to the very beginning of the creature stage again (which was the last time I clicked save). There's no real design excuse for disabling the save, even if it is during a brief tutorial, people shouldn't have to leave games running while they go away to do something else for a bit.

I don't think it's how it's supposed to work, as it auto-saves each design iteration, you can actually keep restarting a stage and add more and more bits to a creature with the money you get at the start until you create something with impossibly high stats. While I might do this if I'm struggling, or in a wholly singleplayer game - I would delete any made this way from the server.
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Post by Grimmie »

Imperatore wrote:Thought the UFO bit was cool even if it is just for show, believe it was a creation of Grimmie.
http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3148/283 ... be3b_b.jpg
That is indeed my spaceship, Mk II variety in fact.
It's cool to see my stuff in other people's games :D
Glad my creature creator exploits have helped fill some gaps in planets.
Dog Pants
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Post by Dog Pants »

Imperatore wrote:On a different note, I just realised you must be Dog Pants from PCGF on which I've been a member for quite a while even if I dont post much under my real name of Giancarlo.
Just noticed, did you start the Warcraft thread? If so you've been on there a bloody long time. Also, doesn't the PCG prefix denote staff? I always knew we had an insider...
Dr. kitteny berk
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Post by Dr. kitteny berk »

Slight spoiler containing warning.
If/when you get the mission to the middle of the galaxy, note the names of the black holes you take (entrances and exits are named differently) though, I'd just ignore that mission, it's shit.
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Post by Imperatore »

Just noticed, did you start the Warcraft thread? If so you've been on there a bloody long time. Also, doesn't the PCG prefix denote staff? I always knew we had an insider...
Yes I did, but originally I was called Giancarlo. It was only when they changed the forum to the CVG thingy that it auto changed to that for some reason.
Miss the old forum narf.
Roman Totale
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Post by Roman Totale »

Does anyone have any idea how you're supposed to increase a planet Terrascore? It keeps telling me I need to increase it order to build, but I've not got a bloody clue how to do it.
Dog Pants
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Post by Dog Pants »

You need to build up the food chain with different sized plants, herbivores and carnivores. You can nick these from other planets. You might neet to make it more hospitable first using the moisture/temperature adjusting mods you can buy for your ship.
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Post by Grimmie »

Roman Totale wrote:Does anyone have any idea how you're supposed to increase a planet Terrascore? It keeps telling me I need to increase it order to build, but I've not got a bloody clue how to do it.
Your home planet should give you the missions to explain that.

I believe;
- Click the planet icon by the minimap to go into terraform mode
- Look at the dot in the circles, it's going to be nearer hot/cold and atmosphere/no atmosphere
- Buy the tools to correct the temperature/atmosphere
- Once the dot is in the outer ring, beam down a species of large, medium and small tree that will survive on a T3 planet.
- Beam down two types of herbivore and an omnivore

Success. Working Ecosystem.
Now you can colonise that bitch.
Tremors Worm
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Post by Baliame »

Switch to Atmosphere view in the bottom left corner and observe the little target zone with a red dot in it. The center of the target zone is T3, the inner ring is T2, and the outer ring is T1. Outside that is barren (T0). The target zone is actually a coordinate system; [0,0] is the ideal planet. The x axis is the temperature, from cold (left) to hot (right), and the y axis is the atmosphere from no atmosphere (bottom) to dense (top).

Use tools to manipulate the atmosphere. Atmosphere generator will generate extra atmosphere and slight heat, Drought generator decreases the atmosphere and (afaik) generates slight cold. Ice storm adds cold, and Heat ray (?) adds heat.

However, if you raise the T-score, you have to stabilize the Eco System otherwise it will drop back. You have to beam a Food Web of the current Eco-Score to the planet (for example, if you go into T3, you have to pick up a few of each species on your own planet, or another T3 planet, and place them on the terraformed planet).
Roman Totale
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Post by Roman Totale »

Ah yes. Now I just need to avoid getting owned every 5 minutes and hopefully I should have some colonies up and running.
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