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Posted: June 26th, 2008, 10:03
by Dog Pants
I'm having fun naming mine. I've a Chaaarliecuda, a Ludicraptor, and a Giant Bongo Spider among others.

Posted: June 26th, 2008, 11:18
by Lateralus
I'm assuming that duplicate names wouldn't be allowed, so I imagine we'll see some entertainingly random ones.

Posted: June 26th, 2008, 12:29
by Shada
Lateralus wrote:I'm assuming that duplicate names wouldn't be allowed, so I imagine we'll see some entertainingly random ones.
Duplicate names of your own creations, maybe. But there're a lot of people making creatures (a lot of which will be called COCK), so I don't see why duplicate names can't be allowed. Your username will be tagged onto the creature as well, remember - so the creature will still have a unique identifier.

I tend to name things in some kind of pseudo-pokemon style mixed with nonsense words. Pudgelwudge, Afrobro, Triploot, Drillo, Groobadoop. Shit like that.

Posted: June 27th, 2008, 6:43
by FatherJack
Okafoo, I choose you!

Posted: June 27th, 2008, 9:32
by Dog Pants
What's the dealy with the discount? I'm thinking it's a promotional code you put in when you order it, but I don't have one of those. Either I pre-order now without a code and end up paying full price, or I wait and never get a code and end up paying full price because I didn't pre-order. Sods law says it'll be one or the other.

Posted: June 27th, 2008, 12:32
by Shada
Dog Pants wrote:What's the dealy with the discount? I'm thinking it's a promotional code you put in when you order it, but I don't have one of those. Either I pre-order now without a code and end up paying full price, or I wait and never get a code and end up paying full price because I didn't pre-order. Sods law says it'll be one or the other.
If you bought the creature creator from EA and didn't get a code, you should probably contact someone at EA to get one.

Assuming you were actually meant to get a code, that is, because I haven't bought it.

Edit: Huh, looking at the site now actually I can't see anywhere saying you'll get a refund when you buy the full version. I know it was in really small print somewhere, but I can't see it at all. Was it a temporary promotional offer than ran out, or something? :/

Posted: June 27th, 2008, 16:31
by Baliame
Actually, no.

I just got an e-mail:
Electronic Farts wrote: Dear Ákos

Thank you for ordering the Spore Creature Creator from EA Store.

In the first week after launch, over 1 million wild and wonderful life forms have been created, with players testing the limits of their imagination creating creatures ranging from the fantastic to the realistic. Have you uploaded yours?

As part of the EA Store offer, you can claim back the cost of your Spore Creature Creator against the purchase of Spore, which is due to be released in September. Spore is already available to pre-order, so all you need to do is follow the steps below to claim your discount:

1. Add Spore to your basket through the link below:

Pre-order Spore Now!

2. Enter the promotional code below in your basket:

xxxxxxxxx //masked the code for obvious reasons :)

3. Continue to checkout to complete your order.

In the meantime, enjoy creating and sharing your weird and wacky creations through Sporepedia at!

Thank you

The EA Store Team

Posted: June 27th, 2008, 16:42
by Chickenz
But not your awesome cool name?

Posted: June 27th, 2008, 18:45
by Baliame
Oh yeah, thanks for bringing it to my attention, indeed, I have my name in the e-mail. So any reason I should mask it mr. nitpick?

Posted: June 27th, 2008, 19:23
by The Incredible...
Dog Pants wrote:It's amusing enough, kind of like the City of Heroes (or most modern RPGs) character generation system. I doubt what you get there would spoil the game - if that's the most fun thing in the game it'll be shit anyway.

As for the money, you get the money off Spore if you buy it (possibly pre-order, and probably off EA Link) so EA are only making profit off those who don't buy the full game.
trouble is, as a friend of mine pointed out to me, while you get £5 off the full release of spore from EA, play and amazong have hte full version for £10 less than it is from EA, so not really worth it, ish i' realised that before paying for it, although if i buy from amazon or play then i'll still get it £5 cheaper than full RRP

Posted: June 27th, 2008, 19:26
by Baliame
Still worth it for me though, cannot order from neither Play nor Amazon because they have Hungary on postage blacklist :cry:

Posted: June 27th, 2008, 21:27
by Dog Pants
The Incredible... wrote:
trouble is, as a friend of mine pointed out to me, while you get £5 off the full release of spore from EA, play and amazong have hte full version for £10 less than it is from EA, so not really worth it, ish i' realised that before paying for it, although if i buy from amazon or play then i'll still get it £5 cheaper than full RRP
Ah, I hadn't realised that. Well I've got my fiver's worth out of the thing anyway, and I wasn't thrilled about having to download it in the first place, especially off EA Link.

Posted: June 30th, 2008, 13:39
by FatherJack

Discovered today that if you go to (for example), you can right-click people's creations, save the PNG files, then drag them into the Creature Creator to mess about with them yourself. Perhaps not as easy as it should be, but it works.

Posted: June 30th, 2008, 14:34
by Dog Pants

Pity the widgets don't work.

Posted: June 30th, 2008, 15:57
by friznit
Is it me or does the idea of fiddling with somebody else's spore sound just wrong?

Posted: June 30th, 2008, 16:45
by Killavodka
Yea, I pre-ordered spore when it was £26.99 so not much point spending £40 on the EA store copy :P

Posted: June 30th, 2008, 16:49
by Chickenz
Baliame wrote:So any reason I should mask it mr. nitpick?
Hell no!! that's an awesome name. Sure beats Lee.

Posted: June 30th, 2008, 16:55
by HereComesPete
Your name is mavis.

Posted: June 30th, 2008, 16:56
by Roman Totale
HereComesPete wrote:Your name is oh fuck not that fat cupcake again

Posted: June 30th, 2008, 19:32
by Killavodka
Roman Totale wrote: